> これは私に難しい。 > This is difficult for me. I want to say [This it is difficult **EVEN** for me.] The closest way to say it that I could find is using とっても [totte-mo], but for my understanding this word is not [even], it is [very]. To my understanging it modifies ajective [difficult] to [very difficult], but I want to modify person, to whom it is difficult. > これは私にとっても難しい。 > This is VERY difficult to me. To my understaing every word, which ends with も[mo] creates meaning [too][as well], but I want to say the meaning, that when it is difficult even for me, than you have no chance at all and therefore you have no sence to try it at all, for you it will be waste of time. It is like: even if he can not do it, than you will 100% never do it. It is hard **even for him**. **Question:** what pattern should be used to modify the person, marked by に[ni], which is [to whom][for whom]? What general pattern is used to emphasize [even for someone][even for somebody][even for me/him/her/them/...]