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About the Potential Form of Verbs 「られる」 [duplicate]

The Potential Form (can) usually is conjugated by replacing whatever verb ending is based on the verb group. However, I noticed that some verbs such as たべられる can also be written as たべれる. What's the ...
Fyreflum's user avatar
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Is it possible to know if a verb is ichidan or godan from its other forms (e.g.: masu form)?

I have bee nreading this article about ichidan and godan verbs, how they are conjugated and how to differentiate them from its plain form (食べる for instance). Is there any rule to infer if a verb is ...
Martel's user avatar
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Why is the potential form of 滑る 滑れる and not 滑られる?

For る-verbs we usually drop る and replace it with られる but I noticed this exception?
BrandonLearnsJapanese's user avatar
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Why is まじる a 五段 verb?

As far as I know all じる verbs are supposed to be 一段. I found an interesting set of rules online: Does the verb end in る? No → 五段 Yes → Does it have an e or i sound before the る? No → 五段 ...
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