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Questions tagged [causation]

使役. Japanese has a causative morpheme -(s)ase-, which turns verbs into causative verbs. Japanese also has a number of lexical causative verbs, as well.

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Why is が (instead of に/を) used with せる here?

こわがりの恵美がだんだん顔をこわばらせて、しまいには泣きだしてしまう 恵美's brother read a horror story to her and she started crying. The above sentence explains what happens to 恵美 when her brother reads her such a story. I am having ...
Kapol's user avatar
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What is this usage of のよ?

The character meets a girl at a party and she tells him this. I understand it's "Please eat a lot, I'll bring some to you" But what is the second part of the sentence actually? "let me ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Causative verbs: can the "Self" be the doer?

I have noticed that there are a few causative-like structures in English that do not tend to be natural in Japanese. Namely, in this question: "Makes you/me/..." by a nonhuman agent In ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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Why are passive and causative passive here mixed together?

あたし、いきなりアケミさんに落とされて気絶させられたでしょう。雑です」 "I got got dropped by Akemi and made fall. It's very rough." Why is the passive used in the second verb but not the first? Or does the causative passive ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Why is the passive used over the causative passive here?

その交わった視線で 私なんてすぐ乱されるから I understand the sentence is "As our lines intersects, I am throw into into disarray" aka the narrator says because she loves him, when their eyes meet, she panics. ...
LionGate's user avatar
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Relative clause causative?

I was wondering about this sentence: 大悪魔の 娘である私に..その巧みな話術で恋人契約させた抜け目ない男子ッ!! Does the relative clause connect with the causative and the に particle here? More specifically, it is this part I am ...
HoodIntercooledSubaru's user avatar
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What exactly is the difference between causative verbs of intransitive verbs and their transitive counterpart?

I've noticed this before but I just encountered “ちょっと見せなさい” which clearly meant “Let me look for a moment.” not “Show it for a moment.” as it was uttered by a character that pushed the other character ...
Zorf's user avatar
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What is the meaning of 噂に翻弄させられる?

A character in this visual novel being subjected to threats and rumors has this inner monologue: 脅迫状の言いなりにさせられて、今度は噂に翻弄させられて I understand the basic usage of させられる to be "made to do something&...
hulapoll1's user avatar
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How does this sentence make sense?

小学生に作れてしまうほど簡単 Each explanation i get is that it means ''Simple enough to be made by schoolchildren'' But how can this be translated to this if this isn't even the passive version of the verb? It ...
First Name Last Name's user avatar
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Which part of the verb should I conjugate in a causative sentence when expressing "allowance"?

I am unsure which part of the verb to conjugate when making a causative sentence expressing "allowance". For example, if I were to write 'My mother didn't let (allow) me get a drivers ...
Husk55's user avatar
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Which form is the correct causative-passive 聞く?

There is an exercise in スピードマスターN4 to put verbs in the causative-passive form: つまらない話を(聞いて)、眠くなった。 The answer key says the correct form should be 聞かされて. While, for example, JLPT Sensei lists it as ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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Concatenated Causatives of Causatives

Some recent posts here reminded me about something from many, many years ago: how do you form concatenated causatives in Japanese? If I want to say, "Make me go", I would say, 行かせて. That ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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The use of causative + には in this sentence

Upon asking the group if they had a bad experience in the village, they deny and she says this. I understand the first sentence is akin "Starting with the royal family, the village is quite ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does causative + もらう + volitonal mean? 使わせてもらおう [duplicate]

(Upon receiving a sword as a gift) ありがたく使わせてもらおう I know させてもらう means "I'll take the liberty of doing x" but does the same a for 使わせてもらおう?
LionGate's user avatar
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What does わせ in this sentence mean?

なぜ死なしてしもたか、人生を狂るわせたのか Does this sentence contain typo? I guess 狂るわせ should be 狂わせ. What do you guys think?
CN.hitori's user avatar
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させられない: Causative passive or causative + potential?

