5 votes

Is this sentence correctly spelled in Japanese Kanji using plural suffix

We don't provide bulk proofreading service, so allow me to give an answer only with respect to the "plural suffix". Here, you shouldn't use 達 or any other such suffix. Many languages, ...
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達 usage as suffix with person's name

Linguistically, you are free to pick any of the members when calling the group in the format of name-たち. It depends on which person you want to highlight for whatever reason. It's not like some names ...
Yusuke Matsubara's user avatar
3 votes

Can you attach たち to a verb?

That is a case of incorrect parsing. It is not 走りたち+どころに but 走り+たちどころに. However, note that たちどころ starts a new clause. So the sentence can be broken down to [運命の人同士が出会うとき全身にビビーンと衝撃が走り][...
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