Questions tagged [reading-comprehension]

読解. Help with reading passages in Japanese and understanding their meaning.

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2 answers

ついでのような vs ついでに what's the difference here?

彼に買っていくついでのような感じになっている気がするのは、きっと気のせいだ。 The character is buying sweets for someone, when in the middle of it he also decides to buy something for his friend (彼) What does ついでのような here add over ついでに &...
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Meaning of だわで in this sentence

家に辿り着くまで通行人の視線を感じるわ、寒くて風邪を引きそうだわで散々だが致し方ない。 What exactly is だわで here? Google suggest it may be some kind of grammar, but it's not clear. This is narration from context 家に辿り着くまで通行人の視線を感じるわ Here ...
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The meaning of 『カン』 and 気配の察知

A character is talking about his abilities in the Adventurer's Guild. I don't understand what does these terms means here. (『カン』 and 気配の察知, i guess he meant "6th sense" but not sure ) ...
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Help understanding the meaning of a part in a song's lyric はち切れてしまいそう [closed] I'm having trouble to understand this part from a song's lyric はち切れてしまいそう Hope someone can give me a correct definition of this verb.
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Why are there multiple topic markers (は) in this sentence?

To be clear, my level of Japanese is about as elementary as it gets, so it's possible that this question is simply beyond my understanding. Still worth an ask, though! I was looking at the Wiktionary ...
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Difficulty interpreting その and double も within a sentence

I was wondering if anyone could help confirm my understanding of these sentences below: 敵は その規模も力も強大だ… 生半可な戦力は返り討ちに合う。 I'm mainly thrown off on how to interpret the その and double も in the first ...
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What does this expression means 限りなく白に近いグレー in this context ? (crime scene investigation theme)

Although i do know white/black colors in Japanese meant innocent/ guilty, I'm not sure about the meaning of this expression "限りなく白に近いグレー ". Hope someone can correct my understanding if i was ...
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Can someone explains the meaning of this expression ? 寄せ集めの色が濃い

A general said this comment about a bandit he just fought: 黄巾賊は、数は多いが寄せ集めの色が濃い。首脳部はそうではないかもしれんが I can only understand vaguely that he might be saying the bandits though having a large number of troops,...
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What does this means in this context ? 武勲をあげる

武勲をあげる Much thanks if anyone can help me understand its meaning. Context: The author is describing a general who was being invited to participates in a battle. 孫堅は左軍司馬としてこの戦に参加している。 朱儁に請われて参戦したものだが、...
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Confused by a sentence with double negation なしじゃん!(reaction of MC's little cousin after being punched by him (●`・ω・)=O)`-д゜)

Hope someone can help me with the meaning of this sentence. しかもグーでとか手加減なしじゃん!!! (my guess : "Also you're not going easy on me at all with that punch/ You punched me too hard !!!" ) Context: ...
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Need help about the meaning of a character's thought about his cousin (今の流れは、そういう“振り”だと思うじゃん)

(今の流れは、そういう“振り”だと思うじゃん) Hope someone can explains Mc's thought correctly about his cousin here (My guess but not sure : "You know I'm about to punch you , so you're pretending to avoid that aren'...
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What does this means when describes a person's eyes/gaze looking at you ?焦点の合わない瞳で、ぼやーっと見た。

I'm having troubles with this expression, appreciates if someone can make this clear. 焦点の合わない瞳で、ぼやーっと見た。 My guess : "..looking at me with absentmindedly eyes." or "...looking at me ...
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Why is 生活が豊かになる (life becoming more abundant / rich) causing 快適な暮らしなくなる (losing one's comfortable lifestyle)?

In the following passage, I don't quite understand how the highlighted grammar 豊かになればなるほど and the predicate 快適な暮らしがなくなる relate to each other. That is to say, I don't understand why there's a direct ...
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What does やけに上から来る means about a person?

I met this expression when reading, MC called to an "大沢退魔師紹介所/ Exorcist Referral Agency" (Ghost Buster ?) since he needs to solve a series of paranormal incidents at his school. There are 2 ...
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What does 「問題」とはいえないことにも気づいていない mean?

それなのに、解決策がどこかにないだろうか、と②「検索」する。検索で解決するようなものだったら、「問題」とはいえないことにも気づいていない。 "問題とはいえないこと" means something that can not be called issue; ことにも気づいていない means being unaware of something; but when you ...
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what does this sentence mean? [closed]

しかし、そういった考えは許されないようだ。なぜか個性とは、常識的な考えからいって褒められるものでなければいけないのである。そうなると、今言われている個性とは、一般的にいいとされる個性というものがすでにいくつかあって、それをどう獲得するかを考えなければならないということになる。しかし、そんなものは個性ではないし、結局は人と同じになってしまうのである。 this sentence literally ...
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how to understand this sentence(reading comprehension)

