“で” or “ので” is a conjunction equivalent to and, so, as, and because, as in, 彼女は料理が好き**で**、特にパスタ料理が得意です - She is a good cooker **and** her specialty is pasta dishes. ウイスキーを一杯飲ん**で**それから出かけました - He had a gulp of a glass of whiskey **and** went out. 彼は勉強家で、中国語を3年間**で**完全にマスターしました - He is a hard-worker, **so** he completely mastered Chinese in three years. 彼は言い間違えた**ので**訂正しました - He misspoke. **So** he corrected it 彼は骨折**で**入院しました - **Because of** a fracture, he got hospitalized. 彼女は愛想がいい**ので**皆に好かれています - **Because** (as) she is so amiable, she is liked by everybody.