Questions tagged [readings]

読み. The reading of a kanji character or a word written in kanji characters refers to how it is “read” in terms of kana characters. Please use this tag rather than 'pronunciation' if it fits your question.

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Is my article correct? I am just learning writing in Japanese [closed]

angie chen's user avatar
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IDoes the title of my novel, '花手病' (はなてびょう), effectively convey the desired symbolism and themes of the story? [closed]

Context: 花 in the context of the novel has several symbolisms, the theme of ephemerality goes well with flowers and the protagonist has a connection with flowers, 手 also has a meaning with the ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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How does reading 名乗り really work?

I know the reading 名乗り is an exclusive reading for proper nouns, the question is: Is there a way to create or decide on a new 名乗り reading? Would it be possible for a name to have a "double ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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方 【かた】or 方 【ほう】?

In this sentence, what is the reading of 方? 「京都【きょうと】の方【?】から『京都【きょうと】にはおしゃれ過【す】ぎる人【ひと】はいない、“過【す】ぎる”は恥【は】ずかしいことです』と聞【き】きました "I heard from a Kyōtoite that there are no overly fashionable people in ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Reading of 氷円弾 and other similar made up words

In this RPG video game I'm currently playing, monsters attack you with different techniques with made up names, such as 氷円弾. Since I don't know how I should read that kanji compound I searched this ...
Juan Martín de Iparraguirre's user avatar
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Which reading of 通って is correct in this sentence?

Question Part 1: Which reading of 通って is correct in this sentence? もっともっと学校【がっこう】に通【??】って、絵【え】を勉強【べんきょう】したかった I wanted to go to school more and study painting.
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Song lyric reads 愛 as "ito"

I was listening to the Song "Miracle Maker" by Spirit of Adventure (better known as the opening song to Digimon World 3 in the Japanese version). The youtube video I was listening it to on ...
user2309750's user avatar
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How to create poetic readings for names?

Can I create poetic readings for invented Japanese names? Based on [小鳥遊]{たかなし}, I would like to create the name [冷]{つめたい} with this special reading, referencing the adjective 冷たい. If I am doing ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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Parsing usage of 方

The following is from a scholarly book describing old Jerusalem in the context of the modern geo-political world. The bolded part stands out for me. 市街は、古い巨大な城壁にかこまれています。城壁は[方千]{ほうせん}メートルたらず。 ...
A.Ellett's user avatar
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How does one pronounce "11.53 cups"?

I am uncertain how to handle the combination of the fraction, counter, and rendaku. Is it じゅういっぱいてんごじゅうさん or maybe じゅういちてんごじゅうさんばい? It occurred in this sentence here: 全日本【ぜんにほん】コーヒー協会【きょうかい】の2020年【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Usage of ずつ片す in this sentence

7時半 各方面に連絡も済ませたし 見積書も作り直した あとは返事来たやつから1個ずつ片すだけ Context: an office worker just finished setting his business and it's early in the morning, after he pulled an all-nighter. This dialog is all said ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What is the reading of "toy store"?

There seem to be various readings for toy store. Do they have different meanings? Are they regionalisms? 玩具店【おもちゃてん】 玩具店【おもちゃみせ】 玩具屋【おもちゃや】 玩具屋【がんぐや】 玩具店【がんぐてん】 I came across it in this sentence in ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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How do Zen students learn the readings for jakugo?

In the appendix of A Zen Forest, Sōiku Shigematsu lists jakugo in the original Chinese characters, along with romaji to indicate how the saying is read by Japanese Zen students. I have a hard time ...
Caleb St-Denis's user avatar
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Is there a difference between ふたり or ににん?

In the phrase 2人組, is there any difference between the readings 2人組 【ふたりぐみ】and 2人組 【ににんぐみ】? I found it in this sentence: 男性によると、路上飲みをしていた2人組が、そのまま路上で寝始めたといいます According to the man, a couple who were ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Does きれいにして have a difference nuance compared to きれいで here?

いつも洒落できれいにしてて品がある My understand is akin to "She's always fashionable,pretty and polished However, why is きれいにしてて here used over just きれい? What does different nuance does it provide?
Bluegate's user avatar
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What does もんなんすかねぇ actually mean?

それって教師がなんかしてどうにかなるもんなんすかねぇ What is actually this sentence trying to say? The character is a teacher and he got told starting the second year his students will need more 個々の実力 and he think this I ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Why is the Japanese word for "this year" not kyōnen or konnen but kotoshi?

