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kiss-o-matic's user avatar
kiss-o-matic's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 2 years ago
11 votes

What is the opposite of 初心者?

7 votes

How emotionally loaded is 会いたい【あいたい】?

6 votes

What does verb + くなる imply or mean?

5 votes

Verb dictionary form+よう

4 votes

When to use Vている and when to use the dictionary form?

4 votes

The implied meaning of 日本人

4 votes

Difference between 隠{かく}す and 秘{ひ}める (to hide)

4 votes

Does Japanese have a term for toilets that use a rubbish bin for toilet paper?

3 votes

”でもありやいい制度だ” Help with one line from manga translation

3 votes

Expressing "should do" with こと・べき・もの

3 votes

Help parsing this sentence

2 votes

What is the difference between [為替]{かわせ} and 両{りょう}替{がえ}?

2 votes

Why are し/ち transliterated as 'shi'/'chi', and not 'si'/'ti'?

2 votes

Could you repeat that please?

2 votes

How to understand なんだ

2 votes

How to translate this sentence about ebooks and reading habits?

2 votes

Difference between 光る, 輝く, and 光り輝く?

2 votes

Is 「どこにいくのがよろしいですか」 a correct way to ask for directions?

1 vote

Meaning of せっかく

1 vote

Meaning of 〜たら in 好きな人に告白したら、サインを貰いました

1 vote

confusion with location words

1 vote

Is saying 行ってきます and ただいま appropriate for guests?

1 vote

What happens if なの is used, but not at the end of a sentence?

1 vote

Can you say ~てもらった when you actually did nothing?

1 vote

Is "Xがどこに見つけられますか" an acceptable translation of "Where can I find X"?

1 vote


1 vote

Please explain the end of this conversation, especially the あってこそ part of it

1 vote

The expression "but" used twice in row in a sentence

1 vote

interpretation of particle と followed by の

1 vote

How should say I: 僕、俺、私?