Questions tagged [particle-と]

助詞「と」. Used as a conjunction ("and") or preposition ("with") when attached to nouns, or "if" when attached to verbs.

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I sometimes see 「と使う」instead of 「を使う」. My understanding was that the only occasion where「使う」takes 「と」is with 引用, as explained here. (文や句をそのまま受けて)動作・作用・状態の内容を表す。引用の「と」。 For some examples, we don't ...
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Question about the と particle in comparative constructs

I've been making my way through the book Elementary Japanese Volume 1 and in the chapter on comparatives it introduced this construction: AとBとでは、どちらの方がXですか。Between A and B, which one is X-er? AとBとでは、...
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とは particle in a sentence

The sentence: これまでの私とは違うんです translates to I am not the same as before according to the anki deck I am currently using. I can't see why it means this (maybe because I don't understand what the とは ...
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What does 「とある」 mean in these sentences?

The following sentence appears in this video at around 7 min: 教科書の中でキツツキは木に穴をあけるとありましたが、一秒間のうちに何回どんどんどんどんってできるでしょうか? The follwing sentence appears in this answer: "メニューには売り切れとある" (menu ...
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I'd like to understand the pattern "verb+nai+to(+ne)"

In the sentence: 掟は ちゃんと教えないとね (okite wa chanto oshienai to ne) [You must be taught the rules properly.] I'd like to understand this pattern of using verb-nai-to(-ne). Thanks.
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Interchangeability of も and と to emphasize size

Both も and と, when used with counters, emphasize the size of the amount being mentioned. From what I've learned, も usually emphasizes how "large" it is while と emphasizes how "small&...
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Usage of と particle in this specific case

I bumped into this sentence recently "話し手から見て、聞き手の方に より近いと意識される物事を指す。" I was wondering whether or not the と particle before "意識される物事を指す。" is the one which marks a quotation, ...
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What does volitional + と mean?

For example in this sentence: 迷宮内は天井が宿す燐光によって光源に困らない代わりに、夜になろうと朝を迎えようとその眩しい光が途切れることはない。 How should I interpret 夜になろうと朝を迎えようと? Thanks!
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Usage of と in the end of a sentence

I'm watching Tanya the evil to learn some more complicated kanji and speech, and this one sentence I don't understand completely the usage of と in the sentence “つまりは勝利をめざさないと”. The translation that's ...
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How can I understand というくらい / ってくらい

How can I understand any sentence with ってくらい ''脳みそうが耳から溶け出すんじゃないかってくらい柔らかい'' <--- Context: MC was talking about his master ''師匠が言うには'' ''ガキのうちは足が早いだけでモテる'' ''中坊じゃ喧嘩がつよい奴がモテ'' ''そっから先は頭がいいやつはモテる''...
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What does と mean when it is at the beginning of a sentence?

I believe it is acting maybe as a conjunction of すると But I'm not 100% sure。Here is the paragraph for full context. さすがに少女の落胆にも物申したいところだが、自分の不甲斐なさが身にしみていてついつい言葉が出てこない。 と,それまで彼女の肩の上で沈黙を守っていた小猫が尻尾を振りながら ...
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I don't get what ''元気よくとはいかない'' means

''~とりあえず、新学期。まぁさ、元気よくとはいかないけど、でもこんな天気もいいし、桜も咲いてるし、もう少しだけ愛想が良くてもいいんじゃないかしら?'' What はいかない is? is it like てはいけない (must not/don't have to)? If so, why はいけない and not はいかない? Could you break '''元気よくとはいかない'' ...
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Meaning of ''とね''

I was reading a novel and then I saw this following sentence: ''でも、まぁ草薙にはいろいろ迷惑かけてるし、なんか今日はサービスしてあげてもいいかなぁ、とね'' What's the function of とね?
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ちりと化すぞ - What is the function of particle と?

Could someone explain to me the function of the particle と in this case? ちりと化すぞ ありがとうございます。
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What does と mean in 「ここにおいで」と?

As far as I know "koko ni oide" means "come here", but what does "to" add to the sentence "koko ni oide to". The context of the phrase is 今、 あなたの声が聴こえる 「ここにおいで」と
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して omitted in として?

I am reading this manga called Spy x Family; In one of the pages there is a car accident caused by a failure of the car break, resulting in the death of a Diplomat. Later in a meeting, the following ...
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Can と indicante the object or the topict too as well as the を and は particles do?

