I am reading a document that has some normal 体言止め and want to review:


ok. Since 取得 is slated to happen in the future, する has been dropped. This is normal. Then, in the same document:


Clearly, this する happened in the past and can only be inferred as した yet it is not dropped.

Next, here is chance for 体言止め with 受け身形 (passive) in the present tense:


This only makes sense if 要求 is in the present tense in passive voice (される), but される is not dropped.

The rule of 体言止め with サ変名詞 is just that "する" can only be dropped if "する" is just "する", and not conjugated even if the context makes any conjugation (into past, passive, or causitive) 100% clear?

1 Answer 1


Note that you don't have to use 体言止め. It's very common, but still is a kind of rhetorical device to make a sentence look more vivid, dramatic, concise, etc. Plain Japanese sentences usually do not use it.

You can safely use 体言止め for past (and active) actions. For example:


On the other hand, passive される can be dropped, but is relatively uncommon and should be used sparingly when space is really limited, like in news headlines.

  • 暴動で200人が逮捕
  • 霞ヶ浦のワカサギ漁が解禁

Even in headlines, usually active versions are preferred (e.g., 暴動で200人逮捕). Often が is also omitted (e.g. 暴動で200人逮捕, 霞ヶ浦のワカサギ漁解禁), in which case it is hard to tell whether the verb is active or passive.

  • agreed. I've been picking Japanese docs off the web, assuming they are native and correct, and trying to 手本 it。not good. I've seen some pretty bad English out on the web myself. I'll be more careful what I try to read!
    – rppkgai
    Commented May 26, 2020 at 0:09

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