Questions tagged [wasei-eigo]

和製英語. Japanese words composed entirely of English components, but which have no meaning (or an entirely different meaning) in English.

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What does "dainty" mean in this context? [closed]

What does the "dainty" below "Liquor and Drink" mean/correlate to? This seems like 和製英語 of some kind but I can't figure out what it could be from or what sort of meaning or purpose ...
Reveiller's user avatar
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Translation of some school related terms. 特進、英数、生徒の声

There are some Japanese Terms that I am not sure how to translate in English. Mainly the problem occurs because of these words' perception in Japanese culture. Like, 学校公開. Japanese call this "Open ...
Grizzly's user avatar
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Why is a bubble tea called 'タピオカジュース' or 'タピオカティー 'in Japan?

I love drinking bubble tea, especially in Indonesia, China, and in Japan where there are many famous bubble tea sellers, especially Chatime or KOI (there was one when I visited Indonesia). However, ...
Flonne's user avatar
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Could ベビーカー be derived from "Baby carriage"?

Most etymologies I've come across for "ベビーカー" assume that it's wasei eigo based on a combination of "baby" (ベビー) and "car" (the "カー" part of "マイカー"). For example, the Japanese edition of Wikipedia ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Is there a term for "English that doesn't make sense"?

There are a lot of crazy combinations of English words and translations that don't make sense. Is there a specific term that identifies this?
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Is there a term that covers both wasei eigo and gairaigo?

Is there a term that covers both wasei eigo ("Japanese-made English") and gairaigo (words from foreign languages)? Can you call them カタカナ語?
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Is チェリーボーイ wasei-eigo?

Is the word チェリーボーイ (Eng. "cherry boy", meaning "male virgin") a genuine loanword from English, or is it wasei-eigo? I would have thought it to be a genuine loanword, but the sources cited on ...
senshin's user avatar
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The origin of "HN"

I've read that HN is used as an abbreviation (略) of "Handle Name". Why was Handle Name abbreviated in Japanese instead of the much more common, at least in English, "User Name" or even the good old "...
Ringil's user avatar
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レアチーズケーキ: Does 「レア」 originally come from "rare" or from "layer"?

レアチーズケーキ is a kind of cheesecake which is not baked. What is the etymology of the レア part of this word? Academic references needed, as this is a controversial topic: The top Google result claims it ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Is マラソン always 42.195 km?

ALC translate the Japanese マラソン into the English "marathon", which the English Wikipedia says has an official distance of 42.195 kilometres. Is マラソン always 42.195 km? Or has the Japanese word a ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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What do ジャンルくじイラスト and デリケートなジャンル mean?

My circle (student club) at a Japanese university is preparing for the school festival. One option for participating is to draw and submit a 「ジャンルくじイラスト」. Does this translate to "genre lottery ...
seijitsu's user avatar
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What does it mean to write wasei-eigo and gairaigo in Romaji?

Wasei-eigo and most Gairaigo (especially in a text or sentence as opposed to being by itself) is usually written in Katakana (イメージ, ジュース, スマート,パンツ,アベック). However, there are times that have seen some ...
crayondraw's user avatar
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What do young Japanese mean by セクハラ?

What do Japanese young people exactly mean by 「セクハラ」? Do they think it is negative, or only slightly negative, or not negative? I've often heard Japanese university students throw around the term 「...
seijitsu's user avatar
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What's an オウンキー? Why does the term exist?

In the context of real estate, what is an "オウンキー"? I understand that it literally translates as "own key", but having a word for that seems to be like needing a word for people with only one head. Is ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Is ゴールデンウィーク wasei-eigo?

A native speaker of Japanese has asked if ゴールデンウィーク is wasei eigo. The Wikipedia article on Golden Week in Japan claims that the term was created in 1951. However, a google ngram search for English ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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When is マイ・ワイフ used?

While looking up マイカー in, I came across マイ・ワイフ. Is マイ・ワイフ used in real life, or mainly in anime? If the former, what differences ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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How do you classify a word like "電子レンジ"?

This recent question introduced me to the concepts of 外来語【がいらいご】, defined as foreign words not originating from Chinese, and 和製英語【わせいえいご】, which are English constructions that were made in Japan. ...
Troyen's user avatar
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Are wasei-eigo and wasei-kango looked down upon?

Is wasei-eigo or wasei-kango looked down upon by Japanese language purists (as opposed to English or Chinese purists!) as informal, inauthentic, incorrect or the like?
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Is B2F, B1F, 1F, 2F, ... wasei-eigo?

While visiting Tokyo, I noticed that most levels were indicated by B2F, B1F, 1F, 2F, ... . This doesn't look like the Romaji for -kai or -gai counter-words, which I assume would be chika ni-kai, ...
Golden Cuy's user avatar
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Is "ガール" (gāru) now considered a Japanese word? What about "ガールズ" (gāruzu)?

In my wanderings around Japan giving my kana knowledge some practice I've noticed both the words "ガール" (gāru) and "ガールズ" (gāruzu) in use at least in signage. Obviously they are borrowed from English "...
hippietrail's user avatar
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Is the word ハーフ derogatory?

Is the term ハーフ (mixed-race Japanese/other) derogatory? Can you use it in a newspaper article? Can you use it to describe your boss? If it is derogatory, what word(s) should one use instead?
Amanda S's user avatar
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