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Questions tagged [pitch-accent]

高低アクセント. Changes in pitch associated with a particular word. Does not include changes in pitch due to intonation.

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Pitch accent of Japanese nominal verbs with する

An odakagata word has its accent on its last mora but this is actually cancelled, unless followed by a particle or copula. This is the premise but I bumped into some nominal verbs such as "返事 する&...
Daciu Barbat's user avatar
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Japanese atonic verbs

Why do japanese atonic verbs, who are supposed to have heiban accent pattern, end up to get an accent (and then a pitch fall) on the last mora when followed by such particles as か or の? I did not ...
Daciu Barbat's user avatar
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Pitch accent of の particle with nouns

What's the pitch accent of の, when it comes after 頭高, 中高, 尾高 and 平板 nouns? Based on my experience, it attaches low after 頭高, 中高 and 尾高 nouns, and attaches high after 平板 nouns, is it correct assumption?...
fpetrakov's user avatar
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Pronunciation rule

Is there any rule about the pitch accent of nouns resulting from i-adjectives plus the suffixes み and さ? For instance 長い 長さ 長み
Daciu Barbat's user avatar
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How does pitch accent of a noun change if it comes after an adjective?

Providing the following examples with pitch accents: 新しい車 - drops on し and then goes up on る again 青い車 - drops on お and doesn't go up 小さい車 - drops on さ and doesn't go up 綺麗な車 - drops on き and doesn't ...
fpetrakov's user avatar
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Pitch accent of numbers with 万

I know that for the numbers 1-10, 万 changes the pitch accent to fall on the first mora of 万 (i.e. 一万(イチマ'ン), 五万(ゴマ'ン), 十万(ジューマ'ン)). But what about for words like 二十万, 十五万, 三百万. Do 二十, 十五, and 三百 keep ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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Pitch accent of -り adverbs

This is a followup to the question For which parts of speech does a 平板/heiban–vs–尾高/odaka pitch accent contrast (word-final H(-H) vs H(-L)) exist? asked by Lover of Structure . I'm wondering if there ...
solute's user avatar
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When is 明日(あした) clearly 平板型?

(This post only concerns 標準語.) I always thought that 明日{あした} was simply 尾高型, but when I look it up in the dictionary (大辞林), it says that it is 尾高型 as a noun and 平板型 adverbially. This is a bit ...
dekinai's user avatar
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In which situations is it okay to exceptionally prefix いち/一 to powers of 10 (ten) which are not powers of 10000 (ten thousand)?

My textbook (みんなの日本語, 2e, TWnese edition by 大新書局) and teacher teach that いち/一 is added for powers of 10000 (ten thousand), but not for other powers of 10 (ten). (That's not exactly how they phrase it, ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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Adding emphasis to "was"

I know (at least I think I do) that you can add contrast to verbs by adding は e.g. 食べてはいる = "I'm eating it (not drinking it/rubbing it on my skin etc)". I'm wondering, specifically, how you ...
user3856370's user avatar
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For which parts of speech does a 平板/heiban–vs–尾高/odaka pitch accent contrast (word-final H(-H) vs H(-L)) exist?

For which parts of speech does a pitch accent contrast between word-final H(-H) (unaccented, 平板 heiban) and H(-L) (nucleus on last syllable, 尾高 odaka) exist? Someone tells me "mainly nouns, but ...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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Lexicographic convention for indicating the pitch accent if the part of speech has no 平板/heiban–vs–尾高/odaka (word-final H(-H) vs H(-L)) contrast

If a word's pitch accent contour ends in a high pitch, how do lexicographic resources usually indicate it if the word's part of speech doesn't allow for a contrast between word-final H(-H) (unaccented,...
Lover of Structure's user avatar
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Pitch of Intervals of 100 With Counters

Though counters vary quite a bit in pitch, when it comes to large numbers there seem to be rules which force them to be Heiban: However, what about intervals of 100? NHK will often show the pitch ...
George's user avatar
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Why does 受信箱 have a downstep when both 受信 and 箱 are heiban?

Keeping in mind that yes, pitch accent is sometimes quite arbitrary, I'm wondering if there's a tendency which explains why 受信 is heiban, 箱 is heiban, but compounds such as: 受信料 受信箱 consistently ...
jogloran's user avatar
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Do Positive Polarity Items ever induce pitch changes?

1 Context: NPIs Induce Pitch Changes In Japanese, when various words are used as a Negative Polarity Item (NPI), their pitch often changes to Heiban. For example, this post illustrates this with なんの: ...
George's user avatar
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Pitch accent involving devoicing like クラス

[n] where n represents an accent nucleus on the n-th mora. クラス [1], 星星 [2], できない [2], 追いつく [3] All of these words seem to be pronounced slightly differently in context than what is 'official' クラス ...
artum1s_'s user avatar
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What the heck is up with odaka patterns in realized speech?

