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Questions tagged [particle-も]

助詞「も」. Used with nouns and phrases to indicate "also".

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Usage of はどれだ + sentence understanding

確かに. しつこそうだな...なまじ詳しいから素人の会話にイラついてそうだし, 自分で言うにも適切な言葉はどれだ!って渋い顔しそう The character in the novel I'm reading exclaims this over another's character personality. He points out the character is indeed ...
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も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives

Usually, the particle は or も after the adverbial form of i-adjectives is followed by ない, but I was reading a friend's text where she said: 寒くなってきました。早くも「着る毛布」をクローゼットから取り出し、着ています。 When I was writing ...
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How is this sentence divided exactly?

(変なことを言ってしまったな…)  質問されたから答えたものの、明光の望む答えにも、自分の気持ちすら満足に表現できる言葉ではなかった、と思う。 I don't really understand how the sentence is divide in the second bubble. The narrator had something asked (by 明光) and she ...
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Can "date + にも" mean "as soon as"?

This article from NHK News Web Easy has the following sentence: 環境省は、今年7月にも会議を開いて、法律を変えるための準備をする予定です。 Based on my understanding that も roughly means "even," my naïve translation is that ...
Josh Grosso's user avatar
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Why is にも used in this sentence instead of just に?

I got this sentence from a manga 私はもう誰の命にも 従うつもりは ないそれが異三郎であろうとあなた達であろうと My question is why the author used にも instead of just に in the bolded sentence. Is it grammatically incorrect? Is there ...
asyraf shaari's user avatar
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Is the pitch of 他にも Heiban?

When the Heiban 他(ほか{LH}) combines with にも to form ほか + に + も  the standard pitch rules would indicate that it's pronounced ほかにも{LHHL}; however, OJAD states that the pitch of 他にも is actually ほかにも{...
George's user avatar
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Understanding [name]も[name]よ

From Oshi no ko chapter 142, She wondered why Ruby decided to accept to take part in a kissing scene for a movie. I don't get the nuance of ルビーもルビーよ here. It literally means "Ruby is Ruby." ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Is this とも or と plus も?

An excerpt from Harry Potter (Japanese translation); その時ハリーは、勇敢とも、間抜けともいえるような行動に出た。 Then Harry behaved in a way you could call both brave and idiotic. (My TL) I think the meaning of the sentence is ...
user3856370's user avatar
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How to use the addition particle も on a whole sentence?

A: 先週の試験で一人だけ悪い成績だったのは、Cさんだそうだ。On last week's exam, (I heard) only one person had bad results: Mr.C. B: そうか。Cさんといえば、彼女と別れたらしい。Really. Talking about Mr.C, (I heard he) broke up with (his) girlfriend. B:...
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Understanding this usage of も

I have uncertainty interpreting も in the below sentence. なんなら自分自身も、ゲームのプレイヤーキャラ位に思っていて、どことなく他人事のように考えている。(source) I thought も marks 自分自身 as a subject but that will make 他人事のように考えている nonsense. So I ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Why is にも used here with the passive instead of simply も?

In the first line, the character comments that's he's really 詐欺師 and he skillfully deceived the third person (not in the scene anymore), not letting out he's in 激痛. To which the other character ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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Why is ても used here? [duplicate]

お前 何を And his answer 縛り上げるだけだよ まだ襲われてもうっとうしいから I understand he's expressing his displeasure over the possibly of another attack, but why is "も" particle used?
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How to understand どのメニューも工夫されたものばかりです

From chapter 25 of 新标准日本语中级, titled 創作中華料理コンテストの実現: 野田:おかげさまで、今回の創作中華料理コンテストには、全国から10000件を超す応募がありました。創作カクテル部門にも1000件以上の応募がありました。 大山:本当ですか。それはすごい。 野田:どのメニューも工夫されたものばかりです。 If どのメニュー takes the ga (...
Kotoba Trily Ngian's user avatar
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How is ことはあっても used in this sentence?

怒らない。。。の? And his answer: 何言ってるんだ. 何日も懸命に頑張ってくれたのに。。。 感謝することはあっても 怒る理由がない I understand the answer is akin "What are you saying? You did your best for us for so many days." However I ...
Kawase_K's user avatar
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What does のもなぁ mean?