そういう作業を彼にさせられないし そもそもこいつに出来る気がしない My understand of the sentence is "I cannot let that guy handle that kind of job. To be begin with, I don't feel like he could do it." させられる read as ...
LionGate's user avatar
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The use of causative + もらう + なさい together

My understanding of the sentence is akin to "Because there in no room for you, for a while make use of Ryo's room." However, I don't understand this use of causative + もらう. Why add なさい?
LionGate's user avatar
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Difference between お vs あ in causative and passive form [closed]

I think it might be to just differ between words, but why isn't 殺す こらす, 下ろす 下らす, etc. Is it phonetic change? Is that the reason why 足りる isn't 足るる。For passives, 戻る isn't もだる.
Star Peep's user avatar
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The use of causative + くれる in this sentence

とんでもねぇもん掴ませてくれたな= とんでもないもの掴ませてくれたな The character speaking got this file from his station and it's giving them to the other characters. What's I'm stumbled is this use of "くれた". From context ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Causative + Potential and the verb 合わせる

What exactly is the use of 合わせる here? Causative + potential?
LionGate's user avatar
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The grammar of 教授がハリーをひとり占めにはできなかった

みんなが寄ってくるので、教授がハリーをひとり占めにはできなかった。 Everyone had gathered round, so the professor was unable to monopolise Harry. I'm struggling with the grammar of the second clause here. The closest structure I can ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What does 毎日働かせる mean exactly? (causative form + frequency modifier)

To me it seems that 毎日働かせる has two possible meanings: Every day (I) make (him) work. (So I issue this order to him every day) OR, (I) make (him) work every day. (So maybe I only issue this order ...
sofeshue's user avatar
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である vs でいる for turning nouns into verbs

I always thought that である was a way to replace です, or the equivalent of turning "noun" into "being a noun". However, In this ひぐらしのなく頃に fan art piece,魅音 is saying ずっと沙都子の味方でいさせてよ ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Why do you say 何々を上達させる and not 何々を上達する?

As the title states、would it be correct ever to say 何々を上達する? Why do we need to use the causative here? For example 日本語を上達させたいです。 Could this be 日本語を上達したいです。 Apologies if the sentences are incorrect....
doliphin's user avatar
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Roles of を and に with predicate 参加させる

The following is taken from (page 71 of) the reading comprehension exercise book 日本語総まとめ N1 読解. The context is that someone is giving their opinion on 裁判員制度. 裁判の内容を国民に広く開示すること自体は悪いことではないが、そもそも裁判の審理は、...
LAMC's user avatar
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Implied agent of 使わせる

Below is an excerpt from 天声人語 Jun. 14 2010: 東京大の宮崎徹教授らが、体脂肪を减らすたんぱく質を見つけたという。脂肪を作る働きを抑え、ため込んだ分を使わせる効果があるそうだ。 I wondered for quite some time why 使わせる instead of 使う is used here. Then I speculate that ...
magni's user avatar
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Causative use for the verb 習う (sense of achievement)

I learnt here that "the causative せる lends a sense of achievement or overcoming hardship to finish something". My question is: is it common for Japanese students to use the causative form of ...
Starckman's user avatar
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Meaning of させてもらう

I'm trying to understand what させてもらう really means, beyond different translations I have seen, since they don't always seem to work. I found this question, which gives as meanings "[decide to] ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Meaning of ご帰還あそばれなされた [duplicate]

Full sentence: 「俺様がご帰還あそばれなされたぞ!」 I think this sentence means something alike to: "I have returned!" My main problem with this sentence is the usage of あそばれなされた. From my understanding, this ...
Gabriel Costa's user avatar
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What's going on with the particles in this causative sentence?

余計にテンションが上がる健一に俺は思うわず顔を引き攣らせる。 Why is the one making someone else to do the action (健一) marked with に, marker for the doer of the verb?. If 引き攣る is transitive then maybe it's correct but it's ...
Tung's user avatar
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How to use させる in a series of verbs

When させる is used to say "let A do B", for example, Let the dog move forward. 犬を前に進ませる。 What if I add more verbs there? Say Let the dog move forward, sit in front of the wall and take a ...
neuront's user avatar
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Parse and make sense of 女子を接客のメインにさせて?

