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Questions tagged [abbreviations]

略語. Shortened forms of words or phrases.

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How to abbreviate まつゆきそう

I was trying to abbreviate this word meaning snowdrop, but I can't quite get it to work. Is it even possible? I tried with multiple ways but it changes the whole meaning. If it matters I wanted to use ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Talking about ロサン and ウサン

I was listening to a talking-head this morning. He kept referring to ロサン and ウサン. It's pretty clear he's referring to Russia and Ukraine. However, when I do a google search on these words, it's not ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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Abbreviations for weekdays

I was studying Japanese weekdays and I found something interesting: you can use abbreviations such us ゲッすい (月水) to indicate both Monday and Wednesday or 木土 pron. どぼく to indicate Thursday and Saturday....
MarcoT13's user avatar
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Where does the abbreviation こ, apparently meaning to be in a state, come from?

I asked this question because I saw a pun in the song デンパラダイム where the producer tuned a lyric stating マッハ木っ端ミジンコ土っ管! I initially translated it as 'in the earthen pipes the negligibly tiny water fleas ...
Star Peep's user avatar
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Are there rules for "pronunciation" 略字?

I get that this might be subjective since 略字 themselves originated (mostly) subjectively, but are there any rules for being able to create/use new ones? For example, the 广+マ representing 魔 or 摩 is ...
istrasci's user avatar
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Why does 'アプリストア’ mean appstore?

I initially expected 'appstore' to be アップストア I don't see why it's translated as 'apuri-store'
phoenixWright's user avatar
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meaning of ブラバン

I came across this phrase in a song I recently listened to: ブラバンが プーとラッパを吹いた. I've not been able to find out what ブラバン means, researching I found it might mean "music band" but I'm not ...
Maicol's user avatar
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why does "ru" turn into "n" at times?

Since the first time I saw this occurrence I've been wondering how Japanese people conjugate the "ru" into a n" (ex: 邪魔すんな or なにしてんの?)
TheOtaku's user avatar
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What does こんくらいのほう mean, in this sentence?

まーな、こんくらいのほうが野菜の味がわかんだろ I know it's the abbreviation of これくらいのほう, but what does it mean exactly?
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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Is ん an abbreviation of の here?

The Yomiuri had this sentence recently: こんだけ土【つち】のついた野菜【やさい】触【さわ】ったん、初【はじ】めてですわ I've never touched a vegetable with so much dirt on it before. I have been told that ん can be an abbreviation of の, ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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meaning of というように [duplicate]

I'm interested in the grammatical function and overall precise translation of the conjunction made of two particles(?) in the following clause. My attempt: "being tall, (as/like/for example/of/...
rych's user avatar
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Shortened Greeting? [duplicate]

I would like to know of what term "ちゃーす" is the abbreviated version. It appears to be a greeting. Translation software and my closest dictionary were of no help.
wanwandrew's user avatar
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How does one write out "1km" -- in hiragana or katakana or both?

This sentence on NHK's Easy News got me wondering: Uの字【じ】のような形【かたち】をしていて、直径【ちょっけい】は1kmぐらいです It is shaped like a U and is about 1 km in diameter.
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Is ある in this sentence used to refer to animate objects (children)?

I was doing some searches and so know that it is not as simple as just ある = nonliving and いる = living, but the sentence still makes me confused because of "みんな的には…" and "良いとかある?" ...
hexuanshiqingxuan's user avatar
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Why った after a noun デコった?

Is it just an abbreviation for だった? Any nuance or just laziness?
Simon's user avatar
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How does one pronounce ≒ the symbol for "approximately"?

It appeared simply as "縮尺:≒1/82" and the meaning is quite clear (="approximately 1/82 scale"). Jim Breen's wwwjdic does not seem to contain an entry for the symbol. ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What does the "X" in MEXT(“Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/Monbukagakusho) stand for? [closed]

If the "X" stands for Culture, Sports and Science, why is it so?
digitalguy99's user avatar
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Under what circumstances can you abbreviate forms like ないとならない?