What does してもらうのもなぁ means? It seems he's saying he won't ask him to do it 5 times in a row?
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Understanding してでも in 「みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでも...」

Consider みずからの精神や命を犠牲にしてでもこのままじゃ いけないんだ The way I would understand this sentence were it using しても (instead of してでも) is: More literal translation: Even (しても) sacrificing my own spirit and life, the ...
George's user avatar
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「noun」は、「noun」でも代用かのうです。 - What is the role of でも here? [duplicate]

For example if you have the sentence "ストッキングは、靴下でも代用かのうです。" Is でも a single word or is it the で-particle followed by the も-particle? If the latter one is the case, then も can be left off ...
Celestial Dragon's user avatar
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ます-stem + もしない with 歌う and 書く

After getting an answer to this question I came across this article which states (without giving an alternative) that you can't say: 1.「歌い もしない」- "Can't even sing" 2.「書き もしない」- "Can't ...
Uri Greenberg's user avatar
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Meaning of で in 「1匹で食べています」

Consider 猫が3匹います 1匹で食べています from 2m50s of this video. DeepL translates the bottom sentence as "I'm eating one of them", which I'm pretty sure is wrong :] From context, it seems to mean &...
George's user avatar
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Understanding the uses of も and の in this sentence

The following sentence was said to me in a conversation: だから堅実な器具があっても危ないのを好むのも思い上がりなんだろ? My understanding of this sentence is: "Is it not hubris to have safe tools and prefer dangerous ones?&...
sunsigil's user avatar
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も meaning in もう八日*も*何も食べていないんです。

Here is the full sentence: すみませんが、水を下さいませんか。 もう八日も何も食べていないんです。 I am still at the beginner level. From my understanding: もう means already も means also Why add も after the もう八日?
baloo's user avatar
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Can I omit repeating things in も-sentences?

This is an example taken from the Genki textbook. It's an exercise on using the particle も. It asks to translate the following sentence to Japanese: Yui ate ice cream on Friday. She ate ice cream on ...
Ivan Solonenko's user avatar
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Difficulty interpreting その and double も within a sentence

I was wondering if anyone could help confirm my understanding of these sentences below: 敵は その規模も力も強大だ… 生半可な戦力は返り討ちに合う。 I'm mainly thrown off on how to interpret the その and double も in the first ...
Tylersanzura's user avatar
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Meaning of も in 3つ も

I've got this sentence that I'm not sure if it is grammatically correct: 今月、 大切な テスト が 3つ も あります It supposedly translates to I have three important tests this month. Why the も, though? The counter ...
Zubo's user avatar
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How to analyze たこともある?

In Tobira chapter 11 grammar, one of the examples is 奈良は京都と並んで、古い歴史のある町で、日本の首都だったこともある。 I don't seem to find any information about たこともある on the entire web. I understand there is no difference between ...
joan doe's user avatar
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How do you say “My car is not big. But, it’s not small either”?

I am having trouble finding out if I’m correct on this. The statement I would like to translate is, My car is not big, but it’s not small either. With the knowledge I have, it would be ...
じぇにい's user avatar
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Help with understanding the following sentence: 考えても見るがいい

So, again, the sentence is 考えても見るがいい and the provided English is Just think about it. (context) I don't understand quite anything about the sentence. I know of the てみる structure but I don't really ...
Gianni Trattore's user avatar
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How to use the particle も

I have been studying japanese for some time now (my level floating somewhere between beginner and intermediate), and the particle も has confused me. I already know it works kind of like "too"...
Pastromi's user avatar
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What is the function of のかも in a question sentence like this

エリートにも まだまだ解らない事が あるものです, 何故アナタがまだ 私を見捨てずにそこで 戦い続けているのかも, 何故 私がそこに向かおうと しているのかも What is the function of のかも in this sentence? の can act as explanatory particle and かも can be translated into "...
asyraf shaari's user avatar
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Difference between 後にも and 後には?

In an IMABI article on 後, the author explains the difference between ~後には and ~後にも: It's also possible to see ~後には and ~後にも. The meanings of the individual particles do not behave any differently. ...
George's user avatar
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Understanding how も works in 一刻も早い

I'm trying to understand the sentence 一刻も早い解決を望みますね but the bolded is throwing me off. Here I'm assuming "一刻も早い" is 一刻 + も + 早い, and here も is throwing me off. I'm used to thinking of &...
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Role of も in "犯人は死亡したもようです!"?

What role is も playing in 犯人は死亡したもようです! from first episode of Death Note?
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Use of も in this sentence

In the following sentence what is meant by the use of も 皆さんも機会があればフランスに来てください My rough translation of the sentence is If any of you get the chance please try and visit France. my feeling is that も ...
Xanadulo's user avatar
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How is も being used in "トムのうるさいいびきで一睡もできなかった。"?

