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Questions tagged [katakana]

カタカナ. That form of the Japanese kana syllabary which is not cursive and is most commonly used for (but not restricted to) writing words borrowed from other languages.

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Can you use ヲ in translations of foreign names?

For example, if your name was say, William, could you write it as ヲリアム? Or would it have to be ワリアム? (I guess it could also be ウィリアム.)
James Discord's user avatar
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If katakana "ヘ" originated from part of the Kanji "部", why isn't it "⻏" instead?

[First post, please be gentle if this is a bad question] As far as my knowledge, katakana is evolved from picking a part out of kanji. However, I can't seem to understand how the kana "ヘ" ...
500 Oishi Baking's user avatar
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Why is the name Gelfand transcribed as ゲルファント?

I was looking at the Japanese Wikipedia article on the great Soviet mathematician Israel Gelfand and got confused by how his last name is transcribed. I would expect the transcription to be ゲルファンド, ...
Wojciech Gac's user avatar
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How would you say the name Shireen Durrani in japanese?

My name is Shireen Durrani and my name is Pakistani. Would it be 『シリーン・ドゥラニ』? Or 『シリーン・ヅラニ』? Would the last name come first? I am not very experienced in japanese so please explain
Shireen Durrani's user avatar
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Is the english xoxo related to japanese メロメロ

So I stumbled over the Japanese word メロメロ (mero mero) wich is often translated as being in love. I was wondering if it is related to the english xoxo (hugs and kisses) or is this just a coincidence?
Bellian's user avatar
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Are there standards for transliteration into Japanese?

There seem to be some inconsistencies, for example, "t" becomes "tsu" in スーツケース, but "to" in メトロ. "eer" becomes "iiru" in ビール, but it seems like in ...
escargot agile's user avatar
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How does one type archaic kana on the phone using the typical kana keyboard?

It’s not something that happens often, but if I wanted to type on my phone something like ヱビスビール, what would be the best way to do it using the kana keyboard built into the iPhone. Is it impossible ...
Eliot Foss's user avatar
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What is the most appropriate way to indicate a long vowel in Katakana?

I know that often, when rendering a long vowel in Katakana, a hyphen is used. For example, the Katakana rendering of the English word "coat" is often shown as コート . I have seen both "ko-...
HippoMan's user avatar
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Can I convey a meaning in a name with only kana? If not, what Kanji should I use for the name "Mimi" to convey "Beautiful Ocean"?

I'm working on a logo design project and was thinking of using the name "Mimi" as I saw somewhere that it might represent "beautiful ocean". I don't understand much about the ...
Tsuki's user avatar
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What is the purpose of katakana?

I noticed in words like アメリカ and イギリス are written in katakana, but why is 日本 (にほん) in hiragana if Japan is a country too? I noticed katana is also used in modern stuff (like smartphone, スマホ). Was ...
Rubyeuby's user avatar
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Why is this reading like this?

Why is this reading like this? Looking this up I had to search the radicals individually on Jisho. The furigana reading... is it just flat out wrong? Furthermore, why is the word structured like this? ...
フィラシマカロト's user avatar
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How does ッ pronounce before b, d, g (バッグ, ベッド)?

For ッ before p, t, k, such as バック, it sounds to be voiceless. But what happens if it is before b, d, g? This situation rarely occurs in Japanese, but sometimes exists in loanwords. Examples would be ...
Tianyi Hao's user avatar
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What are rules and limitations for using small katakana vowels? [duplicate]

The textbooks and materials I found on the internet typically provide several examples, but I have never seen a full list of possible combinations. In particular, can the following combinations be ...
user1079505's user avatar
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What is つい doing in the middle of this sentence? [duplicate]

What is the purpose of つい in this sentence? うんうん、楽しくてついエキサイトして、熱くなっちゃった And does エキサイトして just mean "getting excited"? For context they were talking about a game they played.
ujp1800's user avatar
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A bit confused with ボク and too many ね~

I don’t remember where I read this statement, but someone on the internet said that if an anime or web-novel character refers to themself ボク in katakana they are probably a boyish girl. I should say ...
Blinchik so smetanoi's user avatar
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Frozen - Why is Anna transliterated as アナ not アンナ?

Frozen's Japanese name is more similar to what Frozen's original name was supposed to be: アナと雪の女王 but not アンナと雪の女王. I tried looking up about アナ vs アンナ for Frozen, and there are a lot posts, but of ...
BCLC's user avatar
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When to use ンネ vs ッネ?

