In the ending for the anime "Kumamiko: Girl Meets Bear", there's a line where the backup singers (aka the residents of Kumade Village) say

いず ぬっ さん すう でーじぇーへーうぃーごー

Which I haven't seen translated, but it's pretty clearly "One, two, three, four, DJ here we go" to my ears. YouTube clip for reference

I'm curious as to what dialect they're using for the numbers - the show is set in a presumably fictional town in northern Honshu, so I would assume some variant of Tōhoku-ben or similar?


1 Answer 1


This sounds like typical 東北弁 (Tōhoku dialect) to me, in that

  • Standard [i] sounds like [u].
  • Many unvoiced consonants become voiced.

Typically, わたし sounds closer to わだす in 東北弁.

See Tōhoku dialect on Wikipedia. This answer also explains the characteristics of 東北弁 well.

  • Somehow, despite me trying to look for info on how Tōhoku dialect pronounces numbers, I never saw that Wikipedia article that practically spells it out. Seems to be nearly an open-and-shut case, then. I'm guessing that there isn't enough information to narrow it down to a subdialect?
    – ConMan
    Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 6:53
  • いず、ぬ、さん、す is used in this video, too. Recently very few people speak fluent Tohoku-ben, and I doubt this was written by someone who is good at subdialect of Tohoku-ben (The lyricist seems to be from Nagoya).
    – naruto
    Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 7:41
  • Makes sense to me :) Thanks for the answer!
    – ConMan
    Commented Aug 23, 2016 at 23:12

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