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Questions tagged [multiple-readings]

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Reading of 大: だい or たい?

The おお reading is out of the scope of this question - it might be involved in the answer though I'm learning some vocabulary, and noticed that 大 was sometimes read だい, sometimes たい. The instance that ...
Right leg's user avatar
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How does 方 becomes なた in 何方?

Most dictionaries say that 方 is read as ホウ, かた/がた, え. But why does it change in [何方]{どなた} and is completely different in [何方]{どちら}? Are those some archaic readings or some 'synergetic' words that ...
homocomputeris's user avatar
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Why does the composer of キティ use を after a verb's て-form and before a suru verb (輪廻)

There's a line in the song キティ saying 日月さえも孤独な天下で絡まって解いてを輪廻する愚者の群れ At first I assumed it was a form of keigo because を is sometimes used as お, or in archaic Japanese, at least I believe, because when ...
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