These two words, 参考【さんこう】 and 参照【さんしょう】, seem to be very similar in meaning, and I'm not sure of the difference. They do seem in my experience to be used a bit differently, however. For example:
- 参照する seems more common than 参考する
- But 参考にする seems more common than 参照にする
- And 参考になる more common than 参照になる
- And the keigo form ご参照ください seems more common thenthan ご参考ください
Do the meanings of these words differ significantly? Or is it just a differentiation in usage?
By extension, when talking about my own intentions to consider something (e.g. something like 「○○を参照するつもりです」 or 「○○を参考にするつもりです」), which of these is preferred?