I was testing myself on dates/times today and failed to get the reading right for "this year" (今年) based on the kanji. I had reasonably expected that "this year" might be read as ...
Noel Whitemore's user avatar
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How this sentence divided exactly? (ないしょうもない)

今や売上は中の下でずっと横ばい闘争心もないしょうもないホストになって The character complaining to one of his sellers that recently he has been a poor seller. The problem is, how is this sentence divided? I understand it as far as ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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How is 見送りなんてよかったのに used here?

Context: The characters are walking together after going to a work thing. I'm stumbled on this use of なんてなんてよかったのに here. From context I can gather the character is saying it was fine to not see him ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does で踏める mean in this sentence?

I'm a bit stumbled on the meaning of で踏めるな here. So the character sister's gets home and she's shocked her brother brought a friend. Then the brother introduces the friend and the sister goes "...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does って時によ mean when used like this?

君は他にも誰かと秘密を共有しているのか? あ?誰かとって。。。もしかして彼達に嫉妬してるのか? 別にっ。。。するわけないだろう! 嫉妬なんて スネんなよ。これからするって時によ In the first like the girlfriend wonders how many people other than her and their friends know his secret. To ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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Does the kanji 両 have the reading teru (てる)?'s entry for 両 says Kun: てる、 ふたつ If true, in what context do you use these kun readings?
Yusuke Matsubara's user avatar
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As "red", what's the difference between 紅{くれない}, 紅{べに}, 紅{こう} and 紅色?

On Weblio, the same dictionary says 紅{くれない} means "crimson" (deep red) and 紅{べに} means "vermilion" (bright red). Another dictionary says 紅{くれない}, 紅{べに}, 紅{こう} are all nouns, but I ...
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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How should I read 歳 here?

七つの歳 It's somebody's age. It's like 七歳, isn't it? Is it read as さい or とし?
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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How is 側 used in this sentence?

つまり、狂化者を生み出した側の予測を上回る狂化者 my reading is akin "A mad person who surpasses the mad person creator's prediction " However, what is this meaning of 側の? "Is it "third person"? Or ...
Bluegate's user avatar
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How should I read 西棟?

It's the west building of a hospital complex. I can't find how to read it. にしむね? にしとう? And the rest of the cardinal points?
Haragurodanshi's user avatar
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What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?)

What is 18坪? (じゅうはち + つぼ = ?) I found this sentence 18坪の店内【てんない】は落【お】ち着【つ】いた雰囲気【ふんいき】で、壁面【へきめん】にはぐるりとSP、LPレコードなどが1万枚【いちまんまい】並【なら】ぶ I did not ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What is the meaning of アレよ in this sentence?

Upon hearing the two characters kissed, the girl is shocked and wonders if they are going together despite being two guys, however he explains it was only because of a punishment game. ちょっと ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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行こう with a reading of ゆこう [duplicate]

In one of the opening songs for the TV show ちびまる子かちゃん the singer says 友達 探しに 行こうよ but 行こう is pronounced ゆこう instead of いこう Why is 行こう being ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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Meaning and pronunciation of 通目

Recently I've been reading 永田カビ's 一人交換日記, and have come upon the word 通目 there, used in every "chapter" heading. Judging from context, I think this word would mean something like "entry&...
Emily's user avatar
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kun and on reading

Hello I recently read the difference between the kun or on readings and understood it, now I know in which cases to use one or the other reading, but I still have a question. For example: the kanji 日 ...
OkayaOkayu's user avatar
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"魂 燃え立つ 天の降るとも" having "魂" read as "こころ" and "天" read as ”雨"? (Bleach)

In Bleach Sennen Kessen-hen, at the end of each episode, an old poetic-style line or two is read to invoke the next episode. But I wonder whether it's actually some old poetic style of speech, or if ...
chausies's user avatar
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How do I pronounce this 「暖」 that lacks 送り仮名?

I am learning Japanese, and one of the ways I'm doing so is playing games. I am playing "Stranger of Sword City," and I saw this exact expression, in the game: 何か[暖]{L}を取るものを探して彷徨ったあなたは、...
LionKimbro's user avatar
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Why can 尸魂界 be read as ソウル・ソサエティ "Soul Society"? Are there other words that can have a different loan word reading?

I am watching the anime "Bleach" with Japanese audio, and I hear them talk about something in the story called the Soul Society. When I look at the transcript, I see, that 尸魂界 is used. ...
Christopher Pagan's user avatar
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Meaning and reading of 益し加える

Reading in a book by 落合淳思 I wonder about (what looks like) the compound verb 益し加える in the sentence 「自は鼻の象形であり、それに声符を益し加えた繁文である。」 (繁文 is used by Ochiai as a technical term for the modern shape of a ...
hurdsean's user avatar
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How is 壁側 pronounced?

