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6 votes
1 answer

What leads to the tense difference in affirmative and negative constructions of V~ほうがいい?

In the construction of a suggestion statement with V~ほうがいい, the past (perfect) tense is used for the affirmative (according to this and this, the present tense can also be used for general advice), ...
2 votes
1 answer

Why did this native speaker replace から with ので?

A Japanese student wrote the following text over Hellotalk to have it corrected by a native speaker: 「ビデオでみた。安いから日本に有名ですと言っていました。」 The native speaker corrected it as: 「安いので日本で有名だとテレビで言っていました。」 Every ...
8 votes
1 answer

When do you use に to indicate a cause or reason for something?

I was reading a children's book and came across the following sentence: あまりの寒さに目を覚ました。 I can tell that it means "Because of the extreme cold, he woke up," but I was kind of surprised to ...
1 vote
1 answer

How do I state why I am doing something?

How can I say: "I am studying Japanese because I am going to Japan in October". The closest I have come is: "十月に日本に行きので日本語を勉強しています". But this sounds a little clumsy so I was ...
1 vote
0 answers

ため used to give reason? [duplicate]

So I came across this sentence: 政府が情報を厳しくチェックしているため、事件のことをみんなの前で話すことができません。 I'm familiar with ために and のため, but it's the first time I see ため used like this. From my understanding, in this sentence it'...
1 vote
1 answer

How can I tell the reason after the fact in the second part of the sentence

Let's make an easy example sentence ラーメンが好きだから、毎日食堂で食べます。 In real life conversations I sometimes start a sentence with the second part 毎日食堂で食べます Then I want to tell the reason for this and I ...
1 vote
1 answer

Both ので and から in one sentence

From a short article on tax: もし税金が加わらなければもっと安いのになあ、と残念な気がします。また、会社から給料をもらったときも同じような気持ちになります。全体の給料から税金が引かれるので、実際に受け取れる金額が少なくなるからです。 I'm unsure about the final sentence - why is から used at the end? ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to list multiple purposes for an action?

So, one of the example sentences for ため that I see in the learning software I use is: 彼女はダイエットのために泳いでいる。 Which basically means, "She swims in order to lose weight." But what if you wanted to say, ...
7 votes
1 answer

Another way to express the reason for doing something, apart from ために

I was thinking more ways to express the reason for doing something, for instance, in these three sentences: I want to go to Japan to work. I study hard to get high marks. I will go to the concert to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Politely giving a reason for coming to the office late

How does one tell his manager that he is late because of a traffic jam? Is it okay to say: すみません、交通渋滞できから遅きます。
6 votes
2 answers

て形 to express 原因・理由, as opposed to から

Im having so much troubles trying to find a good explanation on how to use the て形 to express a cause, I saw that its more natural to use when the second part of the sentence is either a potential form ...