The sentence トムのうるさいいびきで一睡もできなかった。 apparently translates to Tom's loud snoring kept me awake all night. Question: What is the role that the も particle is playing in this sentence (via "一睡も&...
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Japanese 「新完全マスター文法 日本語能力試験N3」という文法の教科書の148ページに、 次の文法問題が書いてあります。 一度(   )会ったことがあれば、友だちだと考える人がいる。 1 も    2 でも    3 さえ    4 こそ 私は「3 さえ」を選びましたが、正解は「2 でも」です。 私の分析 この本の32ページに、「3 さえ」について次の説明があります。 〜さえ〜ば…・〜...
L. F.'s user avatar
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What’s the difference between “AにもBがあります“ and “AにBもあります”?

It seems to me that both mean the same thing, but which one is more frequently used?
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What is も purpose here?

I'm not certain what purpose も is serving here. I've seen its usage as "also," etc. but I am not certain if it is being used in the same manner here or being used with a different meaning. 「...
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も after dictionary form of a verb [duplicate]

From Komi-san, volume 1, page 61. I understand the second sentence to be "after that, he asked several people, but got the same kind of response, and now he's like this" But what on earth is ...
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言われてもな as a standalone sentence

In Takagi-san, Chapter 141 (Volume 16), when they are having the graduation ceremony, I came across the following panel: I believe I understand most of this. In order: "How was the graduation ...
Riolku's user avatar
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Can ~ても mean 'also'?

ても is て + も, も being an intensive particle. Therefore, the choice of translation into English may vary. For example, if I were to say that a reply doesn't need to be made today nor tomorrow, I could ...
Nameless's user avatar
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Confused about use of も, し and や

Just a little confused as to the usage of も,し and や in this sentence もちろん向こうの数字にもゼロはあるし、三角法や金属精錬技術もある。 I am guessing all three are being used in the sense of "And" (roughly translating the ...
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Difference between the patterns 何 + COUNTER + か and 何 + COUNTER + も

私は今年何度か海外に行きました。 [SOURCE] I have been abroad several times this year. 北海道へ何度も行った I have been to Hokkaido many times. 本を何冊も読む。[SOURCE] I read several books. 本を何冊か買いました。 I bought some books. ...
Nameless's user avatar
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Understanding もな

「お前それさえ言っときゃ済むと思ってんな!? 謝れっつってんじゃねえよ改善しろっつってんだよ。いつか死ぬぞあんな無茶な戦い方しやがって! 代えの部品が底ついたってのに、次の補充まで修理できねぇぞ!」 「二号機が」 「ああ有るなぁどっかの戦隊長が毎っ回毎っ回機体ぶっ壊すせいで置いてある予備が二機もな! 他のプロセッサーの三倍も整備の手間かけさせやがって、てめぇ何様だ王子様か!?」 From 86─...
chino alpha's user avatar
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Can ぐらい/くらい be combined with particles?

Can you say ぐらいも? (the emphatic も) like 5200円くらいも払ったのに ~ Or even を? or is it omitted? 山の大きさぐらいを食べ過ぎておなかが痛い
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How can one use mo with desu [duplicate]

Forgive me for this beginner question, but is there a way to use も with です? I learned that も means 'also', and either replaces or is added to the particle e.g. 私は寿司も食べました。 "I also ate sushi (...
Moshi's user avatar
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What is the meaning of the も particle in this sentence?

短大を卒業したのちも就職せず、フリーター生活に甘んじていることを指しているわけではない。 I think のち means "later" here, like あと, but I don't understand the meaning of も here. Please, could you clarify for me?
BIG-95's user avatar
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Function of も in this sentence

This is the first sentence of a news article from NHK News Web Easy: 大学 緊急事態宣言でオンラインと学校での授業に分かれる 新しいコロナウイルスの問題で、去年はオンラインで授業をしていた大学も、今年の4月から、学生が大学に来て受ける授業を増やす予定でした。 If I replaced も with the other non-...
Luke McAloon's user avatar
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だれでも楽しむ corrected to だれもが楽しむ. Why?

A Japanese learner I know had written a sentence that contained the phrase 「日本の文化はだれでも楽しむものじゃないか?」, however this was corrected to 「日本の文化はだれもが楽しむものじゃないか?」 by a native speaker. Based on the ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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What is the meaning of this も?

I'm struggling to understand what the も is doing in the following sentence. I know that も can mean 'also' 'too' 'as well' and other things; depending on the context. I think the first も here means 'as ...
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Using も alone to mean 当然 / “naturally”

I’ve found a usage of も that doesn’t seem to be in any dictionaries, but I’m convinced exists. The structure is: 「〜だから or 〜ば、〜もする」 And the meaning should be: 「〜だから or 〜ば、〜するのも当然のことだ」 “Because ... or ...
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