I found this sentence: 横幅【よこはば】も狭【せま】く、壁側に手【て】すりがついているだけ It was narrow and only had a handrail on the wall side. but I am unsure of the reading of 壁側. I found the ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Can Kun'yomi and On'yomi be mixed? Can a distant On'yomi reading be used? [closed]

The title is pretty catchy on its own, but I'm already familiar with creating good Japanese names. I know about kanji and their meanings, but I'm at a loss. I have a few doubts. The first one: Can Kun'...
MindfulTraveler's user avatar
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readings of north, south, east, west?

This sentence appeared here: 日本語【にほんご】では東西南北【とうざいなんぼく】だが、中国語【ちゅうごくご】では東南西北【とうなんせいほく】と書【か】く。一方【いっぽう】で、英語【えいご】では北南東西【きたなんとうにし】の順【...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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Why is this reading like this?

Why is this reading like this? Looking this up I had to search the radicals individually on Jisho. The furigana reading... is it just flat out wrong? Furthermore, why is the word structured like this? ...
フィラシマカロト's user avatar
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Understanding a passage from 銀河鉄道の夜

I was reading the short novel 銀河鉄道の夜 by 宮沢賢治 and, although it's not super hard, I stumble upon on this sentence (as usual I post the whole paragraph for context): ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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A problem with two を in this sentence [closed]

I was reading a web novel and this sentence shows up (I post the whole paragraph). ホームルームが終わると、一年生は体育館に集合させられていた。これから部活動紹介が始まるのである。その中で栞は周りをきょろきょろと見まわしていた。部活動紹介を目を輝かせて期待を寄せる者、体育館での集合に退屈であくび連発をする者など、...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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How is Tsuyuri Kumin's name (五月七日くみん) read with 3 characters when it's made up of 4 kanji?

From the Chuunibyou anime, Kumin's last name is Tsuyuri (3 characters), but written as 五月七日 (4 kanji characters). How can this be? At first, I thought it might just be a chuuni thing, where you write ...
chausies's user avatar
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Understanding this passage in 羅生門 that uses ばかりではない

I was reading 羅生門 by 芥川龍之介, and in the last part this sentence show up. 下人は、饑死をするか盗人になるかに、迷わなかったばかりではない。 I don't quite understand the last verb + ばかり + ではない: the double negation in Japanese means an ...
Jacopo Ziroli's user avatar
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Reading/Pronunciation of 呼吸 in the song 「デスペレート」"desperate"

My question is how to read these 呼吸 kanji in this line この呼吸も所詮退屈凌ぎ from this song. I looked it up and as far as I found out it should be read こきゅう but in the song all I hear is just いきい. Why is that ...
Jakub's user avatar
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how to analyze this sentence?

さて、この目の前の長細い箱のなかみなら、開ける前からわかっている。長ねぎである。夫の実家の畑からやってきた長ねぎ。実家のあるあたりは、深谷ねぎや下仁田ねぎで有名な地もほど近いのを見ても、ねぎとは相性のいい土壌なのだろうか。どの季節のねぎも、おいしい。 how does も in this sentence work? what does の refer to in this sentence? ...
CN.hitori's user avatar
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Pronunciation of 出入り

In the context of people entering and leaving a room how is 出入り(する) pronounced? Is it でいり, ではいり or しゅつにゅう? In what situations would the other readings be used?
user3856370's user avatar
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Why are there two Japanese readings for a Korean word?

Leaving aside the issue of whose world view is correct, there seem to be two Japanese readings for the Korean word for the body of water between the two countries: NHK writes 東海 【とんへ】 but wwwjdic ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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What is 上寿し and how is it pronounced?

I encountered it here 「上寿し【??】」は800【はっぴゃく】円【えん】、「人生相談【じんせいそうだん】」はゼロ円【えん】 "---" is 800 yen, and "life counseling" ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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When a new word is coined, should onyomi or kunyomi be used?

Suppose a new word is coined in a novel/manga/video game etc, which is composed of two kanjis, with no kanas. Which reading should I expect to use, kunyomi or on'yomi? If it is on'yomi, should I use ...
sofeshue's user avatar
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Can someone help me understand this interaction?

This is an interaction that I saw while reading Pokemon Special. The context is a gym battle between Platinum and Suzuna. When Platinum defeats Suzuna's first Pokemon, she explains how her Emperte has ...
Lemmy123's user avatar

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