Questions tagged [modality]

モダリティ. The linguistic expression of the speaker’s psychological attitude towards the verbalized state of affairs or towards the utterance and the communication itself at the time of speech.

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Why is verb (plain, dictionary form) + だろう/でしょう/であろう grammatical?

To my (limited) knowledge, one has to put the nominalizer の/ん between a verb and a copula. However, when I was learning the usage of である, the written, literary copula, I read that であろう can follow a ...
Yeti Ape's user avatar
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What is the difference between べき and べきだ

Are べき and べきだ one and same thing? I found many grammars where べき is defined, but examples with べきだ are provided. 知るべき。 両親には従うべきだ。 Or is だ a copula? But then why do we use a copula in such case?
Starckman's user avatar
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Position of volitional form and scope of かな ending

Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life: この中のいくらかを捨てて、スッキリしてみようかな。 Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed. My translation is a bit silly. 1) Does かな ...
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