For example, why the correct spelling is トンネル rather than トッネル ? Is it an arbitrary/historical choice, or is there a rule that explains it? Would the pronunciation differ? This wiki page says that ッ &...
user1079505's user avatar
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Why were early 20th century scientific journals printed in katakana? [duplicate]

I don’t know if this is something specific to botanical journals or scientific journals in general. A lot of the botanical publications in this period use katakana instead of hiragana. The picture ...
Siena's user avatar
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my name is a chinese name, anyi. how would i write the 'yi' part of my name in katakana?

i know there is no "yi" katakana. i know the approximation of ying is イン but in this case it does not work. do any native speakers know how to write yi in katana?
dreaming bunny's user avatar
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Why were hiragana and katakana never merged into one system?

I am familiar with the history of why these two writing systems were invented, and my question comes more from a modern practical standpoint. In my understanding, hiragana and katakana both have same ...
Larper's user avatar
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Katakana Long Vowel Marking (Pokemon Related)

I've been looking at Pokemon names in Japanese and notice that there are some inconsistencies in writing long vowels in their names. For example, ミニリュウ (Dratini) vs ハクリュー (Dragonair). I'm curious as ...
hikoukigumo30's user avatar
8 votes
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Why does 'アプリストア’ mean appstore?

I initially expected 'appstore' to be アップストア I don't see why it's translated as 'apuri-store'
phoenixWright's user avatar
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How to translate English short i sound into katakana

I am wondering how you would translate the short i sound in words like bin, fin, thin into katakana. I am trying to translate my name which contains this sound (with a preceding r). I don't think ...
A.B.'s user avatar
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Foreign name writing in Katakana

I was trying to figure out how the name "Saoirse" (pronounced as /Sur-sha/) would be written in Katakana characters. I was just a bit confused, although I know that Katakana bases on the ...
Rie Rie's user avatar
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Meaning of ノッて来ん

誰か誘って遊び行こうかとおもったけど、ノッて来んの男のダチばっかりでさぁ… I can understand the first half of the sentence just fine, but what does the character mean when he refers to his friends as "ノッて来ん"? Is it some form ...
smeraldofw's user avatar
10 votes
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Why is ゴミ箱 written in katakana usually?

I know katakana can be used for loanwords, onomatopoeia, strange plants, animals, for emphasis, and more. However, I don't understand why ゴミ箱 is written in katakana. Can anyone shed some light on the ...
qiannianchong's user avatar
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How to understand combined characters (kanji) more easily?

A lot of Japanese restaurants, mangas and just paragraphs of texts in general (or not in general, used basically anywhere) use combined characters to make things appear shorter. And I can’t understand ...
Arixi's user avatar
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When writing out my name in katakana, what should I do with the vowels that don't exist

I'm learning how to write my name in katakana and I want to learn to do it without using a translator. I tried making my name by looking at katakana charts but my name being Andrew, I don't know what ...
crash15's user avatar
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What does this double entendre じゃなかったらいいのかよ mean?

「テレビ番組を勝手にアップロードするのは違法だからな」 「10年以下の懲役か1000万円以下の罰金か、その両方だ」 Teacher talking to 3 students: It's illegal to upload TV programs without permission. You can get up to 10 years of hard labor... ...10 ...
SomaRise's user avatar
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When is 大【おお】 and when is 大【だい】?

There was already a discussion here, with examples Reading of prefix 大 but what about for 大イベント? I was hoping one could generalize that 大+katakana=【だい】, but at least one word seems to contradict that ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Is there a specific reason for there to be three strokes in Katakana "u" versus two strokes?

Getting more serious about learning Japanese and starting over with the syllabaries. In Katakana, "u" is written in three strokes. Is there a reason why strokes two and three can't be ...
R Greenstreet's user avatar
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Please explain how this "joke" works, ダーウンロードってかぁ

I have no idea how this joke is even supposed to be a joke. In this video, 3 kids are laughing at the idea of uploading: 「だいたいアップロードってなんだよ?...
SomaRise's user avatar
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What is the difference between デービッド and デイビット for a name, is it purely the sound?

Many online Katakana generators will create デービッド for the name David but looking at some texts you'll see デイビット. Is there a difference to how the name is being used, e.g. in a sentence, or is it ...
Dave's user avatar
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Was the writing system used in the Empire of Japan (大日本帝国) called 真片仮名?

