I've been wondering about the different usage for USO in Japanese.

Recently I bumped in this little text:

多分いつも以上に誰向けだか分からない内容になってます 自分の好きなものにウソをついてはいけない松野で!

My only issue here is with 誰向 and ウソ.

As for the first one I know the meaning of both Kanji, it's just I can't make up what they mean together.

As for USO usually it would be something about "false" information but well I'm not too sure here either.

1 Answer 1


The key to understanding the fist part is to know what 送り仮名 are part of the verb and not. In this case, け is part of the word.


to whom

from goo辞書


1 その方向に正面が位置するようにする。ある方向を向かせる。「視線を―・ける」「背を―・ける」「マイクを―・ける」「怒りを他人に―・ける」



The word ウソ is normally used together with つく to mean the verb "lie".

from goo辞書


1 事実でないこと。また、人をだますために言う、事実とは違う言葉。偽 (いつわ) り。「―をつく」「この話に―はない」

  • 3
    Adding some more background : "--向け", like "子供向け", "初心者向け", "個人向け" (as opposed to 法人向け) is typically used to mean "aimed at"/"intended for"/"suitable to".
    – Yosh
    Commented Mar 11, 2016 at 15:59

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