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Questions tagged [internet-slang]

インターネットスラング. Character strings unique to textual domains, including phone based texting. Includes emoticons if they are relevant to Japanese language or usage.

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"とくてい" (or どくてい) meaning "doxxing"? (modern internet lingo)

In Yoru no Kurage wa Oyogenai, everyone is (in my eyes @.@) a bunch of zoomers/gen alpha with brainrot that are trying to become influencers, and use a bunch of unfamiliar new internet slang >.<....
chausies's user avatar
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Is 燃える used as slang for being cancelled online?

I was watching 夜{よる}のクラゲは泳{およ}げない and in one of the lines of dialogue, a former idol (A) talks about why she quit, and the other person (B) asked if she was referring to 燃{も}える as online slang: (A) ...
Loek's user avatar
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What is 家ーーーーー!! supposed to mean here? [FFXIV video game slang]

In an FFXIV music video, they got cheeky and showed a funny hypothetical chat-log during a Raid. I basically understand all of it, except for the "家ーーーーー!!" exclamation in the beginning. ...
chausies's user avatar
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涙活 = "monetizing the tears"?

In Kanojo Okarishimasu (aka Rent-a-Girlfriend) S3E03, a hyperactive zoomer girl (who's also a youtuber) named Yaemori hears MC's situation, and starts crying. Afterwords, she says "泣いた記念に写真撮るっス&...
chausies's user avatar
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"Your mom has an outie" = "son of a bitch" in English?

This might seem ridiculous, but I've now encountered "Your mom has an outie" twice in anime, and both times, it's been translated as "son of a bitch." I just want to know if there'...
chausies's user avatar
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maru = "for real" (or something of the sort)?

In Trails into Reverie, Nadia is an insanely cute girl who talks in a super slangy (gyaru-ish?) fashion. She's obviously in love with her big-brother figure Swin (whom she calls "su-chan"). ...
chausies's user avatar
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How to provide variable text in Japanese?

In my web application, we want to allow users to provide custom text for simple automated messages, in which they can provide variables that will be filled in automatically. To give an example in ...
miyasudokoro's user avatar
10 votes
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What does 凸 mean here?

In Yakuza 6, former idol Haruka is looking at an online article about how, as a surrogate daughter of a yakuza, she was spotted in an orphanage in Okinawa. One of the comments on the article says &...
chausies's user avatar
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How to say "I ship X with Y"? (shipping slang)

If you're not familiar, in fandoms, it's common in English to "ship" characters together (essentially meaning you think they should be in a romantic relationship). I know how Japanese ships ...
chausies's user avatar
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Lolita Complex changed to be ロリヰタコンプレックス in Zetsuen no Tempest?

In Zetsuen no Tempest, a bunch of guys were guessing to reasons why someone (Yoshino) might hide his girlfriend, and writing them on a whiteboard. One of the reasons that came up was that his gf might ...
chausies's user avatar
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Is there a Japanese term that conveys the meaning of "attention whore"?

Just to clarify, an "attention whore" is a noun that can be used to describe a person (usually a woman, in fact, but the term can be used for men as well) that seeks attention, and would do ...
Erundil's user avatar
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犬 spelled as イッヌ イッヌ「ご主人!がんばって!」 In the above dog-related tweet, 犬 seems to be spelled as 'イッヌ' rather than 'イヌ'. Is the presence of 'ッ' a typo or is it a ...
SpikedHelmet's user avatar
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What does ご本家様 means?

I was scrolling twitter and saw this word that I've never seen before. These kanji together do not compose a word that makes sense to me, at least.
Arthur Maciel Batista's user avatar
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Is おたくじじい a proper term to describe an old man who's into anime or is there another slang term for it?

So as the question states, is おたくじじい a proper term to describe an old geezer otaku or is there a better alternative?
Baten's user avatar
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How to read 艶肌 in 艶肌メイク

Question: How is the 艶肌 in 艶肌メイク ("glossy skin make-up") pronounced? Context: An Instagram influencer used 艶肌メイク in one of their posts. Background: I struggle with newly coined Japanese ...
HelloSekai's user avatar
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日本語   これからEKって呼びますねっ!!((ネーミングセンスとは ネットでこれを言われたんですけど、後半のインターネットスラングの意味はよくわからないです。「((」は大丈夫ですが、「とは」というのはどういう意味ですか?書き手の心情は一体何なんですか?自分がネーミングセンスないってこと?それとも僕がネーミングセンスないって? English   これからEKって呼びますねっ!!((...
Eddie Kal's user avatar
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Trying to convey "Confection" or "Sweets" using Japaneese number wordplay

I am trying to convey a meaning using old Japanese numeral wordplay. The idea is to say something similar to the word for Sweets or Confection with up to 3 numbers. My understanding is that this word ...
Dee Lysh's user avatar
8 votes
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How do you pronounce a ッ followed by a ー?