ここで、「叱る」うえでの注意点を一つ。叱ることが何度も続くと、叱られることに対する慣れが生じ、「いつものことか」と子どもが感じとり、指導者の本当にいいたいことが伝わらないということがあります。叱ることによって、得られる効果が半減しないためにも、指導者は日頃から注意深く、また意思を持って、みずからと向き合う必要があるのです I can't understand "また意思を持って、...
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Don't know how should I understand the meaning of this sentence correctly, since there are too many meanings for 感じすぎる and しっかり

感じすぎるとは言っても、しっかりと腰振りは続けられている。 I'm reading an eroge, and there are too many meanings for "感じすぎる/kanjisugiru" and "しっかり/ shikkari" , so I'm not sure how should i understand this ...
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What does this means in this context? 「ぁんだよ、手応えねぇなぁ~……」( A girl said this after she killed a demon and saved MC)

Context: MC is facing against 3 monsters/ demons at night, and he's about to lose the battle. But then a girl rush in , killed 2 demons with her spear and saved MC. He's very surprised ad don't know ...
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Confused my the meaning of this character's thought when he's facing against a monster 脳味噌の端っこの方で状況を整理する

A character is facing against a monster, and I don't understand 1 part of his thought here. Hope someone can explain to me its correct meaning. 脳味噌の端っこの方で状況を整理する (my guess: " I'm analyzing the ...
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What does this expression means about a person ? 「……やけに他人事だな、貴様は」

Context: A clan leader wanted to keep MC in her family/clan because she thinks MC is a skilled warrior and can use him. But her subordinate disagreed and wanted to kick MC out, since she's worried ...
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What does this means in this context ? 気組みを外してみたものの……どう対応したものだろうな (MC's thought after a girl asked him to withdraw from a proposal and leave)

Context: MC had accepted a proposal from a clan leader, that he'll become her husband. After that the clan leader had to leave, but she had ordered another girl who's also her wife (yuri-nice ^^) to ...
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Help understand this weird wordplay/metaphor: 「あまりに肝を抜かれすぎて、お尻の穴から魂的な何かが漏れそうだ。」

Context: MC has been isekai'd to another world in unconscious state, where nations are fighting for supremacy. A girl asked him to join her clan after brought him back to her house, but MC declined ...
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What does this means in this context ? 占い師と騎士を同じにされては困る (MC is worry about a knight when she's about to leave the city at sunset )

There's a sentence which i'm not sure about its meaning when reading. Hope someone can explains to me the correct meaning , if my understanding was wrong. Context: MC is worry about a knight when she'...
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2 answers

と関係がある in a long sentence

This is a sentence from chapter 11 of Tobira: 日本人は季節や天候の変化を大変気にするが、これは日本人が米作りを非常に大事なことと考え、どうやって効率よく米を生産するかが、日本人の生活の仕方や考え方に強い影響を与えてきたことと関係があると言われている。 I think I was able to understand it well before I ...
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What does this mean about a person's personality ?どこかずれてるというか。危なっかしいというか (2 people are talking about their little sisters)

My guess is that their little sisters are a little bit weird in their way of thinking? But I don't understand these 2 expressions "どこかずれてる" and "危なっかしい". I would appreciate if ...
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Need help with the meaning of this sentence, because I got confused by many meanings of 調子に乗り and 勢いをつけて

そう言われて調子に乗り、勢いをつけて俺は.... There's a sentence in an eroge, which I don't understand due to my JP level. Hope someone can help me to understand its correct meaning. (my guess is : "After she said ...
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Need help with the meanings of these expressions that describing a person's voice よく通るきれいな声 and リバーブのかかった透明感のある声

When reading, I met this sentence that describes a girl's voice as よく通るきれいな声 and リバーブのかかった透明感のある声. It's hard for me to understand (I can only guess that her voice is normally already clear and lovely, ...
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What does this means in this context ? 二条で殺された方がまだマシじゃ ( "I would rather die with/by ......" ??)

When reading, I met this sentence but I'm not sure about 1 part, hope someone can explain to me its meaning ^^ Context: MC's wife has cleared a path for him and his squad, so he can go through a ...
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2 answers

Need someone explain the meaning of a sentence 調子に乗るのも、いい加減にィ…… which got cut-off near the end by the character

There's a sentence which I'm not sure about its meaning , hope someone can explain to me. 調子に乗るのも、いい加減に... (the character stopped near the end of the sentence, so it's hard for my JP level. I can only ...
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Strange sentence in The Guest Cat

I am reading Takashi Hiraide's The Guest Cat and I am stuck on the following passage. 前夜はめずらしく玄関から入ってきたので、 専用の出入口を、 ついうっかり閉め たままにしていたのである。 以後、「チビちゃんの望郷」とそれを呼んで、 世間的にもめずらしいだろう姿をたびたび思い出した。 ...
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So I've decided to watch the original Pokemon series as listening practice. Ran into this sentence where Ash is dreaming about which starter Pokemon to pick: Charmander is recommended for people who ....
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What does this mean in this context ? しっかり甘えんぼアピールを忘れないところは流石だな。( MC's thought about his little sister )

しっかり甘えんぼアピールを忘れないところは流石だな。 Context: MC's little sister made a curry dish for dinner, but it was too spicy and MC can't even swallow it (although he loves spicy foods). After that he decided that he ...
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Understanding "雪の色はそこまで行かぬうちに"

Consider もうそんな寒さかと島村は外を眺めると、鉄道の官舎らしいバラックが山裾に寒々と 散らばっているだけで、 雪の色はそこまで行かぬうちに闇に呑まれていた。 which apparently means When Shimamura gazed outside, thinking it had already gotten cold, railroad residence-like ...
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What is the meaning of this expression ? 腕に + an Object + 押しくら饅頭 (pushing something towards someone ??)

