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What's the difference between 風俗 and 売春?

There is a distinct difference in Japanese law. The Prevention of Prostitution Law of 1956 (売春防止法) defines 売春 as "engaging in sexual intercourse with all and sundry [不特定の人]in return for reward or the ...
Graham Healey's user avatar
4 votes

What is the meaning of the characters ヨ・行ケ・ウ・行ウ・わ・ワ when written after the date?

The characters in brackets after the year are a special form of code which identifies a legal case as belonging to a particular category. The ヨ which you mention indicates that the case is a civil ...
kandyman's user avatar
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4 votes

When was this Japanese standard and why this is so different from modern Japanese?

This is the Imperial Rescript on Education (教育に関する勅語) . Go to Wikipedia for an account of its origin and a translation. It's one of the foundational (if that's a word) documents of the Meiji regime. ...
Graham Healey's user avatar
2 votes

Count(s), as in the legal definition of count, in Japanese

I suppose it's 件. For example, taking from here Aさんが罪に問われる可能性があるのは、5件の窃盗罪と、それぞれの窃盗で被害者宅の庭に侵入しているため、5件の住居侵入罪です Likewise, 彼は2件の殺人について起訴された means He was charged with two counts of murder.
sundowner's user avatar
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1 vote

What's the difference between 防止法 and 禁止法?

It's 禁止法, not 防止法. 防止 means prevention. You say 防止策 or 防止対策 (ways to prevent).
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Katakana Surnames

Maybe since 1985. From here ところが、この「日本的氏名を用いる」という規定は1980年の国籍法、戸籍法の改正に伴って削除された。読売新聞が87年6月に報じた「韓国姓への復姓認める 帰化二世が申し立て/京都家裁」という記事に、以下のような記述がある。 《六十年一月の国籍法、戸籍法改正で、法務省は「帰化許可申請の手引」にある「日本的氏名を用いる」という規定を削除、...
sundowner's user avatar
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