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3 votes

What does ; ; mean?

This may be difficult to search, but this is a type of Japanese "smiley" (or 顔文字) for a face with tears. Imagine something like this:
naruto's user avatar
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3 votes

Weird expression: 〇・一秒

If you saw it in a vertical text, 〇 is the (or at least a) correct way to write zero, as explained in here. 縦書きの場合、番地などの住所は漢数字で記載し、数字の「0」は「〇」を使います Even if the text is horizontal, it is possible 〇・一 ...
sundowner's user avatar
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How is the death of a person marked in Japanese?

If you need some symbol, the × (ばつ) is often used for this purpose in certain fields, including genetics. See: ジェノグラム(家族図)の書き方 What do the shapes △ ◯ ╳ ◻ mean in Japanese? And are there variations in ...
naruto's user avatar
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2 votes

How is the death of a person marked in Japanese?

We use [故]{こ} for the person's name and [没]{ぼつ} for the year/date. Example: 故安倍晋三 故・安倍晋三 故 安倍晋三 2022年没 2022年7月8日没 As a side note: We use [享年]{きょうねん} for the age of death: 享年67歳
chocolate's user avatar
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What does ; ; mean?

The longer version is (;;) or (;_;) representing a face with two eyes and two teardrops with or without lips, or simply a crying face. The parentheses represent the outline of a face but can be ...
Yusuke Matsubara's user avatar

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