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Position of volitional form and scope of かな ending

Referring to throwing away old clothes to improve your life: この中のいくらかを捨てて、スッキリしてみようかな。 Maybe I will throw some of them away and try feeling refreshed. My translation is a bit silly. 1) Does かな ...
user3856370's user avatar
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What is the connection between volitional よう form and であろう

I was wondering, what does the よう form of ある even mean? Does あろう act as volition of the object being spoken about? For example... if someone says 雨が降るでしょう(であろう)... is it the same as "It WILL rain&...
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よかろう - What does it mean? Where does it come from?

This is another question that's come from a 昔話。 We have the following section: 大きい箱と小さい箱がありますが、どちらがいいですか。 どちらも結構じゃが、どうしてもと言うのなら、小さいほうでよかろう。 I'm having trouble with the second sentence. My ...
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