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What does the word 「しのう」 mean in this sentence? [duplicate]

It is said by an old man who looks like wanting to teach boxing to a young man. 青山くんよ ふたりきりの人目につかんところにいこう 折り入ってひみつに伝授したいこともあるしのう I'm not sure if it is related to the word 死ぬ in volitional form ...
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Grammatical correctness of 〜好きくない

I saw 未来のミライ the other day. The boy said 〜好きくない regarding many people. Was he making a grammar mistake?
完全ハチ's user avatar
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What does the word 「まかせとき」mean?

Here is the sentence said by an old man. (I think that he tried to be the first one to show something before all others.) よし先発はわしがいこう まかせとき! I tried to find the word in online dictionaries but I ...
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Trouble with もう二度と列車や車には乗らん

I've been trying to read a manga book and there's one bit that I can't get my head around. The sentence: もう二度{にど}と列車{れっしゃ}や車には乗{の}らん I'm fine with most of it but I'm confused about why the は ...
Emily Lewis's user avatar
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What does じゃな mean?

In casual speech what does ja na mean? As in this example: 葉人をつかまえたんじゃな Googling for it only turns up results for じゃない。
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