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36 votes

What is the 中 in ダウンロード中?

Yes, you are correct that 中 (ちゅう) in this case means "in the middle of ~ ". For your sentence, the simple translation "downloading" is probably the most natural. It is fairly ...
kandyman's user avatar
  • 11.6k
17 votes

Is Saturday considered a weekday or weekend, or something else?

Is it considered weekend? Yes, Saturdays are usually regarded as part of 週末. They are usually not regarded as 平日. The usage of 土日, 週末 and 休日 Difference between 土日 and 週末 Is 日曜 sometimes used to ...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
15 votes

when do I have to use naru hodo, and when do I have to use wakarimashita?

Both "naru hodo" and "wakarimashita" mean "I understand," but there is a difference in the usages and nuances between those two words. "Naru hodo" means "...
15 votes

What is the difference between ayumu, sanpo and aruku?

Difference between ayumu, sanpo and aruku aruku (歩{ある}く) is a general term for to walk. ayumu (歩{あゆ}む) is a little old-fashioned expression for to walk, especially to walk step by step, and it ...
user20624's user avatar
  • 15.4k
15 votes

Why is 一日 used instead of 日 to ask how your day is?

In this case, it would be read as [一日]{いち・にち} which just means "(one) day" as opposed to [一日]{≪ついたち≫} which means first of the month. My gut says that in this case 一日 is acting like "your day" in ...
istrasci's user avatar
  • 44.5k
15 votes

Difference between chiisai (小さい) and komakai (細かい)?

小さい 小さい = small (not to be big/wide etc.), 小さい部屋 → small room It can also carry the nuance of: short (small height) (彼は)小さいです。 → He is small (size/age) young (small age) (彼は)まだ小さいです。→ He is ...
悪戯猫's user avatar
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13 votes

Book error: パパは銀行に出かけていていないよ

Grammatically, there are two predicates in this sentence, (銀行に)出かけている and いない. 銀行に出かけている: "has gone to the bank", "is out at the bank" いない: "is not here", "is away&...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
12 votes

Why is ば in this sentence?

ば is the accusative particle used in wide area of (northern, as I remember) Kyushu as much as を in Standard Japanese. Etymologically it's from を + は contracted but no longer has share the は sense in ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
12 votes

So I understand 人外 is an anagram of 外人, but does 外人人外 mean evil foreigner?

人外【じんがい】 is an uncommon and old-fashioned word. In fictional works, it typically refers to evil monsters, undeads, Japanese yokai, etc. You won't see this term often unless you're a fan of fantasy. ...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
12 votes

What is the 中 in ダウンロード中?

I think you answered your own question. 中{ちゅう} is a suffix that means "in the middle of". e.g. 道路は工事中だ The road is in the middle of construction.
user3856370's user avatar
  • 30.5k
11 votes

知っているはずです is over complicated?

The correction does not have the same meaning as the question in English, so I think your friend misunderstood what you wanted to ask (which is another reason to avoid はず here). Even though はず can be ...
Igor Skochinsky's user avatar
11 votes

Existence verbs in the Kansai Dialect

That statement basically only applies for おる as a simple existence verb. Non-humble おる is very common in Kansai. As a subsidiary verb, various forms including とる/ちょる/よる are commonly used instead of ...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
11 votes

What is the meaning of 「ほう」in the following sentence?

If I were translating these sentences naturally but relatively 'faithfully' into English, I'd probably go for the following: 日本の労働時間は世界でも長いほうだ。 Working hours in Japan are on the long(er) side, even ...
henreetee's user avatar
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11 votes

Could 家族 be used for really close friends?

We may not use 家族 to refer to friends as much as in other cultures, but calling someone with whom you have a family-to-family relationship as you describe in your post 日本の家族 is totally acceptable, and ...
aguijonazo's user avatar
  • 21.7k
11 votes

Is there any significant difference between 駆け回る and 駆け巡る?

Both mean mostly the same but are not very interchangeable. A general distinction would be 駆け回る is casual, means literally something is running about. Sometimes it has negative connotation of "...
sundowner's user avatar
  • 37.6k
10 votes

知っているはずです is over complicated?

I feel 何字知っているはずですか? is unnatural. I feel a question form of はずだ like はずですか? is unnatural, and the native Japanese speaker also would feel so. The reason why I feel it is unnatural is because はずだ ...
Yuuichi Tam's user avatar
  • 24.3k
10 votes

Is there any difference between 速さand 速度?

I would say there is no difference, at least in everyday language. Maybe 速さ has a slightly more casual feel to it... at least I see more myself using 速さ than 速度 in a daily conversation. Now, 速度 is ...
Nicolas Couvrat's user avatar
10 votes

Meaning of「〜てみたいと思います」

You've gotten the みたい part wrong. What you are seeing is a subsidiary verb (~て)みる, which means "to try doing something (and see what happens)". See: What is the difference between "verb+て+みる"...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
10 votes

Difference between 頁 and ページ

Short answer: You can basically stick to the katakana ページ in modern Japanese. Long answer: 頁 is a kanji that originally meant "head" in Chinese. From Wiktionary: 頁 頁 and 首 (OC *hljuʔ, *...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
9 votes

Can ところで be ambiguous (time vs. location)?

駅の近くでケーキを買ったところで彼女に偶然会った。 The sentence doesn't sound ambiguous to me. It means "I met her by chance right when I bought a cake near the station." According to 明鏡国語辞典: ところ【所(処)】〘名詞〙 ⑥-㋒《「・・・(ようと)...
chocolate's user avatar
  • 66.3k
9 votes

Use of 遊ぶ (asobu)

遊ぶ still means play and 会う does mean meet. But when you use it in a sentence, lets say the one in your first example: 明日、友達と遊ぶ予定だよ。= I'm going to play with my friends tomorrow. I would say the ...
ed9w2in6's user avatar
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9 votes

What's the most common way to say you are bad at something?

You have several ways to say "I'm bad at Japanese". The most common (and direct) ways to say it would be: 私は日本語が[下手]{へた}です。(lit. As for me, Japanese is poor.) 私の日本語は下手です。(lit. My Japanese is ...
chocolate's user avatar
  • 66.3k
9 votes

Why is "language" represented by 言葉【ことば】 instead of 言語【げんご】 in this book for learning Japanese?

言語 is more of an academic term, while ことば is more colloquial and accessible. 言語 is normally used with longer compound words. Functionally, though, they mean the same thing. Although the example that ...
BJCUAI's user avatar
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9 votes

Use of さ as a filler

First, your example, 私さスタバへさ行ったさ, sounds funny because: 行った is a 終止形, so attaching a filler after it sounds weird. True sentence-end さ exists, but it has a different function and tone. さ in 行ってさ ...
naruto's user avatar
  • 331k
9 votes

What are some special ways to use よく besides “often” and “well”?

It has quite a lot of uses outside of "often" and "well". In the form of 「よく食べる」 ~ "(They) eat a lot", it would translate to "much", "to a considerable degree" etc. This may sometimes be easy to ...
VVayfarer's user avatar
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9 votes

Ways to specify "intra-" or "extra-" usage of 北・南・東・西

Place + の + 東/西/南/北 + にある is indeed ambiguous, but you can usually determine the meaning in one way with the aid of the context and some background knowledge: 伏見桃山城は京都の南にある。 Fushimi-Momoyama Castle ...
naruto's user avatar
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