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paullb's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

To find / to look for / to detect

2 votes

Statistics on common readings for Japanese names

2 votes

Does this kanji stamp actually mean "harmony"?

2 votes

what is the Japanese word for "Walk-in Appointment"?

0 votes

What does 仕事 and もう mean in this context?

4 votes

Raishuu ni natta or naru?

0 votes

How do I greet a group of people in different time zones?

3 votes

Using まで together with a negative connotation 帰らないつもりです in a sentence

0 votes

Difference between だろう and かな

2 votes

Use of お in the beginning of these question phrases

0 votes

What's the difference between 退屈 and 飽きる?

3 votes

Is "着物デート" the Japanese for "kimono date", and what exactly does it mean?

3 votes

How do you say [noun] "for you"?

7 votes

Is 私はコリアンダーにアレルギーがある an accurate translation?

1 vote

How can I apply た form to -すぎ for conditional clause?

1 vote

〜たいと思う -- What does this mean?

5 votes

How do you count train stations?

3 votes

philosophy's test

0 votes

What does this inserted clause mean? 文法だけなくて

5 votes

What is the difference between 常に、いつも、始終、しょっちゅう?

0 votes

Why is 街に歩く not grammatical?

5 votes

Anytime: 随時 vs. 何時でも

5 votes

Usage of potential form of かける

0 votes

Can I use もしもしif I want to get someone/group to pay attention?

1 vote

Natural phrasing when introducing yourself and the reason you are arriving somewhere

1 vote

Translating a couple of sentences

1 vote

Can ただ今be used if I visit a relatives home on a daily basis?

0 votes

Translation difficulties and the meaning of 着くように

7 votes

Why does 冬休みは家族でイタリアやイギリスへ行きました。 have で instead of と?

2 votes

What does 目立ち mean?