I thought I fully understood katakana, but an old meme confuses me. Here is a nicovideo dictionary entry on it: フタエノキワミ、アッー! If you listen to a video of the English voice actor saying it, it just ...
lukini's user avatar
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Is 笑 more like "LOL" or "haha"?

I know that 笑/草/w are just different ways to type out "haha" or "LOL", but is there a nuance between using which one? In English, "haha" is more casual and laid-back ...
Banon's user avatar
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What is the meaning of putting a word in parentheses at the end of a statement [Internet Speech]?

I'm sorry, I can't think of a better way to title this question, but I took a screenshot of the short Twitter exchange showing what I mean: In case anything goes wrong with the image, here it is in ...
Flash Trance's user avatar
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What does できなさすぎる mean?

So I know that すぎる means too much, like 昨日お酒を飲みすぎた, etc. but when it comes to something like: 何々をすることができなさすぎる Does it mean: 1 - I can't do "this" at all. or 2 - I can't do "this" too much. So ...
Felipe Chaves de Oliveira's user avatar
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Software described as 香ばしい

Upon seeing a particular enterprise software solution XYZ being mentioned, a passing-by IT engineer wrote this: XYZなかなか香ばしい My dictionary only have food-related definitions for this word. What ...
Nicolas Raoul's user avatar
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Meaning of メリ and メリ子

Context: in the manga Dead Tube, a girl is being raped while being filmed. Among the comments on the video, some users wrote メリメリメリメリ and メリ子メリ子. What is the meaning of the two comments? To me it ...
Marco's user avatar
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What does チビバージョンは草 sentence means?

I commented in a Japanese Youtube video of a game. I said not to release it globally because it's just a chibi version of an already released game and they replied to me with チビバージョンは草. And when I ...
Swift Moon's user avatar
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What does the letter 'P' at the end of an author's pseudonym mean?

There are many authors on YouTube and NicoNico whose names end with the letter 'P', for example: 鼻そうめんP, 無力P, etc. What does this 'P' stand for? Why do they all use it?
Zlyuuka's user avatar
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Trying to understand this tweet

Not sure why, but although I'm not bad at understanding japanese, sometimes there are messages like this I cannot understand at all. Could someone help me understand how the overall grammar works here ...
Ushiromiya's user avatar
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How do Japanese people use 🅱️-substitution, if at all?

A common internet meme is to use 🅱️ as a replacement for B's in a word, such as "🅱️oneless" or "trou🅱️le". Sometimes it's additionally done for C's, such as "🅱️o🅱️a 🅱️ola". Is this a thing ever ...
Alex Meiburg's user avatar
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Meaning of 人 in Japanese internet slang

In a page from the Dead Tube manga, a man is being killed during a live video. Some of the viewers comment the scene simply with "人". What is the meaning of this kanji when used in this way? Could its ...
Marco's user avatar
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"星を投げ合う" in the context of the Internet

The link is down right now for non-Japanese users, but the song Social Network(そーしゃるねっとわーく) has these lyrics in it: 好きな時に電源を入れて 誰かの文字列を覗き込む 星を投げ合うだけくらいが心地良い 僕のもうひとつの “部屋” 秘密の場所 It's pretty ...
opti's user avatar
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Meaning of 小動物系

Context: a man reads some online posts after accusing another man of being a pedofile. What is the meaning of 小動物系? Considering the context and the fact that images of young girls came out when I ...
Marco's user avatar
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Abemaの麻雀チャンネルを見ていたら、人のコメントの一部または全部をコピーして、最後に「は草」を付けて送信する人がいました。 例えば、コメント欄がとても盛り上がっていた時に「コメント読みてえのに多すぎて読めねえんだよ だから各自で控えろ」というコメントがありました。 これに対して コメントを控えろは草 と送ってきました。 このようなことをいろんなコメントでずっと繰り返していました。...
By137's user avatar
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「おはつよろ」のいみはなんですか? I was interacting on a chat and after providing greetings, I used hajimemashite and yoroshiku onegaishimasu and I received ohatsuyoro as a response. I was unable to find the word(s) ...
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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What does ^^; mean?

