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23 votes

Meaning of 人 in Japanese internet slang

人 represents two hands pressed together. It appears in many kaomoji. In this context it represents praying hands (合掌), a traditional Buddhism/Shinto praying gesture. It can also mean more casual "...
naruto's user avatar
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13 votes

What does ^^; mean?

^^; It's a Japanese emoticon (顔文字) that developed into this emoji 😅 (U+1F605 SMILING FACE WITH OPEN MOUTH AND COLD SWEAT). In Japanese, such expression is called 苦笑い (Google images), which people ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
13 votes

Pronunciation of「ww」(笑い)

This is usually not intended to be read aloud, but the most prevailing "reading" is not わらう but わら. For example, ww is わらわら. 笑うを意味する「www」をなんて読んでる? 「wは読まずに前の文を笑いながら」「わらわらわら」 You can mainly hear this ...
naruto's user avatar
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11 votes

What does 次行ってみよう mean?

次{つぎ}行{い}ってみよう is a famous phrase used by a Japanese comedian いかりや長{ちょう}介{すけ}. IIRC this phrase caught on in the late 1970's. He used this catchphrase frequently in his TV comedy show, at the end of ...
naruto's user avatar
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11 votes

How do you pronounce a ッ followed by a ー?

Good point. It's actually unpossible. 「アッ」と発声した後息を溜める所作を表現したものと思われるが、「ッ」の後に「ー」が続くという発声の不可能性からネットミームとしてウケ、やがて同性愛関係で「ア」のつく発声を表記する際に多用されるようになった。 (source) While supposed to be transcription of a gasp ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
11 votes

What does 凸 mean here?

It means to contact directly. More specifically, to make a phone call, make a visit, talk to. It derives from identifying 突{とつ}撃 and 凸{とつ}. 「凸」とは?意味と例文が3秒でわかる! The usage of 突撃 means an 'attack' in a ...
sundowner's user avatar
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10 votes

What is the Japanese word for video views on the Internet?

How about 「[視聴]{しちょう}[回数]{かいすう}」? I think [再生]{さいせい}回数 would also work.
chocolate's user avatar
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10 votes

What does the letter 'P' at the end of an author's pseudonym mean?

That P (simply read ピー) stands for プロデューサー ("Producer"). Traditionally, P has been used like a name suffix for a super-high executive in the showbiz/broadcasting/anime industry (someone even ...
naruto's user avatar
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9 votes

Internet vocabulary: Is 落ちる an equivalent of "being AFK"?

落ちます is closer to "gotta go now." It usually means not returning for the day, unless otherwise modified by しばらく, ちょっと, 30分くらい, 飯食ってくるので, etc. A typical response for 落ちます would be おやすみなさい, また明日, お疲れ様, ...
naruto's user avatar
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9 votes

Meaning of 電凸 in suicide context

Looks like it's a kind of pun, or rather, 釣りタイトル. The slang word 電凸 usually means 電話で突撃 as the Wikipedia article says, but in this video, this title actually means something like 電車に突入. (凸 is a ...
naruto's user avatar
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9 votes

How do Japanese people use 🅱️-substitution, if at all?

Is this a thing ever done in Japanese text If you specifically mean "replacing B/C (and only B and C) with the red/squared emoji 🅱️", then, no, that has never been a thing in Japan. I did not know ...
naruto's user avatar
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8 votes

what does クソリプ means?

It's pretty much self explanatory: a shitty reply. I'm not aware of what shitpost means, but looking at the definitions online, I would say they are quite similar. The difference is that this only ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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8 votes

What does できなさすぎる mean?

納豆を食べることができなさすぎる/食べられなさすぎる means "I can't eat natto at all" or "I am so terribly bad at natto", but it's a humorous slangy expression rather than a standard sentence. It's fine as the catchy title of ...
naruto's user avatar
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7 votes

Do Japanese people see ツ as a smiling face?

I know this is an old post, and I'm not Japanese, but I did some research and I found out this: Japanese don't look at the mouth to notice emotions, rather the eyes. Since the "eyes" here are ...
Vincent Bechmann's user avatar
7 votes

Are there trends in Japanese similar to Pig Latin or Martian Chinese?

