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How to express “X (and parenthetically Y)”?

When writing in English, quite often I'll want to express a connection between two noun phrases as “X (or Y)” or “X (and Y)”, where the punctuation adds a notion of “Y is a little beside the point, ...
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When should an embedded question take と?

From this article: NHKは6月〜7月、18歳と19歳の人に平和についてどう考えているか(*)聞きました。 Between June and July NHK asked 18 and 19 year olds what they thought about peace. この日を知っているかと聞くと、... When they were asked if ...
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「か」 or 「と」 as a subordinate clause?

When making a statement like: I thought I had gone to the cinema. Do you say: 映画館{えいがかん}に行った{いった}と思いました{おもいました}。 or: 映画館{えいがかん}に行った{いった}か思いました{おもいました}。 And how does it work with other ...
MeRay's user avatar
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Can particles と and か be used together? If so what is the implication?

When connecting nouns, と means "and" and か means "or." Can I use them together? Ex. ツナか牛肉とチーズでサンドイッチを作る。 I think this would mean "I make a sandwich with tuna or beef and cheese." If this is the ...
SuperWild1's user avatar
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Comparing nouns

Good day, I would like some clarification with regards to comparing nouns. In some references like Minna no Nihongo, the sentence formula would be something like A と B と + どちら のほうが/が + Adjectiveですか。 ...
Jp Arcilla's user avatar
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Use of も after quote particle

電話のベルが聞こえたとき、無視しようかとも思った。 When I heard the phone's bell I wondered if I should ignore it. We have 無視する = "to ignore", 無視しようか = "will I ignore it?" 無視しようかと思った = "I thought 'will I ignore it'". I ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Is it possible to use 丁寧語 before verbs that use a quoting particle?

犬かどうか分からない・犬ですかどうか分からない きっと行くと言っていました・きっと行きますと言っていました いい大学だと思う・いい大学ですと思う Can't find a passage in the textbook that mentions and I'm not sure where to look. I feel like I've definitely heard something ...
K N's user avatar
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Seeking translation help with か between two verbs and と

よだかは口を大きくひらいて、はねをまっすぐに張って、まるで矢のようにそらをよこぎりました。からだがつちにつくかつかないうちに、よだかはひらりとまたそらへはねあがりました。 I'm having trouble parsing that 2nd sentence especially the usage of the bolded か , うちに and と. Right now, I'm ...
Hyperglyph's user avatar
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Verb complement clause type and clause structure?

How can you tell the type of verb complement clause without the accompanying particle? と marks statement clauses or direct quotations and か marks question clauses according to my copy of Practice ...
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