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Questions tagged [particle-まで]

助詞「まで」. An adverbial particle indicating "to; till; as far as", or by extension indicating emphasis ("even").

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Etymology of まで?

Is anything known about the etymology of particle まで? What is its derivation? Is it known to be composed of any other morphemes, or are any related words known?
ookap's user avatar
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What is this usage of まで?

小さな笑いが漏れた。けれどぎこちなく、一生懸命に応えようとする彼女の姿は可愛らしい。 "初々しいのは慣れるまでなんだろうけど" 呼び続ければいつか港、香、と言うのが当たり前になる。 The character is trying to his lover to call him by first name, but she can't. I understand "...
LionGate's user avatar
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When can まで mean "only"?

Officer is describing the events following a recent kidnapping by a crime syndicate of a debt collector: そして止めてあった車に ― 集金人を押し込むと ― 動く奴がいなくなるまでもう一度車上射撃を食らわせた その車の車種およびナンバーは ? 黒いセダン日本車ということまで ...
whatyouexpect's user avatar
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前に まで までに after verbs

Please explain what is the difference between: 君が来る前に元気だった 君が来るまでに元気だった 君が来るまで元気だった Well, i know about the difference of まで and までに、 までに and 前に, and, it seems that questions on a similar topic were ...
Dmitrii Hude's user avatar
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Meaning of い adjective + までの + noun

I'm working on translating a script for a SNES game and have run into this grammar in the following sentences: ナガサキの家で おまえの両親を 我々が殺した時の あの すさまじいまでのパワー あの時おまえは まだ たったの4さい・・・ オレ達 ゾク世間から 遠くはなれた あの神々しいまでの ...
Zeal's user avatar
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Do Nする verbs require the する part with まで(に)?

There is a sentence in an exercise in the Speed Master N4 book: [引越しします]までにいらないものを捨てておいた方がいいですよ。 The expression in brackets should be put in the correct form. The keys state that the correct form is ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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What is the role of まで in this sentence?

I am not sure about the function of the second まで in the last sentence below: 美少女ゲームの創生期で、最も重要な作品と言えば・・・「プリンセスメーカー」、それと「同級生」と言えるでしょう! 究極、この2つだけでも現在までのゲームまで全部語れるといっても過言ではない。 I think the second まで ...
John Davies's user avatar
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Why cannot verbs like 歩く、走る、泳ぐ be used with に or へ?

I've learnd that: verbs like 歩く、走る、泳ぐ cannot be used with に or へ, and only まで can be uesd in this case. For example: 時間がなかったので、駅 (〇まで/ Xに/Xへ) 走った。 But when it comes to verbs like 行く、来る、着く,both に,へ ...
Sheepeagle's user avatar
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Understanding "電車がないなら、歩くまでだ。"

Consider 電車がないなら、歩くまでだ。 This seems to literally mean "if there is no train, it is until I walk", which is hard to parse. What is going on with "it is until I walk"? I assume the ...
George's user avatar
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Verb in dictionary form + まで versus te-form + まで [closed]

From this site: お金を払うまでテストを受けたくない。 I don't want to go to the extent of paying money to take the test. (given translation) I'm confused by the English translation. I would have translated this as &...
user3856370's user avatar
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で vs. まで when expressing (endpoints in) time

Below is a question from a past exam for Chinese university students in Japanese major: この会社に来てから、今年(で/まで)5年になります。 The answer is で. I looked up 三省堂国語辞典 and this usage of で seems to be "...
magni's user avatar
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Can まで replace で?

Simple question, when まで is used, do I still need to add a で? I was typing on Google docs, and I wanted to say "the video can end here." I was going to put この動画はここまで終われる, but as you can see ...
dvx2718's user avatar
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まで versus さえ when meaning "even", "to the point of-"

I'm currently going over lesson no. 21 of 新完全マスター N2, and I'm not sure about the difference between the usage of ~まで and ~さえ. Looking at the description and the example sentences, it seemed like both ...
benjli's user avatar
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On the naturalness of a sentence, and whether だけまで or までだけ can be used

ふくろうのストレスにならないように、見たり写真を撮ったりするのは午後6時までにしています。 NHK So as not to cause stress to the owls it has been decided that viewing and taking pictures will be until 6 o'clock. Not even certain I've translated ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Use of「など」and ~にまで

I've been watching some kind a medieval fantasy anime and I stumbled upon the following sentence : Context : A character explain how his clan rose to power. ついには、年貢{ねんぐ}取{と}り立{た}てに検査{けんさ}制度{せいど}を導入{...
Shogun's user avatar
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Trouble with use of まで and 頼む

I think I understand the general idea but I have trouble with the construction of this sentence. The situation is that he injured himself earlier and now he's tired. I guess he's saying something like ...
Simon's user avatar
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What is the nuance of「前まで」?

