My English-native brain is struggling to understand why 一番 is used with たくさん and 多い in sentences like these:
- 彼が一番たくさんのお金を持っている。
- 彼女が一番多いの食べ物を持っている。
I'm probably thinking about it wrong, but the first one reads to me like, "He has the most of a lot of money," and the second, "She has the most of a lot of food." In English, using two quantifiers ("most" and "a lot") to describe something this way seems very unnatural. Why wouldn't you just say「一番のお金」or「一番の食べ物」? Do you always need an auxiliary quantifier when using 一番 as a superlative?
I consulted this Japanese language English lesson that explains to Japanese speakers how to say things like this in English, but my Japanese isn't good enough to know if it even really addresses my question.