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名称. Names in Japanese, including how to use them and how to write them.

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Grammatically speaking, is using one's own name really "speaking in the third person"?

I keep seeing this myth perpetuated in western media, that when an Asian uses their own name, they're somehow "speaking in the third person". This article on TV Tropes, the go-to source of ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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Can you use ヲ in translations of foreign names?

For example, if your name was say, William, could you write it as ヲリアム? Or would it have to be ワリアム? (I guess it could also be ウィリアム.)
James Discord's user avatar
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Meaning of the name Kaiba [closed]

we have created a recognition for proactivity in my company and decided to let the employees name it. The most voted name was “Kaiba”. According to the person who proposed it, Kaiba is the name of a ...
Ricardo Wurgaft's user avatar
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Is this all part of a name or is part of it a title/moniker?

I'm working on a personal translation of a oneshot manga and there is a character who is introduced like this: I've been translating the family's surname as Medeshima but the first name feels too ...
trashkitten's user avatar
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What is the reading of a name that does not use the onyomi or kunyomi?

In some anime and manga, the names of characters have nothing to do with the onyomi or kunyomi of the kanji. How can they be read that way? Eg: 虹(なな), 星空(なさ)
Yuu's user avatar
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Are there any Japanese surnames referring to the beech tree?

I am interested to know whether any habitational surnames (or toponyms that could viably be used as surnames) in Japan are related to the Japanese beech tree (ぶな). I have found surname etymologies ...
CNV's user avatar
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What is the expected order of family name and given name for foreigners in a 自己紹介?

This question overlaps with this one, but I am including a lot more detail that was not present in that one, so I hope it merits another look. As everyone knows, Japanese names are given in the order ...
どっかのおっさん's user avatar
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How would you say the name Shireen Durrani in japanese?

My name is Shireen Durrani and my name is Pakistani. Would it be 『シリーン・ドゥラニ』? Or 『シリーン・ヅラニ』? Would the last name come first? I am not very experienced in japanese so please explain
Shireen Durrani's user avatar
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Combining words to make a name/nickname

I traveled to Japan last summer, and I was lucky enough to climb Mt Fuji and see the sunrise from the summit. During this trip I had given my jacket to my wife and thus didn't actually have much in ...
Robert Johnson's user avatar
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How does reading 名乗り really work?

I know the reading 名乗り is an exclusive reading for proper nouns, the question is: Is there a way to create or decide on a new 名乗り reading? Would it be possible for a name to have a "double ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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How to abbreviate まつゆきそう

I was trying to abbreviate this word meaning snowdrop, but I can't quite get it to work. Is it even possible? I tried with multiple ways but it changes the whole meaning. If it matters I wanted to use ...
Kenny's user avatar
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Etymology of the biblical イブ/イヴ as opposed to エバ, and how does the former seem to have supplanted the latter?

Edit: Just as a heads-up, some folks have said that Eve was called エバ in the Meiji period. I was fully aware of that before I asked this question. I've added relevant translations which are not ...
Vun-Hugh Vaw's user avatar
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How to create poetic readings for names?

Can I create poetic readings for invented Japanese names? Based on [小鳥遊]{たかなし}, I would like to create the name [冷]{つめたい} with this special reading, referencing the adjective 冷たい. If I am doing ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
5 votes
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What sibling terms do twins use towards each other?

If two Japanese siblings are twins, do they still use the standard "older-then or younger-than" sibling terms for each other (お兄さん/弟, お姉さん/妹), basing it on whichever twin came into existence ...
Hikonyan's user avatar
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Writing a Japanese name: Hiragana or Katakana

I'm writing to my Japanese friend, but I don't know the Kanji for her name. Should I use hiragana or katakana for her name when writing to her?
ロバート's user avatar
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Why is「北人」pronounced 「hokuto」?

My idol's name written in kanji is 北人 (ほくと). He once said that instead of 北斗, his parent changed 斗 into 人 because its meaning is much more deeper. But since I thought「北人」should be pronounced as「...
みかん's user avatar
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What is the Japanese reading of this name? [closed]

Given name: 慧敏 Apparently I need 30 characters so here are so more words to meet the count.
Mia's user avatar
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Did I create a good name for my character?

My first contact with Japanese names or their meanings was around 2021. Since then, I haven't stopped researching Japanese names. I want to create a meaningful Japanese name for my (fictional) story: ...
Tokami Chelsea's user avatar
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Why don't you use the particle の when stating the name of a place?

