I've been reading about writing order and the question has been poking at me for a while now: since writing order could theoretically introduce ambiguity, is it possible that someone has written a poem that reads differently depending on the direction it's read in?
For example, read left-to-right, it would mean one thing, while read top-down, it would mean something entirely different.
~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~`
+- +- +- +- +- +- +-
=_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_
In this pretend language that's supposed to represent Japanese, the poem would read:
~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~` ~` +- +- +- +- +- +- +- =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_ =_
A frog jumped into a pot of boiling water and jumped back out.
or top-down:
~` +- =_ ~` +- =_ ~` +- =_ ~` +- =_ ~` +- =_ ~` +- =_ ~` +- =_
A man went to the deli to buy some ham.
Someone provided an interesting example (now deleted), so I thought I should add this in, since it's probably the reason they deleted their answer:
[addendum] I'm thinking about an example that reads in both directions in full, rather than being "Bible code" or the peppering of a message within a larger text. I did not have the following in mind:
In a small town, there liveD a man who, despIte his lOw inTellect, was loved
by many. He was an...
I apologize for my rudeness, but I don't quite think YOU know what
you ARE talking about. Stupidity comes in many forms, not just A poorly
developed intellect. This common assumption tends to JERK those in the know.
Rather, something like
I l i k e f o o d
n i c i v o n n i
m a l e r l o n
a b r l r g y m n
o u e y e o e
s , s d o t k p r
t , n f n o
a t a e u o t
g h v l l w o
n e i l , s e
a o i
n m l o h a a
t a e f e b "
n n o ,
, t u
l t h
y e
Pretending for the moment that the vertical passage makes any sense and that "n iciv onni", etc, are English words. Think "crossword puzzle"