- ○ まる - **OK; correct; yes; supported** (like <code>✔</code>; note that the check mark usually means "wrong" in Japanese examinations) - masked/censored character (mainly for political/legal reasons; like `*` in English used to mask characters in certain words; see [this][1]) - rival horse; second likely to win (horse race; favorite horse is marked with `◎`) - win; victory; [白星][2] (when used as opposed to 黒星 = `●` = lose) - × ばつ、ぺけ、ばってん - **NG; wrong; no; unsupported** - masked/censored character (mainly for sexual reasons) - multiplication (math) - lose (game) - dead; extinct; obsolete (word, species, person; like <code>†</code> in English) - used to denote romantic relationships, especially in *yaoi* fandom (like "slash" `/` in English) - finished (calendar, event) - △ さんかく - **partially OK; partially supported; between ○ and ×** - second move; white; *gote* (shogi/chess/etc, when used as opposed to `▲` = first move) - negative earnings; money loss - dark horse; third likely to win (horse race) - □ しかく - unprintable character; glyph missing (see: [豆腐][3]) - full-width space (as opposed to the dot `・` used to denote half-width (ascii) spaces) And these symbols can be used as the casual placeholder for other arbitrary words/characters. (See [this][4]) [1]: http://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/11810/5010 [2]: http://jisho.org/search/%E7%99%BD%E6%98%9F [3]: http://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/5129/5010 [4]: http://japanese.stackexchange.com/q/12907/5010