There's a flashcard from Japanese Level Up for 無くする that I believe has an error:
I think the key word should be 無くす and not 無くする, because it's the much more common variant and how most people would interpret the sentence.
But I'm curious if the card is actually wrong.
Is there any possibility for 無くしました in the above sentence to be a conjugated form of 無くする? Or is it only grammatical if the base word is 無くす?
The 大辞泉 definition for 無くする is as follows:
[動サ変][文]なく・す[サ変]1 (無くする)「無くす1」に同じ。「戦争を—・する」「意欲を—・する」
The example sentence「意欲を無くする」implies that 無くする can mean "to lose" in the same way as 無くす.