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27 votes

What is the meaning of 金〇

This 金〇 is 金麦, a well-known beer brand by Suntory Ltd. You can see the character 麦 on the can. Here 麦 is masked by the circle in order to avoid issues regarding trademarks or conflict of interest. ...
naruto's user avatar
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19 votes

孫悟飯 - Songohan, why non-Japanese say it comes from "gohan = meal/cooked rice"?

It's a pun. In fact, many, many of Dragonball's characters are puns on food (or food-related) items: サイヤ人 Saiyajin from [ヤサイ]{野菜}人 "vegetable people" ベジータ Vegeta from ベジタブル "vegetable" ウーロン Oolong ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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16 votes

Is this character a そ?

Sure it is, there's two legit ways to write そ in Japanese. Two strokes so One stroke so I suspect that the two strokes version is historical but usage made the one stroke version more common. It is ...
Samuel's user avatar
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What do the triangles, circles, and squares mean in the context of manga?

Those are just placeholders. You should understand that instead of a meaningful text those symbols were inserted in order to avoid putting actual text. That can be done for various reasons: censor a ...
永劫回帰's user avatar
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Meaning of ちはース

This is just "Hi". こんちゃ/こんちわ/ちわ/ちは/etc is a very casual version of こんにちは. Of course this は is pronounced "wa". For "ーす", see: What does っす at the end of a sentence mean? also has an entry ...
naruto's user avatar
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14 votes

What do these symbols in manga mean?

This seems to be an encoding/typesetting issue and the "symbols" are indeed Greek letters Ψ, Π, π that seem to be displayed instead of !, ?, 〜. There is another typographical oddity that suggests ...
Earthliŋ's user avatar
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13 votes

What does "なにしに" mean?

It's a truncated 何をしに来たんだ? (What did you come here for?) With the back half cut off and the particle を omitted, it becomes なにしに
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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12 votes

Why is ば in this sentence?

ば is the accusative particle used in wide area of (northern, as I remember) Kyushu as much as を in Standard Japanese. Etymologically it's from を + は contracted but no longer has share the は sense in ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
12 votes

ガードがばがばになっから meaning

バカが: "You fool!" が: not a subject marker but a vocative-like particle; see this ガード: [noun] "guard" (in this context, refers to psychological defense or skepticism against the seducer) がばがば: [...
naruto's user avatar
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11 votes

Weird usage of dakuten

Does this have some special meaning? No. I've never encountered a dakuten with a special meaning. ... or is it just some sort of printing error? A printing error in this case is unlikely. I ...
ajsmart's user avatar
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11 votes

Is 明朝 a typo for 早朝?

4日目の明朝 technically might mean "the 4th day's next day's morning" or "the morning after the 4th day". If everyone understands that "the 4th day" is much more important ...
naruto's user avatar
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10 votes

Usage and meaning : 寝ろ vs 寝てろ?

This type of いる is called a subsidiary verb, and what it means roughly depends on the context and the verb type. For details, see: When is Vている the continuation of action and when is it the ...
naruto's user avatar
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What does どうなちきつたんだよオ mean?

It's not どうなちきつたんだよオ but どうなっちまったんだよォ, which in this context roughly means "What happened to you!" or "What has become of you!" I don't know how much you know about Japanese, but assuming you can read ...
naruto's user avatar
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Deconstruction of "一緒できなくなっちゃって"

朝ゴハン一緒できなくなっちゃって。 This looks pretty informal. The で you are seeing is not a particle, but the start of the verb できる. できる (to be able to do) -> できない (to be unable to do). The next verb is なる (to ...
user3856370's user avatar
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How do you say "canon" as in "official for a story universe"?

Official as opposed to fanfiction/dojin is simply 公式. But do you want to refer to the canonical story line as opposed to that of a spin-off based on an alternative/what-if story? Like "main" Attack ...
naruto's user avatar
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Meaning of 小せェもんに縛られてる

This 小せえもん ("trivial things") is a paraphrase of 国のため(とか). It's read like trivial things such as "for our country" or "For our country"... such trivial things. In other words, this guy is making light ...
naruto's user avatar
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What is the non-slurred version for 叫んどんねん? 叫んでおらない?

叫んどんねん is short for 叫んどるねん, which is short for 叫んでおるねん, which is 叫んでいるんだ(よ) said in Osaka-ben. There is no negation. おる is used instead of いる in many western dialects to denote progressive aspect. ...
naruto's user avatar
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9 votes

What is the purpose of putting 「のは」 at the end of a sentence?

Basically the sentence has been reversed. よしな くだらねえなぐりあいなんぞやるのは! is the same as くだらねえなぐりあいなんぞやるのは よしな! Stop it with all that stupid fist-fighting! This な, by the way, is different from the ...
Angelos's user avatar
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Is there a triple vowel extension in this character name?

This type of combination (adding ァィゥェォ after a katakana of the same vowel) is fairly rare, but I occasionally see it in fictional names. (Sometimes creators want odd-looking names...) Basically ァィゥェォ ...
naruto's user avatar
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Is "爿" a 略字--if so, how is it pronounced/written normally?

Sure looks like 先に to me. You can see the two horizontal lines for the character in your image both come out the other side of the vertical line they cross, unlike 爿, which I had never seen before ...
Mindful's user avatar
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Confusing on understanding【知ってるであるか】

It's 100% ungrammatical in standard Japanese, but some fictional characters speak like this. This is a キャラ語尾 that is sometimes referred to as である口調. A typical user of this 語尾 is an eccentric doctor or ...
naruto's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does 「G」 stand for "excessive depiction of violence" (on ニコニコ)?

It's almost certainly グロ, an abbreviation of グロテスク.
Angelos's user avatar
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9 votes

Why does 「G」 stand for "excessive depiction of violence" (on ニコニコ)?

When I saw the mark of G, I didn't understand why G is used. I thought of ゴキブリ and gravity. But after several seconds, I got an idea. I think G means グロ(グロテスク). This is a common word used like グロ画像, ...
Chance's user avatar
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Meaning of 閉店ガラガラガラ in the following sentence

「ほな前座はこれにて」 → "Well then, that's it for the opening act." 「閉店ガラガラ」 is one of the signature shticks of the comedian 岡田圭右, of the Kansai comedy duo ますだおかだ, typically used at the end of their comedy ...
goldbrick's user avatar
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8 votes

how does と~と~による work?

This is not a grammar point. と is simply acting conjunctively to link nouns while による here means "depending on". Here is how the sentence is parsed: (時と場合と猫)による It depends on the time, the ...
Shurim's user avatar
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8 votes

事に at the end of a sentence

事に is not placed at the end of the sentence. The full sentence is あまり物騒な事に首を突っ込んだらダメよ XXXに首を突っ込む is a set phrase. It means "to meddle into something." It is almost equivalent to English's &...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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Can 男の子 refer to an 18-year-old?

The exact age limit for the terms 男の子 and 女の子 would differ person by person, but the general consensus is that anyone under the age of 30 and unmarried can be referred to as 男の子 and 女の子. Here, the 子 ...
dvx2718's user avatar
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