I was reading through this one question on OKWAVE that was asking people what they thought of Japan’s education system. It’s a pretty long read, but it does have interesting parts to it. For instance, ...
Micheal Gignac's user avatar
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Are there trends in Japanese similar to Pig Latin or Martian Chinese?

There are of course multiple individual slang expressions where you use Latin alphabet and numbers such as ww, W, ggrks, wktk, kwsk, etc. However, is there any specific system or argot made just for ...
vesikaivo's user avatar
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Internet vocabulary: Is 落ちる an equivalent of "being AFK"?

Context I saw many times people using 落ちる in a chat followed by 後で. I assumed that the user expressed his intent of temporarily leaving a chat and planned to come back later. Question As the title ...
Al-un's user avatar
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Meaning of 電凸 in suicide context

Context: in a manga, a video of a person filming himself with a smartphone while committing suicide jumping in front of a train has the following title: 早朝にガチの電凸してみた As far as I understood from ...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the meaning of すこ in ほんとすこ?

Seen on the internet. Looking around I see others guessing it might be a different form of 本当っすか for 本当ですか, or maybe すこ for すき. Can anyone confirm? Thanks!
Nick Westgate's user avatar
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Meaning of Japanese slang phrase「モロです」?

Can somebody provide a explanation of the meaning of the term モロ as used in the phrase 「モロです」? I see references describing もろ/モロ as an adverb meaning "completely" or "totally" but that doesn't seem ...
Guest60221023's user avatar
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Are なぬand ぬぬ like slangy/cute ways to say なに?

When I say them out loud, it makes sense like someone in english saying "wuuut" instead of "what?", but that mostly applies to written casual conversation I guess. Anyway is this correct or is it ...
frei's user avatar
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What is the Japanese word for video views on the Internet?

For videos on the Internet like YouTube, which have a specific number of the times they've been viewed by people. What are those views called in Japanese?
omoufu's user avatar
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Pronunciation of「ww」(笑い)

In Japanese internet slang, you see people use「ww」to mean something like "lol". I was curious how this would be pronounced if read aloud. In English, I hear people say either /ɛl oʊ ɛl/ or /lɑl/ for "...
Rose Kunkel's user avatar
-2 votes
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Can the term ちわ be used as slang for こんにちわ?

The term was used in a chat and I can't find the meaning.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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Can こんちゃbe used as a slang form of こんにちわ?

It was a typed response to me after I greeted the person in an email. I am wondering if it is a slang term or if it has a different meaning. Thank you.
Jack Bosma's user avatar
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What's the meaning of "どアップしんどい"?

I found this sentence in a manga and I can't understand what it means. どアップ (or ドアップ) should mean close up, while しんどい means tiring, bothersome, hard etc., but what do they mean when they are put ...
YuriMaker's user avatar
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Using of あたまおかしい in various situation and translation

Recently, I found a joke about CPU Cores/Threads here. I catch attention on the word "あたまおかしい" which in this context is probably: It is crazily/insanely fast. Right? But I have seen many use of "...
Wappenull's user avatar
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what does クソリプ means?

I guess it's a short for クソリプライ which literally means shit reply. But what is "shit reply"? Is it similar to "shitpost"? I don't really understand its meaning along with where and when you would use ...
Eternity Neet's user avatar
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What does ま? mean?

Japanese "ま?"と話している人を見たことがあります。あれっ?と思ったのですが、会話が成立しています。何かの略語だと思いますが、分かりません。もちろん辞書にも載っていません。 ま?の意味は何でしょうか。 English I have seen people who say "ま?" I thought what?, but they were ...
ra1ned's user avatar
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What does 次行ってみよう mean?

I haven't done too, too much in-depth research on this one, but a general search seems to show that this is a joke or a meme. Either way, I'm very interested in knowing a bit more about the context of ...
Pleiades's user avatar
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how should 断面神 be interpreted?

I'm stuck trying to guess what 断面神 might be. Context: Expressing astonishment it's possible to find a place in Tokyo where croissant is about as good as in Paris (while looking at a photograph of ...
jmd's user avatar
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だお (net slang?)

I think I remember some characters in steins;gate ending sentences with お or だお. What does it mean?
Axe's user avatar
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