So, today I encountered the claim on Wikipedia Shinkatakana (真片仮名, mana and katakana): mixed script including only kanji and katakana. Wikipedia doesn't list a source for this claim. This sounds to ...
Five Peaches's user avatar
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What methods are used to teach hiragana and katakana to 6 year olds?

I understand that in Japan children start school at 6 years of age and that they are expected to learn the 46 hiragana and 46 katakana syllables by the end of that year. I'd like to know more about ...
BSD's user avatar
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Looking for website / tool / help in showing what typed Kanji on a keyboard should look like if hand written [duplicate]

Just as the title suggests, tons of Hiragana Katakana & Kanji look different when you type them on a phone compared to how one would learn to write them on pen and paper. Is there a tool I can ...
Oliver Gardner's user avatar
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犬 spelled as イッヌ イッヌ「ご主人!がんばって!」 In the above dog-related tweet, 犬 seems to be spelled as 'イッヌ' rather than 'イヌ'. Is the presence of 'ッ' a typo or is it a ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Need help on translating

I am confused with this, I am new to Japanese and I am still learning it, but isn't this supposed to mean "Tawapon Sanha?" ?, also why is the Sa symbol different from the usual symbol that ...
Marcel's user avatar
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Is this character speaking gibberish?

I'm playing a Japanese game and attempting to translate for myself what the characters are saying. I've run into one very odd character who I can't understand at all - I'm not sure if what they're ...
djweish's user avatar
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is it grammatically correct to write ニ as ンイ

I was looking at the list of kana, and I realized something. Say, you wanted to write the syllable “ni”, you would write “ニ”, right? Is it possible to write “n” syllables using “ン” and vowels? For ...
Ninja Eagle's user avatar
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Popular conventions that Japanese people use the Japanese characters to draw or type Emoji

This question is about the popular conventions that Japanese people use the Japanese characters to draw or type Emoji. What are some principles and conventions that Japanese people follow? Here is one ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Words half-written in katakana [duplicate]

In the book I'm reading, the main character speaks using katanaka in suffixes, part of the words and some particles, like: 待ってくだサイ ぶつかりマス どうしてでカ? どうして、ロボットの修理しないんでしょうカ? I know katakana is also used ...
Mauro's user avatar
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How often are numbers written in katakana?

I'm working on a program that convert numbers written in kanji into their arabic numbers counterparts and one of the text I've been given to test my program contains numbers written in katakana. Most ...
Saii's user avatar
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Why are some native Japanese words usually written in katakana? [duplicate]

Like ラク that supposedly means "at ease" (correct me if i'm wrong, i just learned this), why insted of writing it in Hiragana or Kanji they write it in Katakana? This is not the first ...
rosyvelvet's user avatar
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Could someone explain this katakana reading of <光る葉っぱ> from 鹿の王?

In the first page of the novel Shika no Ou by Uehashi Nahoko, this proper noun/kanji is used with some unusual furigana: <光る葉っぱ> read as ピカ・パル. Since it's a fantasy novel and I know that the ...
akabareth's user avatar
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Does Japanese have characters in small size and in capital size?

In English it's normal for the sentence to start with a capital letter. In German also. Additionally, there are classes of words that are written in German with an initial capital letter. How is it in ...
Alfred.37's user avatar
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Why is this an effective captcha? [closed]

I want to sign up to this website that has an English version, but unfortunately, the captcha for it is Japanese. I can't read Japanese and no online translator seems to be able to make sense of the ...
ConsultingNewb's user avatar
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Why is Fugu (フグ) spelled in katakana? Isn't it usually only used for english words? [duplicate]

i was doing some research because i have to design a logo for a japanese restaurant. I saw that people usually spell it in katakana even though you only use katakana with english words/names (to my ...
Celine's user avatar
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How should I write my name - Shivam Mukherjee - in Katakana? [closed]

I'm being asked to fill my name in Katakana in an application form for a language school in Japan. I'm currently going with シワム・ムカージ since: The ワ sound is closest to the inflection on the -v sound so ...
Vivraan's user avatar
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Why the movies Space Battleship Yamato title don't use Kanji for Yamato but katakana?

The movies wiki The movies title (宇宙戦艦ヤマト) write Yamato (ヤマト) as katakana. However, Yamato is Japanese word, which is available in Kanji (大和). 大和 ...
Haha TTpro's user avatar

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