An interesting slang communication system that's been around since 2009 is Pseudo-Chinese ([偽中国語]{にせちゅうごくご}), which is basically Japanese sentences stripped of all kana (although critical kana content ...
dROOOze's user avatar
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草 is Internet slang that means "laugh", "laughable", and 「笑える」,「うける」,「面白い」 in Japanese. "w" is Internet slang that means "laugh", "laughable". People use it like "wwwwwwww" when they want to ...
Yuuichi Tam's user avatar
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7 votes


This とは is a phrase used to present the definition (or important characteristics) of something (see Use of とは when there doesn't seem to be comparison). Another type of とは for surprise is not ...
naruto's user avatar
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7 votes

maru = "for real" (or something of the sort)?

It is a reading of '。', the proper full width period. So it is kind of like saying in English '..., period'. Saying まる just indicates the end of the sentence unlike English where 'period' sounds like ...
sundowner's user avatar
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6 votes


This is an internet slang. おはつ means 初めまして and よろ means よろしくお願いします.
Yuuichi Tam's user avatar
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6 votes

Is 笑 more like "LOL" or "haha"?

笑 is the oldest. 笑 was used before the advent of the Internet. Even today, this is probably the most common way for interviews to appear in magazines and other publications as Jimmy commented. ...
shingo.nakanishi's user avatar
5 votes

What is the meaning of すこ in ほんとすこ?

すこ is a recent slang word that means すき. ほんとすこ is "I really love it". For some reason, young net users keep coining strange words by changing a single character. Another well-known example is ぬこ, ...
naruto's user avatar
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5 votes

What is the Japanese word for video views on the Internet?

What are those views called in japanese? 閲覧{えつらん}回数{かいすう} or 閲覧{えつらん}数{すう} Pikotaro's PPAP dance was viewed more than 200 million times. ピコ太郎{たろう}のPPAPダンスは2億{おく}回{かい} 以上{いじょう} 閲覧{えつらん}された。 ...
user20624's user avatar
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5 votes

Meaning of 小動物系

小動物系 In this case 系 doesn't mean system. Instead it refers to a certain category of girls. 小動物系 describes girls you could compare to small animals in terms of cuteness. They obviously can't be tall ...
kuchitsu's user avatar
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How to read 艶肌 in 艶肌メイク

A quick google search reveals that ツヤ肌 is another common spelling for the word that you're looking for. Furthermore, on youtube you can find videos of youtubers enunciating the word as ツヤハダ (see for ...
kiyopi's user avatar
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How to read 艶肌 in 艶肌メイク

Just to complete the answer from grove. 艶肌 is actually referenced by dictionaries as つやはだ. つやはだ (知恵蔵の解説) うるおい感、パール感、素肌感など様々な質感で演出するつややかな肌をいう。パール感のあるベースで明るくソフトなつや感を演出した肌のこと。かさつきがなく、...
永劫回帰's user avatar
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4 votes

What does ま? mean?

これのことでしょうか。 「マ?」の意味は?「こマ?」「そマ?」もあわせて解説 まず「マ」ですが、これは「マジ」(本気)の略です。 クエスチョンマークを付けて「マ?」という様に書き込まれていたら、この意味は「マジ?」ということです。 「マジ?」という聞き返しが、軽い確認にまで多用されるようになった結果、限界まで短縮されてしまったのだと思います。 個人的には、...
broccoli forest's user avatar
4 votes

What's the meaning of "どアップしんどい"?

どアップ Yes, it means close-up. Beyond that, it usually describes an extreme close-up shot that whole picture is covered up by the object (often is a person's face). In this specific case, it mentions ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
4 votes

Are なぬand ぬぬ like slangy/cute ways to say なに?

なぬ is an exclamation to tell surprise, like "No way!" It's probably related to なに, but has lost most of its interrogative nuance. It doesn't sound particularly cute, but a bit old-fashioned and ...
broccoli forest's user avatar
4 votes

What is the meaning of すこ in ほんとすこ?

To add to the reference part, you can look here. Basically, like a lot of these internet slang, it was born from a single typo, in this case すこ instead of the intended すき. As people made fun of it as ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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