For example, if you have this sentence: 急がないとならない You can just say: 急がないと But what if the sentence is...? 急がないとならないからあとで話そうね Can you omit ならない there? It would turn into: 急がないとからあとで話そうね It ...
Fernando's user avatar
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Leaving away the 目 suffix for ordinal numbers

I've seen 「1ページ」 refer to "page 1" of e.g. a book. Wouldn't this technically mean "one page" and 「1ページ目」 be correct for "page 1"? Is leaving away the 目 when referring to ...
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Trying to break down 2 sentences (Genki lesson 15 dialogue 1)

Going through Genki and Lesson 15 has brought up 2 grammar points I can't figure really out.It would help me a lot if I understand how those two sentences are build up and why they need those parts. ...
Kris Verbeeck's user avatar
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Japanese symbol for "Japanese language"

Imagine you have a list of small square representing different languages where each symbol is using the language itself that it represents. For roman languages it is mostly language codes in roman ...
Matmarbon's user avatar
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Abbreviation and meaning of 「よか」?

The sentence is taken from the manga 「イエスタデイとうたって」 The person who utters this sentence told her friend that he loves her a few days ago. His friend said that she rather wants to be/stay friends. On ...
Himula's user avatar
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体言止め can only be applied to サ変名詞 when する is just する (and not past or passive), right?

I am reading a document that has some normal 体言止め and want to review: 2021年度からaaaドームのネーミングライツ権を取得。 ok. Since 取得 is slated to happen in the future, する has been dropped. This is normal. Then, in ...
rppkgai's user avatar
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What does 連ツイ mean in this sentence?

I'm starting to read some images that talk about tail holes in clothing, for anthropomorphic animals, and I'm already stuck on the first sentence. しっぽ穴とその周辺についての連ツイのまとめです。 What does 連ツイ mean in ...
Bizkit's user avatar
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Why does the word for "high school" use 校 instead of 学?

I'm learning Japanese on Duolingo and they're starting to teach me some vocabulary about schooling. Things like 大学, 中学, 小学, and... 高校? I know that 学校 is the kanji spelling of "school," but why does "...
matthew-e-brown's user avatar
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Japanese chat romaji based acronym/abbreviation usage and meanings [closed]

I know that ww means laugh/warau. Are there any other romaji-based acronyms used in japanese chats only? Please provide the acronym and meaning if possible. I searched online and found many hiragana ...
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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のです abbreviated to んで?

「いろんな種類あるんで。」 Is this just an abbreviation of のです? Or is it supposed to be ので? I’ve seen んで a handful of times so I thought I would ask about it!
jacoballens's user avatar
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Is there a specific reading for 常訓 and 常音?

Is there a specific reading for 常訓 and 常音? I see this in an electronic dictionary to indicate on'yomi and kun'yomi reading of kanjis. What I struggle to find is the meaning of the combination of both ...
exs's user avatar
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Meaning of ちはース

Context: a boy shouts 「ちはース」 after seeing that a fan club for a boxer has only female members. He is happy to discover this since he is the kind of guy that always tries to flirt with pretty girls. I ...
Marco's user avatar
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use of "やらってか" in this phrase

mc「洗濯物? 俺別にその辺に置いといてもらえればそのまま着るけど」 girl 「だめ、ちゃんと畳むの」 mc「それよりまずメシ……」 girl「これが終わったら作ってあげる♪」 mc 働かざるものなんとやらってか。 I'm pretty sure this is analogous to this saying, so "no folding, no ...
charu's user avatar
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How would I ask for a persons Age, Sex, and Location (ASL) in Japanese?

The abbreviation means age, sex and location, and is used frequently in English speaking chatsites during introductions. Is there a similar term used in Japanese chatsites?
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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「おはつよろ」のいみはなんですか? I was interacting on a chat and after providing greetings, I used hajimemashite and yoroshiku onegaishimasu and I received ohatsuyoro as a response. I was unable to find the word(s) ...
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Transcribing iteration marks: kunojiten , くの字点

The iteration marks 々, ヽ, ヾ, ゝ, ゞ are slightly smaller than standard kana, and are often seen in print when a contemporary scholar is transcribing text, a printmaker's seal, etc. My question relates ...
musha's user avatar
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Popularity of ポッド as a abbreviation of ポッドキャスト

I know that many times loanwords are abbreviated in Japanese as a subset of their original length (ex: アイス for アイスクリーム). Recently I heard someone say that ポッド was an abbreviation for ポッドキャスト and this ...
Locksleyu's user avatar
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Use of と in this line [duplicate]

Short question. Line from 愛は取り戻せ song: 俺との愛を守る為 お前は旅立ち That と is just an abbreviation from 俺たち? Or is some grammatical point with の related? Thanks in advance!
JoeJoe's user avatar
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what is grammar pattern for やさしくった

I watched a series. There is a scene, while subtitle text is written as 優しく言ってあげた I heard something like やさしくったあげた。 so I did some search to check if this usage exist in real world. In google I found ...
blackthorn's user avatar
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Abbreviations (etc.)