I have been plagued with uncertainty as to whether my ears are hearing a phenomenon that doesn't exist or not. Double negative aside let me get to the point. Sometimes I hear 明らか [2] and sometimes [3]....
artum1s_'s user avatar
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Is the pitch of 他にも Heiban?

When the Heiban 他(ほか{LH}) combines with にも to form ほか + に + も  the standard pitch rules would indicate that it's pronounced ほかにも{LHHL}; however, OJAD states that the pitch of 他にも is actually ほかにも{...
George's user avatar
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Pitch accent of ~回

I have a question regarding pitch accent of 二回. As far as I am aware of ~回 accent goes ~か\い. However tokoboto and japandict shows 二回 as (に/かい) and ojad lists it as (にか\い) like I expected it to be. So ...
SuperSix's user avatar
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Is there a pitch accent difference between the two 〜たって derivations?

In particular say: “東京に行ったって言ったの?” => “He said he went to Tokyo?” “東京に行ったって何も変わらない” => “Going to Tokyo won't change anything.” Are these two “〜たって” coming from different sources, one ...
Zorf's user avatar
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Advice on how to learn the pronunciation of new words and understanding pitch

I taught myself hiragana and katakana and I am starting to learn some grammar, and vocabulary in context for the grammar.Just some phrases, loose words and maybe some very simple sentences with those ...
some_math_guy's user avatar
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What's the reason for 一歩 changing pitch in this sentence?

So the word 一歩 is Atamadaka but becomes Heiban in the sentence 「一歩も動けず」 Is there anybody with experience and study into pitch accent that can explain what's going on here? I'm also in Dogen's Patreon, ...
ItsCheif's user avatar
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Pitch accent of 第+counter

What are the pitch patterns for 第+number/counter combinations?
Tosaku's user avatar
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Why is すごく almost always pronounced with an accent on the second mora (instead of the first mora)?

From my experience, there are many speakers who say すごく{LHL} even though they say はやく{HLL}, うまく{HLL}, etc. I am aware that there are two "accent types" for the conjugated forms of downstep-...
dekinai's user avatar
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Understanding 付け忘れんな(ぁ)

This is from a subs2srs anki deck that I'm studying. (Edit: Audio on soundcloud ) The original transcription and translation is: 付け忘れんな # Don't forget to record it. But it sounds to me like: ...
Magnus Lidbom's user avatar
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Are there any general rules for guessing the pitch accent of 1- or 2- mora nouns in compounds?

I've already looked up here but so far most are only concerned with 3 or 4 mora suffixes or are overly specific. I'm looking for a generic rule I can apply for compound suffixes made up of 1 to 2 ...
Elohim_Gadol's user avatar
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Pitch accent for 〜ごろ(に)

I can't find any source for how the pitch accent of 〜ごろ(ni) works. Does it function like any other particle, carrying the pitch of the previous word, or does it act more like a suffix like 〜人 or 〜語; ...
Tosaku's user avatar
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Pronunciation of ことばかり

At 5m18s, the speaker says 悪いことばかりしています with pronunciation ことばかり{LHHLL}. Even OJAD agrees with this pronunciation: Question: I thought こと was Odaka, so shouldn't this be ことばかり{LHLLL}?
George's user avatar
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Are there any rules for determining accent phrases?

Recently, I've been doing Japanese language processing. As far as I know, Japanese is a tone language and there is only one accent nucleus in an accent phrase in most cases. So, basically, there are ...
Sophiefy's user avatar
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What is pitch accent for ではありません?

I hear it like: ではありません{HHLHHHL} Is it correct? Could not find answer in OJAD. PRAAT: Sound sample:
Newbie in Japanese's user avatar
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Does 時 change in pitch in の時に form?

At 2m01s, the speaker says 14歳の時に剣術を始めました I know the usual pitch of 時に is ときに{LHL}; however, here it kind of sounds like the speaker is saying noTOkini のときに{LHLL}. Is there something going on here, ...
George's user avatar
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pitch accents dictionary/extension [closed]

is there a website that add pitch accent to the text given by the users.I know kanshudo,which has a pitch accent dictionary but it can't display the pitch accent of the whole passage i paste in.
never leave home's user avatar
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Accent pattern of ています

According to the rules of accent, a "flat" verb (平板式) keeps flat in its て-form, and a non-"flat" (起伏式) verb is accented in the antepenultimate position in the て-form: ア↑ビル(浴びる)→ ア↑...
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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Can downstepped verbs in て-form become Heiban?

