I am currently trying to get my head around the pitch accent based on the following dialog and especially the marked sentence:
女 いいわね、広々としていて。気持ちまでゆったりするわ。遠くに一本だけ見える木がまたいい。 …
I've loaded the audio file (it's from a JLPT practice book: 新日檢N2模擬試題大全) into Praat and displayed the pitch of this phrase:
In the OJAD dictionary, on the other hand, it's displayed like this:
For me, this is quite a difference. Can this be because of some regional differences or am I reading the Praat output wrong? Especially I'm wondering why there is such a huge drop before the ち. Can this be because of the affricate sound? Same thing with the drop at the っ in ゆったり.
Also, according to the OJAD, the ゆ should still be low, but it's clearly rising already inside the ゆ.
Edit: Here's the audio file: https://voca.ro/11eMLIDQKTL0