First sentence from this NHK news article, 東京都が、警察と消防の職員に行うワクチン接種は、会場の築地市場の跡地がオリンピック・パラリンピックの輸送車両の拠点となっていることから、大会の準備が本格化する前までしか使えず、1回目の接種を受けた全員が、この場所で2回目を受けられないことが分かりました。 I don't fully understand ...
Jimmy Yang's user avatar
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Why is までに instead of まで used in the following sentence?

Here is a sentence that I encountered in a textbook. けがが治るまでに3週間かかった。 As far as I understand,「XまでYする」means that Y continues until time X, whereas「XまでにYする」means that Y takes/will take place before ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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まで or までに in 「道が混んでいて、バスが駅に着く__とても時間がかかった」?

The question above is an exercise in the usage of まで vs までに. I thought that because the action 時間がかかる continued until the bus arrived at the station, the answer should be まで. However, the answer given ...
Cabbage's user avatar
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Difference between まで and に when using a Number counter

i wanted to know the difference in nuance between まで and に, when used to represent the number counter, in the following 2 sentences. 四十までアパートに入れます. (Means upto 40 people can enter the apartment) Vs. ...
APK's user avatar
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Usage of まで in this Verb (Plain) + まで form+ Verb (Present/Future or Past)

I am uncertain about the usage of まで in case of punctual/static verbs in this Verb (Plain) + まで + Verb (present/future or past) form. Which means, do something till something. Present/Future Tense ...
APK's user avatar
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How was まで used in this sentence: やる気がない者に構ってやるのは義務教育まで

I was wondering how まで was used in this sentence: やる気がない者に 構ってやるのは 義務教育まで→ 意志なき者は去るほかない
user38996's user avatar
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~から ~まで for sizes and other non-time related subjects

I was writing a text about sumi-e pencils and I came up with this sentence: 筆のタイプには、ほうきの大きさからえんぴつの大きさまでがあります。 Trying to convey "As for pencil types, there are pencils from the size of a broom to ...
rage's user avatar
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Whether まで should be used or に to determine place of destination?

Pre-Text: Both まで and に can be used to determine the place of movement/destination. Hi, I was studying, these two Particles, I came across a situation regarding whether to use まで or に which I couldn'...
APK's user avatar
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Trouble understanding one specific lyric in a song

I was trying to translate the lyrics of a kids' song for my sister who sent it to me, but I have trouble understanding one part of the lyrics: 「課長 すてきです その一言 ピュアなまでに鈍感」 「社長 すばらしい そのアイディア ...
goradora's user avatar
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Order of compound particles

I came across the following sentence: 彼氏と大喧嘩して、お前とはもう別れたいとまで言われた。 Why are と and まで in that order? Would "別れたいまでと言われた" be incorrect? Is there a rule concerning the order in which particles must be ...
Right leg's user avatar
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「に、へ、まで」the difference in use with verbs

Well. I saw some topics here on same subjet, but I still didn't get the full image of a rule. に - iplies the place, where is purpose-action will take place (final destination) へ - implies the ...
Yuliya Volkova's user avatar
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Why まで in this sentence?

In this sentence (from here) このビルは20階建てで、地下は2階まであります。 the building has 20 floors. Are there 2 basements (perhaps in addition to the 20 floors), or is it that floors up to (まで) the second one are ...
Mathieu Bouville's user avatar
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Sleeping verbs and まで vs までに

So I was wondering, pretty much all of the sleep related verbs switch meaning with まで and までに. Was it always like that? Or was there a time when 8時まで寝る meant "going to bed at 8"? Or take the even ...
sollniss's user avatar
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Particle と as a standard of comparison with まで

Referring to the sound of an extreme megaphone: 地上なら、何十キロと遠くまで達する音だ。 If it's above ground it is a sound that will reach as far as several tens of kilometres. I'm pretty confident I've translated ...
user3856370's user avatar
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how to make sense of 御用の方は屋上にまで?

