What does exactly なんだり here mean?

I understand he's saying "We meet many monsters in our own way and it was terrible" but what does なんだり actually add?

1 Answer 1


It's 遭遇したり何だり(で)大変だったしな。

As you may know, AたりBたり is used to list multiple actions or events, meaning "do things like A and B".

Here なに means "something" or "other things".

「Aたり何だり」 "do things like A", "do A and so on" is not a common phrase. You may be more familiar with:

「AとかBとか」→「Aとかなんとか」(things like A)
「AかBか」→「Aかなにか」(A or something)

what does なんだり actually add?

It adds that they did other things (had other troubles) than 色んなモンスターに遭遇する.

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