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Questions tagged [writing-identification]

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What is written here that implies calling on the phone?

At the end of Golden Boy Episode 2, there's a message written by a girl to MC-kun. The subs say it translates to "Call me any time". But I can't make out the "call me" part in ...
chausies's user avatar
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What does ありゃあねぇ stand for?

ありゃあねぇ= あればいい? From context is seems that but I'm not sure.
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What is this strange script?

I have seen this script in several games—and possibly elsewhere—but the only one I can think of now is [Samurai Shodown]{サムライ・スピリッツ}. The script characters are typically very rounded and/or squiggly. ...
istrasci's user avatar
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which kanji is this? i can't find it anywhere

I searched everywhere and I can't find it, maybe it is not kanji and i can't remember?
dell's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Need help identifying a mark on a tool [closed]

Apologies for cross posting from the woodworking stack exchange. I ran across an auction of a set of Japanese chisels for woodworking. The only visible markings are stamped on the chisel itself, and I'...
EyePulp's user avatar
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4 votes
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Different writing of the kanji 誤?

Good day, I've just noticed that the kanji 誤, while displayed almost everywhere that way, when pasted in my Anki deck, suddenly changes into (see picture below) I can't get it to display anywhere else ...
Narrava's user avatar
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What is this kanji, found in a 1932 Japanese world map?

The map can be found at this link, with the text in question placed to the right of the Iberian Peninsula. Despite the existence of many similar kanji (notably, 逐, 遂, 隧, 燧, and 邃), I was unable to ...
Evan X's user avatar
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1 answer

Help Deciphering 2002 Newspaper Kanji

Can anyone help me decipher the two middle kanji in the name of this newspaper? The first two are obviously 日本, the last two being 新聞, but I cannot manage to figure out the two others... A Japanese ...
wanwandrew's user avatar
2 votes
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Help identifying a low resolution kanji

I am making captions in Japanese for a song. I have a kanji that I can't identify because of the low resolution and writing, could you help? The kanji: The context: The most resembling one that I ...
Jat01's user avatar
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What is the first Kanji in this image?

~口先生 Nothing comes to mind when I look at the first Kanji. I searched for Surnames with 口 in them but nothing seems to match. Here are all the surnames matching ~口
vadasambar's user avatar
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Can someone help me identify some characters? [closed]

I have been playing Dai Gyakuten Saiban 2 with assistance from a script for the main game, but I am completely lost in (what I think is) the DLC menu and some unidentified characters popped up. I got ...
DGS 2 Player's user avatar
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Help identifying blurry kanji [closed]

I am currently trying to learning Japanese by reading manga. So far so good, but this kanji is too blurry for me to figure out. Anyone know what this could be? I'm 98% sure the first character means '...
Zach Tan's user avatar
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1 answer

Is my transcription of the handwritten kanji correct? [closed]

I just want to make sure my transcription is correct of the sentence pictured. (it probably isn't, but this is really the closest I could come up with.) 読みとみバーグアフ。微妙... Is that correct? For the ...
Zoe's user avatar
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Can someone help me identify the handwritten kanji? [closed]

Hi everyone, can someone please help me identify the kanji in the picture? Just the middle two kanji. 玲音がXXしているもの。 Is the kanji 使用? Also what is the middle katakana/character between ミ and レ?
Zoe's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Is there a term used for a new kanji that replaces an outdated one?

Is there a term used for a new kanji that replaces an outdated one? 國 and 国 are good examples.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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1 answer

Does this kanji stamp actually mean "harmony"? [closed]

I was given a rubber stamp (image above) that supposedly means "harmony" but I suspect it doesn't. Can anyone confirm the meaning or tell me its real one?
Chris's user avatar
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3 votes
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Handwritten kana that looks like ヤダ, but I can't find ヤダ in a dictionary

studying Japanese for some months now I, began translating some Japanese sentences written on pictures or drawings. Unfortunately I came across a drawing with handwritten kana that I cannot clearly ...
LordMaShi's user avatar
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What’s written?

How do i read this ? I didn’t find the letters
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-1 votes
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What is this tiny kanji?

I have found this kanji in a PC novel It is so small that I tried to draw it The context is the following: "(Kanji)廃棄物処理場 区の(Kanji)廃棄物処理場 So it's related to "garbage process", but ...
JoeJoe's user avatar
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What kanji is this?

So I was reading stuff on the official website of the anime 僕のヒーローアカデミア and stumbled upon this handwritten message from the original manga's author. I cannot read the encircled part because I do not ...
yushi's user avatar
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What is this character on this shirt? [closed]

A colleague came with this shirt to work. I can read the 本日?売 but the "オ (approximation) I do not know. Can you tell me the character? What could be the translation? Sell X every day? I first ...
jcklie's user avatar
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What is this kanji on a Meiji era 2-sen coin?

I saw this picture of a Meiji era 2-sen coin in the 2013 game Tomb Raider: Front: Back: The front is easily readable, and explained by the caption: [大日本]{だいにっぽん} [明治]{めいじ}[六年]{ろくねん} 2SEN The back ...
muru's user avatar
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Having trouble identifying a kanji character in a comic strip

I'm "reading" a cute comic about a cat that has por luck, at the top of each strip is the title of the comic, but I can't identify this character: The closest I can find is 生 (life), which might ...
Shane Gadsby's user avatar
-1 votes
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What's this kanji? 「室」

tl;dr: What is the kanji after [管理人]{かんりにん}? I did not have any problem finding all the other kanji I didn't know, but the very last one after [管理人]{かんりにん} still puzzles me. I tried googling [管理人]{...
Kreuvf's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What does it say on this drinking game?