I got confused when i was asked why you dont put の in place's name. it happen when I explain the function of の particle. can someone tell me in bunpou teki's way, why name place don't use no? like ...
Lemon Tolemonade's user avatar
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How to read this name "番藤茶太郎"?

Can anyone help me how to read his name and nickname? name: 番藤茶太郎 nickname: 番茶 Checking with AI seems to give "Fujito Chataro" as name but also "Bandou Chataro" and "Bancha&...
Sorakaranko's user avatar
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Is there a particular meaning or origin to the last name 宇多田?

Japanese last names often refer to some type of location or geographical feature, but in this case I am not certain if the name has an abstract, metaphorical, or literal meaning. "Many rice ...
Qwokker's user avatar
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Can I convey a meaning in a name with only kana? If not, what Kanji should I use for the name "Mimi" to convey "Beautiful Ocean"?

I'm working on a logo design project and was thinking of using the name "Mimi" as I saw somewhere that it might represent "beautiful ocean". I don't understand much about the ...
Tsuki's user avatar
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Can you suggest a name for an energy in a magic system that incorporates the kanji 真霊? [closed]

I have decided to choose a more flashy and direct title for my new work. Specifically, I am creating a magic system and I have chosen the name "Rei" (霊) for it, but I don't want to offend ...
MindfulTraveler's user avatar
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Can Kun'yomi and On'yomi be mixed? Can a distant On'yomi reading be used? [closed]

The title is pretty catchy on its own, but I'm already familiar with creating good Japanese names. I know about kanji and their meanings, but I'm at a loss. I have a few doubts. The first one: Can Kun'...
MindfulTraveler's user avatar
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How to tell someone to call you by a certain name, but they're free to use whatever suffix they please?

Say my name is Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, but since that name is obviously nuts, they can feel free to call me by my nickname "スーパ". But I don't mean for them to just refer to me as ...
chausies's user avatar
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How is Tsuyuri Kumin's name (五月七日くみん) read with 3 characters when it's made up of 4 kanji?

From the Chuunibyou anime, Kumin's last name is Tsuyuri (3 characters), but written as 五月七日 (4 kanji characters). How can this be? At first, I thought it might just be a chuuni thing, where you write ...
chausies's user avatar
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Correct Japanese spelling of ‘Redemption’ when being used as a name for a male [closed]

I am trying to find how to spell ‘Redemption’ in Japanese if I were going to use it as a name/alias. Or if there is a wording/phrasing that means ‘Man on the path of Redemption’ Like yamabusi for ...
Wez J's user avatar
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Name pronunciation

Are the following two words (last name "translated" to Japanese for context) pronounced the same? ミイヨ In this case the second syllable is the katakana equivalent of I. ミーヨ In this case it ...
maximusboscus's user avatar
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Where can I find an exhaustive list of Ryūkyūan personal names?

According to Wikipedia, "Okinawan name", speaking about the warabi-naa 童名, the primary personal names of Ryūkyū: A set of warabi-naa appeared in the very beginning of recorded history and ...
Alexander Z.'s user avatar
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How are these names read?

In a recent Asahi article about changes to laws governing Japanese names, this sentence appeared: 戦争【せんそう】に突入【とつにゅう】すると、「勝【?】」「進【?】」 When the war broke out, "?" and "?" were used. ...
Ned Reif's user avatar
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How do I write my (foreign) name in Japanese?

So I've been quite curious for some time as to what my name could be in Japanese. Here's my full name: Chaima Ben Hassen (it's Tunisian). Although i did some research and found that it was written ...
Chaimabeha's user avatar
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Can an odachi be called a katana?

I was arguing with a friend about the meaning of the word "katana". There are very large swords (some of them longer than 200cm) known as odachi. My friend claimed that calling them a katana ...
unlut's user avatar
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Frozen - Why is Anna transliterated as アナ not アンナ?

Frozen's Japanese name is more similar to what Frozen's original name was supposed to be: アナと雪の女王 but not アンナと雪の女王. I tried looking up about アナ vs アンナ for Frozen, and there are a lot posts, but of ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a Japanese name from my Chinese name?

my name is 陳銘聲 in Chinese but i'm not sure how to convert that into a Japanese name. I know there are probably a lot of variations. But I'm just interested in the way Japanese names are created.
Clarence Chan's user avatar
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How do I say my name in japanese properly?

