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2 answers

〜くはない vs 〜くない in adjective negations

As I spend more time in Japan, I pick up habits that I'm not sure are good or bad. My question here is about nuance / occasion of usage. In formal contexts, how does the impression differ between ...
virmaior's user avatar
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えらかない - strange conjugation of えらい

I understand that えらい is an adjective which means distinguished/famous etc. Then I came across this conversation 「おいらよりマシかぁ、なぁんだ、じゃあえらいなぁ。」 「別にえらかァないよ...」 "Preferable to me!? What! Well, I'm ...
user3856370's user avatar
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Why is there sometimes a は used in conjugated, negative, formal i-adjectives? [duplicate]

A few times now, I have seen a negative i-adjective with a は in between the く and the ありません. I have seen it usually present when it is a response to a question. Like the example below. いいえ、車は赤くはありません。...
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