My JLPT practise book has these two sentences to help explain the difference between `お目{め}にか`**`け`**`る` and `お目{め}にか`**`か`**`る` in a context of [keigo][1].

> それでは新製品{しんせいひん}お目{め}にかけましょう。
> 鈴木{すずき}さんという人{ひと}に初{はじ}めてお目{め}にかかりました。

Unfortunately, the brief explanation they give about these sentences is not quite enough for me to be sure I've got it.

I think the first case, `お目{め}にかける` is when you're asking someone else to look at something. "Please look at ***X***."

And I think the second case of `お目{め}にかかる`is when you're doing the looking. "I saw ***X***."

I often get these kinds of differences mixed up. Can someone either confirm I'm right, tell me if and where I'm wrong, or enlighten me if there is some other nuance I should be aware of?
