I'm also a little confused. Reading this, my understanding of it is something along the lines of "Even though it's not cute, I find it strange that I'm getting psyched." I could be misunderstanding, but it looks like she wants it to be cute? > 「可愛くないのはやだけど」 As in, "This isn't cute, but..." Edit: I guess reading everyone else's reply, I didn't take into consideration the 思われる, which I know is the passive tense form of 思う, where the action is being done to you by another person. So, I incorrectly treated it as "思う" and incorporated it as "I find" in my original sentence. I think the other users covered it better, but when I do add that 思われる、it changes to "Even though it's not cute, others would find that I'm getting strangely psyched."