I saw sometimes と indicating a topic. Like in the sentence: そんな既視感に戸惑いを感じていると、こちらを見つめる視線に気が付いた ( My attempt of tranlation is "I felt confused by that deja vu feeling by noticing the line of sight ...
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Role of と in a particular sentence 満たされないと泣いているのは [duplicate]

Here is a sentence that I have trouble translating 満たされないと泣いているのはきっと満たされたいと願うから。 because I have difficulty understanding the role of the と located in the first part of it 満たされないと泣いているのは ... The ...
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と in the first sentence + た in the second sentence

I already learned how と functions. It is used when we’re talking about natural things. When something happens another thing always happens too. I sometimes see と sentence like this one: 街灯じゃ暗いと ...
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Can someone help me understand what the と particle is doing in this sentence?

I'm fairly certain the と particle here is the conditional form. But I could be totally wrong. それが真実であると仮定しよう。 The translation I have for it is, "Let's suppose it is true". But it seems odd ...
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What does adding 'も=also' have to do when と alone seems to convey the complete meaning perfectly? [duplicate]

Edit: 新築の家を買った。今週を限りにこのマンションともお別れだ。 According to a thankfully posted comment, I realized that 新築の家を買った。今週を限りにこのマンションともお別れだ。seems to be sufficient and も adds the sense of 'also'. How was that 'sense' ...
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How to say "with Person A and Person B"?

Recently I saw this sentence: マリアさんもホセさん、テレサちゃんときてください I understand this as Maria, please also come, along with Jose and Teresa If my translation is correct, is the comma a standard way of ...
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Why is the particle と being used in the following sentences?

I'm reading the JLPT N3 読む guide and the explanation for the conjunction ただ says this: 前の文の内容と違うことがあると付け加えて説明する。 Also, there's a section where the next sentence appears: 台風が接近しています。そのため、...
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Three different meanings of "と" in one sentence?

I don't understand the meaning of this sentence from Kawabata's "Snow Country Miniature": 君{きみ}とそう見劣{みおと}りしない女{おんな}でないと後{あと}で君{きみ}と会った{あった}時{とき}、心外{しんがい}じゃないか。 This is what Shimamura says to the ...
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Difference of using と and と一緒に as "taking action with someone"

‎In Lesson 4 of Genki 1, it states that one of the meanings of と is "together with". e.g. メアリーさんはスーさんと韓国に行きます。 However, the adverb of "together" is 一緒に and when と is added it has a ...
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「ことと」 in a list of actions (and だったろう)

In a story I'm reading I found this exchange: 「違うことをする理由が、見当たらない」 鳥井{とりい}は彼女の後ろ姿を眺めて、そうつぶやいた。 そしてその言葉はまったく、そのまま当たっていたのだった。 数少ない違ったことはと言えば、彼女が何回かヒールの高いサンダルで走ろうとして、つまずいたことと、...
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Placement of noun + と in this sentence

お前が扱ってるヤマと同一手口の強盗が発生した行ってこい (Taken from a line said by a character) How come ヤマと is placed after 扱ってる? Would it change the meaning of the sentence if it had been written as ...
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Function of と in the following sentence [duplicate]

Is the function of と in this sentence kind of like the "if" と where there is an initial condition, that is followed by resulting condition? この手紙から察すると彼は立腹してるようだ。 For example, "I gathered from the ...
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Confusion between ~に似てる ~と似てる

From, と may mark a subject being compared. As for 似る, ~に似る and ~と似る are possible but slightly different. と in this case marks one side of a mutual relation(...
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What does あったりと mean?

僕の住まう差大角豆(ささげ)町の町並みは都会とは程遠く、木々が街道を飾り、町の至る所に雑木林があったりと、とても長閑(のどか)な町だ。 Is the あったりと connected to the last part of the sentence through the 〜たりする grammar? If so, what does "と" mean in "あったりと"? I know ...
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Can you omit the action when using と and help understanding/parsing this sentence

『監視されているみたいだ』と不評の声も多い見回りだけど, 案外さっきみたいな事柄のためにやっているのかもしれないな。 The complete sentence is given above. As the title has said, can you omit the action when using と? From some sentences I've seen, an action ...
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これなら5分と持たずに… (purpose of と particle) [duplicate]

I understand this sentence as meaning "Touya will lose! At this rate he will not last 5 minutes" but I am puzzled as to why と is used here With a direct search i see that "と持たずに" is not only a used ...
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私と同じ or 私のと同じ when comparing possession

This question made me think. 彼の車は私と同じです。 His car is the same as mine. Except that isn't a literal translation. A literal translation would be "His car is the same as me". But I am not a car. ...
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How do I interpret this usage of として?

