I would like to ask a follow-up question about the 敬語 used in Why “お食事の際は、…” instead of “ご飯を食べる際は、…”?.

example sentence:


Sounds like:

I can use this table.

So, the listener certainly must be a 3rd party who has nothing to do with the table, right? If I were addressing the "owner" of the table, I'd have to ask:


  1. If the listener is the "owner" of the table, I am interested in knowing why I do not need to ask if it is ok. Seems like I'm just (humbly) telling them what I am going to do to something they "own" (whether they like it or not).
  2. If the listener is not the "owner", then what is being said is that "I can use this table, but you cannot." This is because I cannot use 謙譲語 to describe the actions of others.
  3. Technically, I guess, "こちらのテーブルをお使いいただけます。" does not comment on whether the listener can, or cannot, use the table. But, it'd seem weird to make no comment about the listener. like: "こちらのテーブルをお使いいたいてもいいし、使ってもいいです。" You'd just say (to include me and you): "こちらのテーブルを使ってもいいです。" anyway, i don't get it...

3 Answers 3


It just means "You can use this table" (e.g. a hotel employee explaining to a guest).

「こちらのテーブルをお使いいただけませんか?」 means "Could you use this table (instead)?" (maybe the guest sat at a wrong table).

  • I get it! I am so stupid. I just was not hearing it correctly. thanks.
    – kairua
    Commented Sep 20, 2015 at 21:23

こちらのテーブルをお使いいただけます is right, because in this context 「〜いただく」is used for expressing "get you (to use this table)".

Think about a case when a group of people invites someone to talk about a certain theme at symposium or somewhere.

The moderator can say: ①「A氏に◯◯のことについてお話しいただきます」 because he is a part of the group which planned the whole symposium. As this group asked A to talk about the ◯◯ theme 「(お話し)いただきます」 reflects also the host's intention.

But in a rare case if moderator says: ②「A氏は◯◯についてお話しになります」 he simply states the fact that A will give a speech, like when some guest or non-related person would ask to take the floor. In this case the honorific 「(お話し)になります」 applies only to A and not to a relation between A and the whole group.

  • I think you made a valid point and I rephrased your answer, so that your arguments were clearer. I hope you would agree with my suggestion.
    – macraf
    Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 13:39

I would like to counter-argue by introducing an article about the common misuse of いただく as the 尊敬語 not as the 謙譲語.

The writer of the column says:







「いただく」 is not an honorific (尊敬語).

(In the previous article, the author talked about the misuse of "お会いする".) In the same way, the commonly misused word which should be used as a humble form (謙譲語) but often used as an honorific (尊敬語) is いただく.

Example sentence (wrong): 「お昼はもういただきましたか」

I think people should know the honorific form (尊敬語) of the verb 食べる is 召し上がる, but often I hear people say いただく instead. It seems that they not only are unaware of the misuse, but they are even certain that いただく is the correct word because it sounds so polite. いただきました is certainly an expression of modesty (謙譲語), therefore I would like to ask people to use this word only when they eat something themselves.

いただく is also a humble form of the verb もらう,but many people mistakenly use this word as an honorific. At (business) meetings, I often hear a person who delivers the documents (to those in higher positions) say もういただきましたか. An honorific form of the verb もらう is おもらいになる or もらわれる, but I think these verbs are a bit hard to use so often. Therefore, I would like to suggest using 「お受け取りになりましたか?」 or 「お持ちでしょうか?」 instead.

Thus said, いただく is a humble form (謙譲語) and not an honorific (尊敬語),therefore:


is wrong, because the person who uses the table can not lower him/her/them self/selves in order to express the respect.

So my alternative way of saying it is:


Using なさる - the honorific of する.

  • To the editor, thank you for the edit. But first of all, all those downvoted without the explanation were very nice to me, even according to the moderator's comments, since I have no idea where there is a mistake and I can not receive the positive feedback. To moderators, this site was once called "full of negative air", is there still it?
    – user7644
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 6:28
  • I made it back to the original since a teacher told me "cushon" words are important so that the sentence becomes clearer.
    – user7644
    Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 6:46
  • 2
    While this is technically correct, the expression is so common that IMO it's OK to use it this way at this point. I think お使いなさる事が出来ます sounds a bit strange.. Shouldn't it be お使いになれます Commented Sep 21, 2015 at 7:25
  • 1
    You say お~いただく is wrong, but page 4 on the website you linked to says 尊敬表現にするには、「お使いになれます」「ご利用になれません」「ご乗車になれません」と言うか、または 「お/ご~いただく」の形にして、「お使いいただけます」「ご利用いただけません」「ご乗車いただけません」とする必要がある 。(= あなたは「お~いただく」が間違いだとおっしゃいますが、あなたの引用されたサイトの4ページには、『尊敬表現にするには、「お使いになれます」「ご利用になれません」「ご乗車になれません」と言うか、または「お/ご~いただく」の形にして、「お使いいただけます」「ご利用いただけません」「ご乗車いただけません」とする必要がある 』と書かれています。)
    – chocolate
    Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 7:26
  • 1
    – user4092
    Commented Sep 22, 2015 at 7:40

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