Questions tagged [prefixes]

接頭辞. A type of affix prepended to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.

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9 votes
1 answer

What does the word 「ぶったてる」mean?

What does the word 「ぶったてる」mean? このドヤがいの西{にし}のはずれにりっぱな総{そう}合{ごう}病{びょう}院{いん}をぶったてること!
George's user avatar
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20 votes
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Honorific prefixes: 「ご」 vs 「お」

Some nouns take the 「ご」 prefix: ご両親 {りょうしん} ご家族 {かぞく} ご無事 {ぶじ} ご安心 {あんしん} ご丁寧 {ていねい} While many others take the 「お」 prefix: お母さん お仕事 {しごと} お月 {つき}さま お家 {うち} お客 {きゃく} In general,...
Lukman's user avatar
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3 answers

does anyone know of any o-words or go-words which are absolutely neutral?

Does anyone know of any o-words or go-words which are absolutely neutral (have no nuances of being polite / courteous / respectful / womanly / cute etc etc)? The only ones I'm aware of currently is ...
Pacerier's user avatar
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a few words have an honorific 「お」or「ご」 as a necessary prefix, right?

I just came a across the word 「お巡りさん」。While 「お巡り」 is a word, 「巡り」 is not. Likewise, 「ご飯」 is a word, but while 「飯」is a word, the reading changes to the 訓読み (めし)。This means that the 「ご」in「ご飯」is not ...
davewp's user avatar
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Prefix お for names - how is it used?

I recently watched a Japanese drama titled 「おせん」. The title comes from the first name of the main character - the character's name is 半田{はんだ}仙{せん} who is a young お上{かみ} of a traditional restaurant. ...
Szymon's user avatar
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2 answers

Appending 物 to certain adjectives

Certain adjectives (凄い and 足りない come to mind) seem to be able to take 物 as a prefix, but I haven't been able to find anything on the internet regarding this. Are the forms with 物 more formal or ...
Angelos's user avatar
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Closed: [休]{きゅう}〜 vs. [閉]{へい}〜

Are there particular rules on when to use one or the other? 休〜 appears to be more of a temporary closure or suspension (with implied continuation at some point in the near future)... この図書館は改装のため、...
istrasci's user avatar
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3 votes
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What is お in お元気ですか?

Sorry if this is a very basic question, but I'm trying to understand everything in my first lesson (online, Rocket Japanese). I don't understand what the purpose of お is in the phrase お元気ですか, which ...
Andy's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Are all kanji compounds considered words?

A friend once commented to me that Japanese has a larger vocabulary than English. I said I didn't think it did, because it wasn't really accurate to call all kanji compounds "words". My friend said I ...
Questioner's user avatar
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14 votes
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How to speak about "one" thing in Japanese?

In short, what I mean is, how can I mention about one certain thing (not one thing in amount) in Japanese? For example "one morning" in the following sentence: As Gregor Samsa awoke one ...
fenestra's user avatar
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Reading of prefix 大

While reading, I'm finding difficult to understand how to read an initial 大, since it can be read だい (大好物), たい (大使館), おお (大蔵省). When I can find the word on a dictionary it's not a big problem, I can ...
Mauro's user avatar
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5 votes
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inter- and intra- prefix

What would one use for the equivalent of the "inter-" and "intra-" prefixes in English? e.g. intercity, intracity, inter-server etc I did a fair amount of looking around. 間 looks like it might be ...
paullb's user avatar
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Is 超 (chō) seldom used in written works?

Is it true that the prefix 超 to mean “very” is seldom used in written works (like novels, not counting direct speech), and is usually only used when talking?
Pacerier's user avatar
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3 votes
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What does the word 「ぶっぱたく」 mean?

A little girl who said the following sentence holding a geta in her hand is angry that officers not allow her and her friends to go inside a place. ひいきしやがるとぶっぱたくぞっ。
George's user avatar
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2 votes
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Can the honorific o be used in front of all nouns?

Can the honorific o be used in front of all nouns? I was thinking of sentence structures and wondering if o could be placed in front of all nouns. Thank you.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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