「私から補足すると、今の時代に女子を接客のメインにさせて男受けを狙うと色々とうるさいんだ」 How should I parse the bold part? Is it AをBにする construction (make A into B)? Or is メインにする considered to be an intransitive verb? If it is the former, why ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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causative without に

I'm reading this story and am trying to understand the use of the causative in this sentence: あの人{ひと}のマントをどちらが早{はや}く脱{ぬ}がせることができると思{おも}う? According to textbooks and this answer, the "causee&...
joriki's user avatar
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Recently, I looked up「気が引ける」in 旺文社国語辞典 きがひける【気が引ける】 うしろめたい感じがして気おくれする。遠慮される。 It's odd to me that「遠慮する」is written in passive. I thought it was a typo at first then it occurred to me this「される」can be ...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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Meaning of 分担させる

本田さんに仕事を分担させた。 We assigned the work to Mrs Honda. (given translation) I do not understand the English translation. I thought 分担する meant 'to divide amongst / to apportion'. So my translation of this ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Difference between 人を不安にさせる and 人を不安にする

I came across this sentence during immersion: 人を不安にさせといてそりゃないでしょ!!! Why is 不安にさせといて and not 不安にして in this case if the meaning is "to make people anxious"?
Andrea22's user avatar
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Ambiguity between potential causative and passive causative

I have this thought from time to time when I am trying to express an English thought in Japanese. Perhaps the sentence itself is unnatural so let me know. It seems like we can make him come (to a ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Meaning of させたとして

In this news I heard this sentence: 福岡県飯塚市のディスカウントストアで食料品を万引きし、店の警備員にけがをさせたとして隣接する嘉麻市の職員の男が逮捕されました。 I can understand the meaning form the context, but the part させたとして isn't that clear to me: I know ...
Mauro's user avatar
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Causative passive form vs. Passive causative form: Both are grammatically possible, but is there a citation to prefer one over the other?

The "causative passive" form is very well documented. It's easily made possible because the a causative verb is a valid ichidan verb, and therefore compatible with the passive conjugation. ...
JKVeganAbroad's user avatar
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注意を向ける vs. 注意を向けさせる - same meaning?

I understand the difference in concept; YがXを向ける = "Y turns X", and ZがYにXを向けさせる = "Z makes Y turn X". But in practical usage with 注意を~, I can't tell the difference. Do native ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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「を発動させる」 why 使役態?

This is one of those things which are common enough that I hardly ever give them a second thought but when I do they just stop making sense. デトネーターを最初に命中させたプレイヤーがコンボを発動させます。(source) Why are 命中 and ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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"Makes you/me/..." by a nonhuman agent

I'm wondering how sentences are typically made for the pattern "(some non human thing) makes me/you/etc (reaction)." For example, "reading this book makes me think." Or "going ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Why is を触れさせる rather than を触れる used here?

十香はその場に座ったまま、不思議そうな顔をして、唇に指を触れさせていた。 (The context is 十香 touched her lips with her finger.) 顔に出ていただろうか。士道は自分の頰を撫でるように手を触れさせながら、誤魔化すように続けた。 (士道 touched his cheek with his hand) I come across these ...
chino alpha's user avatar
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聞かす vs The Causative Form of 聞く (and what about 聞かさせる???)

I was reading Naruto and came across the word 聞かされた. I understood its meaning, but soon got confused when tried to go about its conjugation. And thus I came across these... 寝る・寝かす 聞く・聞かす 待つ・待たす 散る・...
Francis's user avatar
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「食べさせてもらおう」 - How precisely does this sentence break down?

The sentence in question (from here) どれ、 たべさせて もらおう。 The provided translation is: "Let's see, I think I will eat." The volitional conjugation of もらう makes sense, and I am aware of the ...
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Unknown verb form (typo?) in manga

I've been trying to translate Touhou doujinshi, when I came across this sentence: A man talks about events related to youkai's den down the road. The first part of the sentence is: なんでも綺麗【きれい】な女【おんな】...
LLL's user avatar
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Expressing "someone got someone to do something for me"

I'm trying to figure out how to say something like: Tanaka got Honda to buy me a coffee The best I could come up with was: 田中さんは本田さんに僕のコーヒーを買わせた Is this correct, or is there a better way to say ...
Lucas's user avatar
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Difference between して and させて [duplicate]

I know the basic difference between して and させて。 however in the following examples, I am getting a little confused. アプリを起動して。 アプリを起動させて。 車を発進して。 車を発進させて。 How exactly are they different?
Abi's user avatar
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Why is に used with causativeて+もらう but not causativeて +くれる?

Example: 両親が一人で日本に行かせてくれた My parents let me go to Japan alone And 両親に一人で日本に行かせてもらった My parents let me go [after me asking] to Japan alone
Japanese Learner's user avatar
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How do you say this? (Warning NSFW)

How would you say: "I want a girl to sit on my face" in Japanese? Would it be something like this: "俺の顔の上に女の子を座りたいだ"?
モレランド・ウィル's user avatar