一秒として同じ姿を保っていない I get the feeling it means something like "Not even for a second" but what exactly does this として do?
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山と積む: what does this と mean?

In the expression 山と積む (meaning 山ように積む , I think) I can't understand the grammatical function of this と. Is there any omission after と in the phrase? Or is this a use of と that I don't recognize? Or ...
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Why is とは used over に in this Sentence?

姉妹を想うが故に風太郎とは反発してる。 I am a bit confused by the とは where I would have expected a に/には. I don't quite know what function the と serves in this case and how the meaning would differ from に/には.
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I really can't understand the use of に + と USED TOGETHER in this clause

I'm reading a book, and I found this: 二十歳のお祝いにと店長がプレゼントしてくれたカメラ Now, why are に and と used together? I can understand the function of に (meaning "at", I suppose, if お祝い means "celebration"), but ...
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Placement of と in this sentence

need some slight help with Genki 1. On the listening comprehension, it asks what the person was doing. I interpreted the sentence as へやでけんさんとおんがくをきいていました but the book lists the answer as (けんさんと) ...
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Literal meaning of と-Particle in これより濃いと消毒する力

This is a text from NHK easy news where the alcohol content of desinfectants is being discussed: これより濃{こ}いと消毒{しょうどく}する力{ちから}が小{ちい}さくなるため、薄{うす}くして使{つか}うように言{い}っています。 I am wondering here about the ...
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What's the difference between で and と

で and と particle can be used to mean "and" in english. For example: 彼女はお金持ちできれい AさんとBさんはいません In the sentences above, both と and で means "and", but they are not interchangeable. When would one use と ...
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〜といっている from Dragon Ball

Villain to Goku in Dragon Ball (Chapter 2), translated as: "If you leave the turtle, I'll spare your lives". かめをおいていけば = If you leave behind the turtle 命を助けてやる = I'll save your lives for you ...
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を-, と- and に-particle usage with 合わせる

Recently, I found out that 合わせる can go with many particles. Jisho gives here ( some examples on this: あなたの計画{けいかく} を 私{わたし} に 合わせなさい。...
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What's the difference when using と and を to mark a spoken sentence

What's the difference between using と and を in the sentence below: 「食べる」と紙に書いてくれた 「食べる」を紙に書いてくれた They both mean, He wrote "eat" on the paper
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How to express “X (and parenthetically Y)”?

When writing in English, quite often I'll want to express a connection between two noun phrases as “X (or Y)” or “X (and Y)”, where the punctuation adds a notion of “Y is a little beside the point, ...
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The role of と particle in 「二度としない」

What is the role of と particle in 「二度としない」? Is it quotative, adverbialisation, change of state or supposition? Also, what extra nuances does it contribute to the expression compared to if も is used ...
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What is this usage of と at the end of a sentence in this song? And in general?

In the song Chercher by KOTOKO, there are a couple lines that look like completed thoughts/sentences, but end in と For example 約束{やくそく}する 私{わたし}がすぐあなたのこと探{さが}し出{だ}すと Also she definitely says 「と」...
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体操でもしてこよっと DB Chapter 2 [duplicate]

This is Goku translated as: "Alright. Exercise time!". 体操 = excercise でも = but して = doing こよっと = ?? I couldn't find any reference to understand でもして. Also the ending こよっと, I couldn't find it in ...
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What is the meaning of this と "and" or "with"?

皆さん、こんにちは! 昨日、新しいコロナウイルスについて読んで、何か面白いものを見つけた! これで手伝ってくれないの? So, I found a bit confusing the following sentence: この女性の娘と結婚している男性にも、ウイルスがうつっていました。 In the beginning I thought that the meaning of this ...
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Meaning of と in "Quantifier plus と"

I failed to understand the meaning of と in the sentence "峠を二つ三つとこえても、まだ海は見えてこない" when I read the story あの坂をのぼれば. I browsed through the meanings of と in 明鏡国語辞典, but it seems none of them fits. Could ...
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と in 急だとは思わなかった

It's translated as "I didn't think it was so steep". It looks to me that と here is used a a nominalizer, but I didn't find any dictionary to confirm this. Also, can it be replaced by other nominalizer,...

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