At the beginning of Love Live! Sunshine!! Ep.13, there is a notice written by the character Hanamaru, that writes: 御用の方は屋上にまで. The screenshot The English substitle says "If you need us, we'll be on ...
dgg32's user avatar
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救えたはずのもの... (lots of unaccounted もの)

I have a real patchy understanding of this sentence in Danganronpav3. The speaker is 星 (Hoshi) and is incredibly cynical in contrast to the main character's optimism. He sometimes explains things in ...
Ubz's user avatar
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Meaning of まで in 地下3階まであります

東京都多摩市で26日午後2時ごろ、つくっているビルが火事になって、5人が亡くなりました。ビルは3階建てで、地下3階まであります。 Around 2 o'clock on the afternoon of the 26th in 多摩市 5 people died when a building which was under construction caught fire. It's a ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Unsure about this usage of the word まで [duplicate]

I was doing some N4 practice questions and came across this sentence 先生に すっかり ごちそうになって おみやげ まで いただいてしまいました。 I'm not sure what まで is supposed to mean in this context? My general understanding of the ...
smeeshings's user avatar
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Please help me identify who does what in this sentence and check the translation

Here is the sentence: 妹に車で駅まで迎えに行かせます。 The translation from Tatoeba is I will have my sister pick you up at the station. I've been reading "Making Sense of Japanese: What the Textbooks Don't ...
purayeru's user avatar
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Meaning of adverb followed by まで

専門家などは、このミサイルはアメリカに届くぐらい遠くまで飛ぶと考えています。 Experts think that this missile will fly far enough to reach America. I've never seen まで used with an adverb before. This translation is my best guess. ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Difference between AからBで and AからBまで

台風が近くに来ると、沖縄県から本州の広い場所で、とても強い雨がたくさん降る心配があります。 If the typhoon comes near then, from Okinawa to the wide place of Honshuu, there is a worry that there will be a lot of very strong rainfall. I'm not ...
user3856370's user avatar
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interpretation of 自分まで [duplicate]

そのときの俺は、子供なりのつたない言葉で、自分まで父親を見捨てるわけにはいかない、とかなんとかのことを言った。 At that time, in a childish way, I said something along the lines of I can't abandon my father. Normally まで is following some action or ...
charu's user avatar
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私まで嬉しい is translated as "I am happy", what function of まで is this?

Why is it used this way instead of は for example?
Unna's user avatar
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How does までに work with 少しずつ

日本の小学校は、2020年度までに英語の授業を少しずつ増やすことになっています。 Japanese primary schools are expected to increase English classes gradually by 2020. I'm confused about the combination of までに (by) with 少しずつ (little by ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Difference between に and まで? [closed]

What's the difference between the particles に、and まで? And what does it mean when combined to make までに? I've been quite confused as to what these two mean. And I was hoping someone could compare the ...
Tirous's user avatar
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Meaning of で in 敦賀から新大阪まで〈で〉2兆1000億円かかる予定です

Regarding the construction of a new bullet train line: 工事のお金は、[敦賀]{つるが}から新大阪までで2兆1000億円かかる予定です。 The construction cost from 敦賀 to 新大阪 is expected to be (some eye watering amount of money). I can'...
user3856370's user avatar
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When まで is preceded with a time, does it include that time?

For example, in my grammar textbook, the sentence: 昨日は3時から5時まで友達とテニスをした Is translated as "Yesterday, I played tennis with my friend from 3 till 5." Which implies that the speaker was playing from ...
nehry's user avatar
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What's the difference between まで and までに?

I'm studying for N3 Japanese test. I'm stuck in a sentence of an exercise in which is written 帰国{きこく}するまでになんとか日本語{にほんご}を習得{しゅうとく}したい。 Why is it wrong to say 帰国するまでなんとか日本語を習得したい。? I really don'...
silvia's user avatar
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Understanding したことまで

The speaker is defending her teacher: 「毎日クラス全員のこと、こまかくノートに書いてるんだよ。会話したことまで」 Every day, in her notebook, she made detailed notes about all the class. Even as far as conversations. Am I correct ...
user3856370's user avatar
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に まで differences in usage with person or things

From what I understand に marks the destination of a verb, like まで。 僕が彼に愛を感じる   僕が彼まで愛を感じる Some explanation I find for に are: 1)に plainly wears many different hats, but I like to think of に as a ...
Splikie's user avatar
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Would まで work here?

In this weekend's Wall Street Journal, there is an article about Russia being a hotbed for terrorism. I apologize for the serious subject matter, but I wanted to see if my understanding of the まで ...
Naruto's user avatar
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Placement of まで

I was reading this, and maybe I'm just missing some common knowledge, but the following part of the sentence in question surprised me: しかも付録までついてこれは買うしかない!! Specifically, 「付録までついて」. I wonder why ...
kuchitsu's user avatar
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How to say "I will have arrived home by 6 pm."

I've just started Japanese, so please go easy on the grammar! I see from this website that ~madeni means "by that time," but I'm not sure if you just append that to the time you want to specify (i.e.,...
Seh-kai 's user avatar
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Meaning of にまでなる

まあっ、なんて欲ばりな女だろうね。あんたみたいな犬がねぇ、くわえてた肉を池におっことしたって話が、童話にまでなってるよ。 Come now. What a greedy girl. The story of a dog like you which dropped a piece of meat it was holding in its mouth into the pond is ...
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