Hope someone can help me understand correctly this action/ expression. MC come to watch his senpai practicing beach volley ball, then MC describes his senpai's action :"...
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What does this means in this context ? 念写の大人しいスキル

When I'm reading a visual novel, I met with this term in a sentence but don't understand. Hope someone can explain its meaning to me. Context: MC is studying in an academy for people with special ...
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Meaning of と言って and だ in a sentence from a book

I am reading the book 鵺の家 by 廣嶋玲子, and I have a question about the usage of the words と言って and だ in the following. だが、昨日、兄はこういった。もう逃げることはない。富を見つけたのだ。我々はこの土地でいきていくぞ。皆は喜び、その富とやらのことを詳しく聞きたがった。だが、...
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Meaning of いいように and はからう in a certain context

I am reading the book 鵺の家 by 廣嶋玲子, and I have a question about the usage of the phrases いいように and はからう in the following. 兄達に無性に会いたくなった。巣篭りのお役目が無事におわったら、燕堂に里帰りをお願いしてみよう。兄達の休暇が終わるまで、沖野家に戻っていていいように、...
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How to understand this JP cursing/ swearing expression and its equivalent English meaning ? 「その汚い顔を洗って、出直してこい!」

When reading, I met with this expression when MC is cursing someone who tried to took away his friend (maybe wife in the future^^). 「その汚い顔を洗って、出直してこい!」 I can only understood somewhat of its meaning , ...
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Confused about the structure of this sentence

I have difficulty deciphering the meaning and structure of the bold sentence below 遠くから、近くから、無数に折り重なる波音を風が運んできた。曇天に白点ひとつ、さみしく鳴く春かもめが、雪の名残ひとひら、まだ冷たい三月の風だった。 This sentence contains lots of commas so ...
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Meaning of 積み重ねる in a sentence from a book

I am reading the book 猫の客 by 平出隆 and I have problems understanding the following sentence. 高さの分った欅の頂点が、ある部屋の窓から見えるかどうかということになると、丘や窓の高さが測られ、想像の三角形がさらに積み重ねられていくことになる。 My attempt is: Given the height ...
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Meaning of ばかり in a sentence from a book

I am reading the book 鵺の家 by 廣嶋玲子 and I have a question about a particular usage of the word ばかり. One character (千鳥) complains to the main character (茜) as follows 仲良く付き合っていきたいわ。お兄様もお義姉様も、...
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Help understanding sentence context

From the 80s Final Fantasy III game. The situation is a daughter's love interest has left leaving her crying, and you are talking with her mother who says: あのおとこ どうしても さがさなければならない ものが あるといって たびにでちまった。 ...
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The meaning of this expression 視線をそわそわと泳がせる (Describing someone's eyes/ the way they're looking at you )

Can someone explain to me this expression ? 視線をそわそわと泳がせる . I met this part when MC is complimenting a girl that she's very cute. (I can only understand that her gaze/ eyes did not looking straight at ...
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Understanding くらいですから

From 痴人の愛, 「河合譲治君」と云えば、会社の中でも「君子」という評判があったくらいですから。 I am uncertain about くらいですから in this sentence. This sentence serves as a reason for what? Doing well in the company? 何の不平も不満もなく日々の仕事を勤めている
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I-adjective in く form modifies a noun/adverb

In the song 宝物 by WANIMA, the chorus goes: 思いにまかせて 感じるまま描いて まだ見えない明日へ 誰にも止められない 今この瞬間が紛れもなく全て。 紛れもない is in く form, which means it's modifiying a verb. However, 全て is nowhere near a verb, but might ...
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活用には一定の条件が必要で、具体的には、短期のものは5日間以上、専門性を踏まえた長期のものは2週間以上実施したうえで、その半分を超える日数を職場での就業体験に充てたインターンシップを対象とします。(source) I have difficulty understanding the overall meaning of this sentence, especially the bold ...
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How is そこを used in this sentence?

I'm having a difficult time understanding why そこを is used in the following sentence. I don't think that を is marking a direct object, but it also doesn't seem to fit the usual 経過 or 起点 interpretations....
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3 answers

How to understand combined characters (kanji) more easily?

A lot of Japanese restaurants, mangas and just paragraphs of texts in general (or not in general, used basically anywhere) use combined characters to make things appear shorter. And I can’t understand ...
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I am reading through my first book in Japanese, Murakami, and came across a sentence and I can't decide if it's a statement or question: さっきは随分と楽しそうだったな I believe this can mean: "Looked like ...

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