I have something similar to figurine that looks a Russian doll. It has kanji that I cannot recognize. This probably is a drinking game? I would be so happy to know these kanji and the official name of ...
riverflows's user avatar
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What does こつぐってなる mean?

What is written here on page 4, after 「それと一緒に」? I searched in WWWJDIC and Google, but I can't understand the meaning of 「こつぐってなる」. For the 「語彙が…」 comment, I understand that this word sounds strange ...
Aso's user avatar
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I can't identify this kanji from pokemon moon

I cannot identify the first kanji of the second sentence. I have tried SKIP and hand drawing it but it was to no avail. I have also tried the kanji finder via radicals over at JDIC but again it was ...
Quistis Trepe's user avatar
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Please help me read this board

So I tried to read what's written on this board in a manga, but a portion of it is too blurry for me to try to seach the kanji in a dictionnary. It would be great if someone was able to recognize the ...
dobondobondo's user avatar
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I have had this knife for over 60 years and I would like to know what these Kanji mean

Here is a photo of the knife I have had for 60 years.
DanO's user avatar
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13 votes
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What does this fish market banner say?

A friend has at home this banner from an old fish shop in Sapporo. I suppose it's a souvenir from Japan. It intrigues me a lot! What's this の with an upper stroke and the ten-ten? What's the name for ...
Jason Lint's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't find this handwritten kanji/kana?

I'm a beginner and this word or particle or whatever it is has left me dumbfounded. Greatly appreciate if anyone can tell me what this is supposed to be.
Salie's user avatar
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3 votes
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Deciphering Kawaii Writing

I was wondering if anyone knew how to read Kawaii writing and if there is any guide to help us read them? For example the following is I believe an omake or bonus page and it's not the first time I ...
Seishin Kan's user avatar
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How to find out the meaning of hand-written japanese?

Here are the characters that I'm looking for the meanings. I fed Google Image with one of the characters, but non of the results was relative. Beside, I used project, and the results ...
Farzad's user avatar
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How to read this calligraphy? What does it mean?

What are all the characters in this calligraphy? Overall, what does it mean? as per the accepted answer, just wanted to share the complete porcelain set I have. It is kind of cool:
konishiki's user avatar
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What is this Kanji?

What is this kanji between 今日は and って? I can't recognize, and a search by radical don't return anything.
A guy's user avatar
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2 answers

What on Earth is this kanji character?

I was watching a Japanese YouTube video and the ending screen that says the usual ご視聴ありがとうございます followed by talking about what the next video was going to be, etc... I understand the context of this ...
Miss Lavelle's user avatar
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What is this script called?

I have seen this script many times before, but the best information anyone can give me is that they are archaic and almost no one uses them. Here is a photo of the characters then versus now:
Morella Almånd's user avatar
2 votes
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What methods/systems for finding kanji or entering them on a PC tend to be faster than others?

When I see a kanji or a word consisting of multiple kanji somewhere, I want to enter them into a computer so that I can search for it and translate it. Are there any methods or "systems" that allow ...
Deele's user avatar
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1 answer

Which font is used here? [closed]

Could anyone please help me identify the font used in the image below? (The words read 千羽鶴 - or Senbazuru). Thank you very much!
AKG's user avatar
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Meaning of しょわー

In the last panel at the bottom of the page, she says 「しょ__ー」. I'm not quite sure as to what that last character is, including its use(s) and pronunciation(s). I have seen this character in various ...
japanese beginner's user avatar
3 votes
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Help identifying low-res kanji (and perhaps words) on a low-res album cover

Listening to an ancient rip of Escaflowne soundtrack, I wanted to add artist information to one file. I managed to identify some things from context and matching guesses to dictionary entries, but not ...
Jostikas's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What kind of Japanese is this?

I am looking at a Japanese map of the early 19th century. It contains a printed comment that I am trying to find translation for. It does not seem to be modern Japanese so I am wondering what kind of (...
user5161's user avatar
3 votes
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Help identifying a low-res kanji

I've been playing an older Japanese video game, and I've come across a kanji that I'm unable to identify. I've attempted to use the radical lookup on, but the low-resolution is making that ...
nitroblast's user avatar
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What is this kanji? 「兵」

I am having difficulty locating this kanji. My guess is the radical is cliff "厂" with 7 strokes. However, my dictionary fails me. The closest I got is 后.
P.Brian.Mackey's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How do I look up this kanji?

I have found a kanji in a manga I am attempting to read, that looks like this: I have tried to find it in numerous dictionaries, and used multiple different methods. I know the third section is a ...
AlbeyAmakiir's user avatar
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4 answers

What's the best utility for identifying kanji? [closed]

I often run into kanji that I don't recognize and need some way to translate them into kana, so that I'm able to look up the meaning. What's the most useful utility (in any form, web-based, ...
Chad Birch's user avatar