If the predicate were 消える instead of 消えない, が would have sounded neutral and 消える would have been understood as referring to a one-time change (that does happen).

> 君とここまで歩いてきた足跡**が**消える [one-time change / neutral]

は, on the other hand, would have put 足跡 in contrast with other things as if to say although those other things won’t disappear, their footprints will.

> 君とここまで歩いてきた足跡**は**消える [one-time change / contrastive]

Your understanding is more or less correct so far.

However, the predicate in your sentence is 消えない. In general, a negative verbal predicate tends to be understood as referring to a static property of something, rather than a one-time change that doesn’t happen. In this case, は sounds more neutral than が just as is the case with a nominal or adjectival predicate (whether affirmative or negative) which usually refers to a static property.

> ボールペンで書いた字**は**消えない。[static property / neutral]

は also sounds neutral when an affirmative verbal predicate does refer to a static property, although it may still carry a contrastive nuance depending on the context (as when the following sentence immediately follows the sentence above).

> 鉛筆で書いた字**は**消える。[static property / neutral]

When が is used with a negative verbal predicate, it takes on an “exhaustive-listing” quality and also the verb is likely to be understood as referring to a one-time change that doesn’t happen. The result is that it sounds like you are specifically stating something doesn’t happen when it is expected to.

Let’s take a step back and look at the following pair with affirmative predicates, where たら more or less ensures the verb is understood as referring to a one-time change in both.

> 8時になったら電気**が**消える。[one-time change / neutral]
> 8時になったら電気**は**消える。[one-time change / contrastive]

Now, let’s look at the following.

> 8時になっても電気**が**消えない。[one-time change / **unexpected**]
> 8時になっても電気**は**消えない。[one-time change / contrastive] or [static property / neutral]

The sentence with が sounds like the speaker is surprised that the lights don’t go off even after eight.

Your sentence is similar to that.

> たとえ思い出になってでも 昔の話になってでも<br>
> 君とここまで歩いてきた足跡が消えない

It almost sounds as if the speaker wants to erase the footprints but they persist. I agree with the commenter. は would sound more neutral and natural.





① 主語が「私」「あなた」(一、二人称)である場合<br>
② 恒常的な出来事を表す場合<br>
③ 否定文である場合




3 (3) (高原でバスを降りた直後に)うーん、空気が**うまい**。



(6) 田中さん**が**パーティーに来ませんでした。


(7) あっ、財布**が**ない。

(8) あっ、かぎ**が**かかっていない。