As I slowly try to learn more grammar and less "1001 survival phrases in Japanese FREE!," I started wondering about abbreviations in the language. From what I have read so far, contractions and word-...
HatakeKazuko's user avatar
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「ので」が略せるように、接続助詞の「のに」も略せますか? 「ので」が「んで」か、「なんで」か、「なので」になれるなら、 「のに」も「んに」とか、「なんに」とか、「なのに」になれますか? これを思えば、そうですか? また、私の日本語がよくなかったら、すみません!
Tirous's user avatar
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Pronunciation of「ww」(笑い)

In Japanese internet slang, you see people use「ww」to mean something like "lol". I was curious how this would be pronounced if read aloud. In English, I hear people say either /ɛl oʊ ɛl/ or /lɑl/ for "...
Rose Kunkel's user avatar
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On 「~ようってんじゃない」

As in a line from the TV drama 「高校教師」 ep1 (00:04:41): 今朝のこと、担任に告げようってんじゃないよ! Or a line from a Japanese version of 「Demian」: おれはなにもお前を、困らせようってんじゃない。 Is it simply an abbreviation of 「ようと思ってんじゃない」...
null's user avatar
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Abbreviation for jinmeiyō?

Is there an abbreviation for 人名用漢字, i.e. character set for names? I'm looking for anything shorter, really; It can be English or Japanese, as long as it's widely recognised. For example like Tel for ...
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What does ㊙︎DVD mean?

everyone, Ran across this line ㊙︎DVD, with the 秘 encircled. Do any of you know what this might mean?
Marcela alvarez centeno's user avatar
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Can ようにする be used without する in colloquial speech?

I came across the following sentence: ご家族とよく相談して書いてくるように。 For context: A teacher is talking to a class of students concerning a report they have to write. I know that ように is often used at the end ...
chinpunkanpun's user avatar
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What's the difference between すべき (subeki) and べき (beki)?

What's the difference between すべき (subeki) and べき (beki)? すべき (subeki) = should do; ought to do べき (beki) = should; must; that one ought to; to be done Both mean "should", but is there a ...
big_smile's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 副助?

In 大辞泉 (via goo here) at the first line I found the phrase [副助]種々の語に付く。 What is the meaning of 副助? Can not find it..
Ernestas Gruodis's user avatar
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What does 記 mean in a 公正証書 (notarial document)?

What does 記 mean when is placed between different articles/paragraphs of a 公正証書 (notarial document)? Here's an example: (I have omitted names and addresses for privacy). Thanks ...
Marco's user avatar
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How is 向 pronounced in 男性向同人?

Different sources have given me different pronunciations. I figured it must mean "Doujin aimed at males", but if that's the case, from what I know, it should be written [男性向け同人]{だんせいむけどうじん}。 Is 男性向 ...
kikones34's user avatar
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How to pronounce 12歳〜14歳 [duplicate]

Could someone please explain how the Japanese would read the 〜 if they came across a range expressed like this: [12歳]{じゅうにさい}〜[14歳]{じゅうよんさい}
G-Cam's user avatar
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Understanding a colloquial sentence and meaning of やっぱ

The kids are discussing whether they want a male or female trainee teacher. One of them runs in from the playground and says: 「やっぱ男じゃねぇとな」 I assume this is a colloquial form of 「やっぱり男じゃないと言ったな」...
user3856370's user avatar
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Is 食べてたい correct?

The following sentence was written by a Japanese. 最近のお気に入りケーキ🍰💕 毎日食べてたい Is 食べてたい just a typo, or is it a short form of something, like 食べておきたい or 食べていただきたい?
Chris's user avatar
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