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ra1ned's user avatar
ra1ned's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
9 votes

How to respond when someone praises about my Japanese?

6 votes

What is じゃけぇ supposed to mean?

5 votes

Can I eat here?/ Is it ok to eat here? in Japanese

5 votes

The difference between 文書 and 文書化

5 votes

What is the meaning of "Tabako-wa goenryo kudasai"

4 votes

Should I use the formal form (~ます) on the buttons of an app?

4 votes

Difference between 助ける【たすける】 and 救う【すくう】

4 votes

What is the difference between 馴染む and 慣れる?

3 votes

What is the difference between によると and によりますと?

3 votes

What is the difference between these two sentences?

3 votes

How to read percentage?

3 votes

Subtle differences between だれ and どなた?

2 votes

What does '........でしょう' mean?

2 votes

When asking for the bill - かんじょう or かいけい

2 votes

パンの作り方は何ですか。 OK?

2 votes

What is the meanig of かるーく?

2 votes

How can I write "tchi"

2 votes

Difference between 委嘱状・任命状・任命証

2 votes

Which is more normal, "OK" or "オーケー"?

2 votes

Oops! 仕舞った vs. おっと

2 votes

Can 奪う be a synonym of 殺す?

2 votes

Is there a reason for the days of the week being written and pronounced without the 日?

2 votes

What is the term for road rage?

2 votes

whats the nuances of interjections え? は? そうか ? and 何だ?

2 votes

ichi-gatsu vs hitotsuki

2 votes

Why is there a noun at the end of this sentence?

2 votes

Four verbs meaning "to pursue": 追う, 追いかける, 追っかける and 辿る

2 votes

How do we say ''Please give me your advice'' in Japanese?

2 votes


1 vote

whats the different usages of interjections ちがう, いえ, いや?