My name is Devin, and I don't know how I would say my name properly. Would it be デビン、デビンさん、デヴィン、デヴィンさん、便乗、or something else?
aqadragon's user avatar
4 votes
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Name 直人 pitch accent

Since 菅直人さん's name did come up in the news a lot, I thought I was pretty familiar with the pronunciation which I thought was なおと{HLL} but I seem to have heard this name (not 菅直人さん, other 直人s) ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Is this really a joke about initials F.U. ? Japanese names have 'initials'?

Based on the Kaguya-sama case, I guess the answer is negative, but eh who knows? In Chapter 1 of the manga The Quintessential Quintuplets, there's a part omitted from the anime where 2 of the quints, ...
BCLC's user avatar
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Should I put 「名・姓」 on a business card to avoid confusion?

I'm getting some business cards made up and will have my Western name in both Latin and Katakana. I've noticed that sometimes there is a bit of confusion when I verbally tell people my name, with them ...
user2141's user avatar
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my name is a chinese name, anyi. how would i write the 'yi' part of my name in katakana?

i know there is no "yi" katakana. i know the approximation of ying is イン but in this case it does not work. do any native speakers know how to write yi in katana?
dreaming bunny's user avatar
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Can "小畑" be read as "Emiriya", and how?

According to this entry on Jisho, the Kanji "小畑" could be read as "Emiriya" (えみりや). However - no On'yomi, Kun'yomi, or any combination of 小 and 畑 readings I could find seem to ...
djohoe28's user avatar
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吉川線 (yoshikawa-sen) is translated as meaning "neck markings indicative of strangulation". What's the origin for this term (yoshikawa in particular)

To my knowledge, 吉川 (yoshikawa) serves only as a name. And yet, for some reason, 吉川線 ("yoshikawa lines" as it were) has the meaning of marks on the neck usually indicative of strangulation ...
chausies's user avatar
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織田信長 pitch accent

If I hear correctly, I think 豊臣秀吉 is とよとみひでよし{LHHHLHLL} and 明智光秀 あけちみつひで{LHHLHLL}. What about 織田信長? Is it pronounced multiple ways? おだのぶなが{LHLHHH} 1, 2, also the top one here おだのぶなが{LHLHLL} 3, 4, ...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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内匠 (たくみ) 金木 (かねき) - how common are these family names? [closed]

For example, says 1500 people with Family Name Takumi(内匠) 4600 people with Family name Kaneki (
Oliver Gardner's user avatar
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What Is Your First Impression / Perception Of These Family Names For An Anti-Hero Protagonist? [closed]

Writing a book and I want to know how the average Japanese person perceives these names, they are all supposedly family names. The character is a good guy in the story but does some bad things, like ...
Oliver Gardner's user avatar
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How to translate English short i sound into katakana

I am wondering how you would translate the short i sound in words like bin, fin, thin into katakana. I am trying to translate my name which contains this sound (with a preceding r). I don't think ...
A.B.'s user avatar
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Foreign name writing in Katakana

I was trying to figure out how the name "Saoirse" (pronounced as /Sur-sha/) would be written in Katakana characters. I was just a bit confused, although I know that Katakana bases on the ...
Rie Rie's user avatar
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What is the difference between 五大 and 五行?

Furthermore, is there a sensible way to combine either of the above with 龍 or 竜 to form a plausible given name (one that a native speaker would not find out of place) with a meaning akin to "...
Doc's user avatar
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How does last name-kun/chan compare to 1st name-san?

Let's say the person is John Smith, first name John, last Smith. Comparing the following pairs is easy. The latter is more formal than the former. John-kun vs John-san Smith-kun vs Smith-san John-kun ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What's up with males named Miyuki?

Edit 1: It's like A Boy Named Sue or something. Edit 2: Should I split this question into 2 posts so I can accept both answers? Huhuhu. I think I'll just accept 1 and bounty the other. It's a ...
BCLC's user avatar
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I'm making a paint and using Japanese names for characters, Are the honorific/royal titles redundant?

Disclaimer: I'm learning Japanese language but my level is really low I took painting as a hobby and I want to use the characters names using Katakana and Kanji. The character I'm painting is Bowsette ...
dmb's user avatar
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