How would [name]家, for example 田中家, be pronounced when referring to somebody's home in an informal or casual way? I think I've heard it pronounced ち but it could have been うち too. Perhaps both are acceptable?
I haven't found any note on this specific combination in my dictionaries, and I don't trust Google Translate's take on it (which just says か).
(There is also the け pronuncation as in 徳川慶喜家(とくがわよしのぶけ) but that seems to be a different matter, relating to family/lineage.)
Edit: To stress that I'm asking about casual usage, let's say somebody says 「ジャック家に行きたい」 on Facebook/Twitter/similar. What is the pronunciation of 「家」 in that sentence? Or if there may be several pronunciations, what is the most likely one chosen in a conversation among friends?