I'm reading a manga called Buchou wa Onee, and in the first pages, we are introduced to the main character and a few peculiar things about him as told by workmates.
On the first page above, I'm met with the following line:
カッコイイけど どこかヘンな 彼の不思議なところを 紹介します
is clearly qualifying ところ
, but what is ヘンな
qualifying? 彼
or 彼の不思議なところ
Parsing it as English, it'd become something either like
"introduce curious sides of him who is strange in some respects"
or like
"introduce curious sides of him which are strange in some respects",
and they both sound kind of weird to me so I can't decide which one must be correct.
There was one question that seemed related, but it didn't help me here: いろいろな便利な - In some case, two na-adjectives linked not using で?