I think you are translation of ボロボロになろうと → "Even if they will hurt themselves a lot" is correct.
Though I can't find any reference though, I think this なんだろうと means "or anything", "or whatever". However, you might not need to explicitly use "or anything", or "or whatever" since it's redundant and "Even;even if" meanmeans なろうとなんだろうと.
Even if it rains a lot, I will go to work.
Even if it rains a lot, I will go to work.
"Even if" strcture says any antecedents will not change the conclusion : "I will go to work". (Train might prevent you from doing so though, you want go to work in any situations)
There is an idiomatic expression using a similar strcturestructure: 雨が降ろうと、槍が降ろうと . 「どんな困難があってもやりとげるという強い決意のたとえ。石にかじりついても。」
So, add them together, "Even if they will hurt themselves a lot (or whatever), they need to realize on their own"