Example #1: At 5m28s, it sounds like 出てきました is being pronounced as deTEKIMAshita, even though it "should be" pronounced as DEtekiMAshita Example #2: Similarly, at 2m37s, it sounds like ...
George's user avatar
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Pitch accent of ~ざる

What is the resulting pitch accent when one appends ~ざる to 平板 (する, 言う, 寝る) and 起伏 (来る, 持つ, 食べる) verbs? Intuitively, I would have assumed that the resulting word falls in the same class (平板/起伏) as the ...
dekinai's user avatar
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Pitch accent of ~ちまう and ~ちゃう

The pitch accent of ~てしまう is fairly obvious. The pitch accent of the て-form is well-documented and しまう is just a 平板 verb. As for the contracted forms ~ちまう and ~ちゃう, I have come across conflicting ...
dekinai's user avatar
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Pitch accent of 問題なだけなのだ

Apparently, the correct pitch accent of 問題なだけなのだ is: もんだいな{HHHHH} ・ だけなのだ{LHLLL} (two accent phrases) I don't understand why だけ creates a new accent phrase here (I don't think it usually does) and why ...
dekinai's user avatar
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On the interplay between pitch accent and devoicing in Standard Japanese

A claim regularly cited is that for younger speakers, devoicing and pitch accent are orthogonal features; i.e. the accent kernel is not shifted away from devoiced morae and neither is devoicing ...
dekinai's user avatar
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Is ため always 尾高?

Even ための? For example is pronouncing the following sentence like this correct 旅行ため\の準\備 or is it just 旅行ための準\備
Pellican9's user avatar
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Pitch accent of 物(もの) as a standalone noun

(I am talking about もの as a standalone noun outside of compounds. The kind of もの used after the 連用形 form of verbs (忘れ物 etc.) is usually 平板型 (though there are many exceptions)) I feel like 尾高型 is in a ...
dekinai's user avatar
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Pitch accent of 訳(わけ) when immediately following a verb

Dictionaries unanimously describe 訳 as an 頭高型 word: わけ{HL} However, oftentimes when 訳 immediately follows a downstep-type verb, I don't hear any drop at all. That is to say, phrases like なるわけ sound ...
dekinai's user avatar
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方(かた) suffix pitch accent

When 方 is used as a suffix like these for example: 考え方、作り方、言い方、喋り方、etc. is there a way to guess/know the reading or is it just straight up random?
baconman the legend's user avatar
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What would the pitch accent be for 言うた(ゆうた) vs. the name ユウタ?

I couldn't find information on either when I searched, so I was wondering if there was any difference. I would assume it might vary between regions, so in a region where ゆうた is used for 言った
Lock's user avatar
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Pitch Accent Shifts in "Interrogative Pronouns"?

I'm not sure if this is the right term, but it seems like "interogative pronouns" like 何, 幾つ, 誰 and so forth typically have Atamadaka pitches officially in dictionaries. Now consider the ...
George's user avatar
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Does the pitch fall before 子?

I swear I hear "その\子" ”この\子たち” but my pitch perception is not that good and it might drop after 子 but I can't really tell
Pellican9's user avatar
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Can words before quotative と have 2 pitch accents?

In 「角が3あるので三角と言います」: The dictionary pitch of 三角 is Atamadaka (SAnkaku) According to OJAD, く followed by a と should lead to the く being devoiced (SAnkak_to) Yet, at 22s of
George's user avatar
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Pitch Accent of verbs that end in なくなる and it's conjugations?

If I had to guess I would see they all drop at NA but I'm not sure 食べなくな\る 食べなくな\った 遣らなくな\る 遣らなくな\った I would say 食べなくなりま\した for the masu form Is my intuition correct?
Pellican9's user avatar
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Pitch accent of けりゃ/なきゃ

Does it keep the pitch of its original form? So 食べ\なきゃ, 食べ\りゃ, 行かな\きゃ, 行かな\けりゃ etc or does it change?
Pellican9's user avatar
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Does the contrastive は always rise in pitch?

At 3:03 the speaker says この人は I could be wrong, but it sounds like she's saying this as "koNOHITOWA" rather than "koNOHITOwa". According to my bilingual dictionary, Heiban is not ...
George's user avatar
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pitch accent of "compound" verbs

Lets say this: 大人びて見える, 大人びる and 見える are 中高, but does the pitch change? or is it the same? and for stem of verb + another verb, like 倒れこむ, 嚙みちぎる etc, do they change the pitch when in those ...
sieman's user avatar
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